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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Matrimonial Homes

The family home is a special place. It is where you live and where your children feel most comfortable. If you own your home, it may be the most valuable thing you own.

If you are married, both of you have an equal right to stay in your home unless a judge decides that one of you must move out.

Since both of you have a right to stay in your home, neither of you can sublet it, rent it, sell it or mortgage it without the other’s permission. This is true even if your lease is in only one of your names or if only one of you owns the home.

When you separate, both of you may want to stay in the family home. If you cannot agree on who should stay in the family home, you can use lawyers, a mediator or an arbitrator to help you decide, or you may have to go to court to have the judge decide. An order or agreement for exclusive possession allows one spouse to use it, but not the other.

It may be that, after the separation, neither of you will be able to afford to stay in your home.

If you have children, the person who has custody of the children will most often be the one who stays in the family home with the children. This helps children adjust to their new family situation in a place and neighbourhood that they already know.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 请问离婚程序,如果对方不肯离单方提出的话,不需要赡养费孩子扶养费,房产怎么分?能先离了再谈房产分割么?多谢。
    • 离婚只需要一人同意;家庭用婚房一人一半;可以先离再分财产,这样做的必要是什么? +1
      • LZ 在气头上。
        • 不是的,很多年了。
      • 多谢回复。对方不肯协商,一直拖着没法离.. 就是说财产分割不必然是离婚程序的一部分? +1
        • 协商不了就只能上庭解决,法院的判决谁也无法抗拒,等到痛够了就知道互相妥协了。离婚是谁也无法阻拦的,财产可以一起做,节约上庭时间;也可以分开做;迟早要面对的事情,建议一起做。
          • 还有,离婚申请书需要找律师或去family court一起签字么?对方不去呢?
            • 你单方面申请,又不是joint application,不需要对方签字,对方不需要去;不要找商业律师,去法院前台/值班律师面前签字,一切免费。
              • 那申请文件传给对方,对方做什么?签字寄回?
                • 好像有一年的分居事实,就好。
                  • 楼主的争议不是解除婚姻关系,而是财产纠纷
                • 对方可以什么都不管,视为不反对,对你最好,法院会按照你的申请处理;如果对方反对,将serve form10给你和法院,然后走case conference,你们双方提交各自证据,在法庭辩护。
        • 最好协商吧,本来还有点情分,不要最后折腾成仇人,律师的刀子也大片割肉
          • 离婚、上庭不一定需要律师
          • 对方不愿谈。我也劝他“大家都有很好的收入,
            如果离婚case签完字,下一步怎么谈分房产呢,这是我们唯一需要协商分割的东西。孩子joint custody,跟我住,对方随时探视。我打算继续让孩子上私校,所以希望平均分房产,不然也无所谓了
            • 房产不一人一半吗?以前葱哥说过
              • 很复杂。婚房和投资房可能不一样,涉及到婚内财产增值。
                • 婚房应该都是平分吧?我的意思是,如果不是有经济需要,我也不纠缠它了,自己再买或租个小公寓。其实我们有两套房,一套他的父母亲戚住。我对钱财一向不上心。
                  • 婚房平分。FYI
                    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Matrimonial Homes

                    The family home is a special place. It is where you live and where your children feel most comfortable. If you own your home, it may be the most valuable thing you own.

                    If you are married, both of you have an equal right to stay in your home unless a judge decides that one of you must move out.

                    Since both of you have a right to stay in your home, neither of you can sublet it, rent it, sell it or mortgage it without the other’s permission. This is true even if your lease is in only one of your names or if only one of you owns the home.

                    When you separate, both of you may want to stay in the family home. If you cannot agree on who should stay in the family home, you can use lawyers, a mediator or an arbitrator to help you decide, or you may have to go to court to have the judge decide. An order or agreement for exclusive possession allows one spouse to use it, but not the other.

                    It may be that, after the separation, neither of you will be able to afford to stay in your home.

                    If you have children, the person who has custody of the children will most often be the one who stays in the family home with the children. This helps children adjust to their new family situation in a place and neighbourhood that they already know.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 孩子大学毕业之前,对方需要支付child support。joint custody指双方对孩子重大决定的共同监护,但跟你住(physical custody),对方要支付child support,否则法院可能不答应。
      • 这样事去问律师。 曾经有被搬运工搬过来后来这里问怎么离婚的。 +1
        • 律师通常会描述找他们如何美好,然后把客户当作提款机。楼主和搬运工有什么关系? +2
          • 没有人知道有没有关系,你知道? +1
          • 无关。我申请的出国 +1
            • 如果已经离婚几年,房子是一人名下,另一方有木有权力去法庭要求对半分房产,如果房子在这期间卖掉了,怎么办?
              • 离婚(好像)3年内追溯财产纠纷。房子卖掉,可以折算成$$$
    • Did you submit the form and how long it takes to get the thing done? thanks.