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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 纽约时报今天说, 检查官认为梁警官没有前科, 对社会没有威胁,会寻求监外刑期:"Prosecutor Won’t Seek Prison for Peter Liang, Ex-Officer Convicted in Killing" +2

    The Brooklyn district attorney’s office announced on Wednesday that it would not seek prison time for the former New York City police officer convicted last month in the fatal shooting of a young man in a Brooklyn housing project.

    In a statement noting that the case was about “justice and not about revenge,” the district attorney, Ken Thompson, recommended that the officer, Peter Liang, receive five years of probation, including six months of home confinement, when he faces sentencing next month.
    • Peter Liang有没有上诉,还是就这么认了?
    • 这应该是个好消息吧?华人上街还是起作用了吧。 +4
      • 司法独立。别用中国的"民意"套这边的法律
        • 司法走司法的,民意搞民意的,互不矛盾,都好。 +2
          • 司法是赛场奔跑的运动员,民意是场外摇旗呐喊的啦啦队,这样的比赛才有劲。啦啦队太重要啦。 +1
            • 民意啥的主要是引起大众的关注,对司法判决没有也不应该有影响。我记忆中美国有过因案件被媒体过度报道干扰司法公正而导致最高法院推翻判决的案例
              • 不管被推翻是好事还是坏事,你举的例子恰恰说明民意对司法有作用力。通过民意推翻不公正的判决,是好事。
        • 赞高端洋气上档次LOL。自己上网查查再开口也不迟:From 'Making a Murderer' to 'JFK': 11 Movies and TV Shows That Caused Change ,这还仅只是电影,电视节目对案件发展的影响。
          • 哦,发动洛杉矶骚乱的那些黑人们表示亚历山大吖。很佩服你经常性的拿野史当史料参考的执着
            • 一个毫无根据的“野史”就否认了客观事实,这是野蛮的态度,还“经常性”,更野蛮!客观事实是:现代社会里,无孔不入的报纸,电台,电视,网络对某一具体案件的高强度报道,对公诉人,被告,被告律师,陪审团,证人,警察等等,都有不可避免的影响。
              The media wields tremendous influence in our society. Newspapers, radio, television, and new media not only spread information, but also help to determine what topics and stories people talk about. Many crimes receive extensive media coverage, which provides a challenge for prosecutors, as well as defendants and defense attorneys, when it comes to trying a case. Juries are supposed to be unbiased when deciding a case, despite the news coverage they may have come across before trial. Police officers involved in criminal cases may become entangled with the media in the process of providing information about a case. Media coverage of a trial, especially television cameras in the courtroom, can affect the behavior of witnesses and jurors.
            • Publicity in the Aileen Wuornos Case
              Publicity in the Aileen Wuornos Case

              The media branded Aileen Wuornos as the first female serial killer in U.S. history, and turned this theme into the centerpiece of her trial coverage. Prosecutors jumped on this notion in making their case and trying to prove how dangerous she was. Television and tabloid coverage that made her out to be a “man-hating murderer” helped sway public opinion against her. The sex-role stereotypes constructed by the media allowed the prosecution to build its case around the fact that women typically do not commit violent crime, especially against strangers, making it easier for a jury to decide against her. (Keitner, Victim or Vamp, 2002)
        • 你和陳果仁去说司法独立吧。
          • 这位童鞋,咱们整明白啥叫司法独立再谈其他的,成不
      • 当然。。。以后要更多的争取自己的权益
        • 对头,要出声,不出声没人理会的。
          • 不出声就是没意见。。。洋人就是这么呆。。。
            • 说得太对了,这就是这里的思维方式和文化特色。
              • 在公司上班也是,领导不主动给涨工资,如果你自己不去主动要求review,人家就认为你满意工资,那还长个什么啊。。。
      • 可惜没能来点硬的,否则效果更好
        • 怪你呀,约你去砸ATM,连个鬼影都没见 :(
          • 是可惜啊,但最后就咱两个人的话,那还是省省吧?要怪也怪咱这煽动水平,忙活了半天也是白干。这功夫没那么简单,想要做到法不责众的打砸抢,还需继续努力才行.....
        • 建议你把你决意打砸抢的想法写成英文发表一下,应该也有震摄对方的作用。你完全可以以笔代为武器,说不定真比和平游行有用,到时候一提你的大名(得起个响当当的笔名),对方闻风丧胆。说不定你的这支笔会比一杆枪还有杀伤力。光在这哀叹,还真是一点用也没有。
          • 这写了也是白写,你说对吧?重温一下马列主义毛泽东思想里关于小资产阶级的论述,小资产阶级在100多年前的情况和今天差不到哪里去,主力能来硬的都是靠无产阶级。可你看这上大街的都是中年中产的,最接近无产的年轻人却没几个,你说咱还穷忙活啥呢?
            • 所以就指望这你这个硬角儿赶快露一手啊。那些游行的人没你行,我这种支持游行的人没你行,你行你就赶快上呀。写个英文的战斗文章对你来说应该不难吧。
              • 问题是写了也没效果,年轻的第二代无产者中文斗大的字不认一个,咱英文写出来水平更让人见笑,翻译又不能传神达意,这如何是好?
                • 啥都没干呢就说自己不行,咋说你呢。
                  • 有斗志那是没问题的,可总要承认现实吧?咱没有无产者可以动员,而且加拿大这里更没的搞,要是身在美国可能还好说一些
                    • 你难道不是那个斗士?竟然还比不上那些“只敢”上街游行的华人,不会吧?
    • 有点激动,有点感动,还有点自豪,为身为华人。要想为自己争取利益,要做的第一件事就是~放下面子,别去在乎别人怎么说你。脸皮太薄,什么好事也捞不到。要主动张嘴去要,伸手去拿,不违法,不违规的。 +9
      • 团结就是力量~~ +5
        • LOL
          • 有人欺负你,我会冲上去~~
            • 熊抱!!!!
              • hughughug!!!
      • 高大上的洋人之地从来不是礼仪之邦。
      • 这是必须要学会的,算是个生存技能吧