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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

撞车事故后多久可以从保险公司(JOHNSON-〉UNIFUND)得到REPORT?预交了1000的费用,不知道能否取回? There are two left turn lanes,

one going straight lane, one right turn lanes before the intersection of XXX & YYY。When our car was ALREADY on the left turn lane at XXX Dr., the other part on the straight lane suddenly tried to merge to the left turn lane without shoulder check or blind spot check, or any signal. So that our right front door was hit by the other party’s left front head(above left front wheel) and our right rear door was scratched. The problem is that our car enters into the left lane a little earlier, the other car is on the straight lane waiting for red light. Whose fault?

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 撞车事故后多久可以从保险公司(JOHNSON-〉UNIFUND)得到REPORT?预交了1000的费用,不知道能否取回? There are two left turn lanes,
    one going straight lane, one right turn lanes before the intersection of XXX & YYY。When our car was ALREADY on the left turn lane at XXX Dr., the other part on the straight lane suddenly tried to merge to the left turn lane without shoulder check or blind spot check, or any signal. So that our right front door was hit by the other party’s left front head(above left front wheel) and our right rear door was scratched. The problem is that our car enters into the left lane a little earlier, the other car is on the straight lane waiting for red light. Whose fault?
    • report应该警察提供吧,应该是变线的错
    • 对方的错。损失不小,警察应该到场了吧? 事故中心没给报告吗? 保险公司不管出报告的事情,相反,他们要看报告。 +1
    • 事后去了警察局,没有出报告说谁的错,仅给了一个CLAIM #。
      让自己和自己的保险公司谈。问题是事故已经一个月了,车也修了(4500)。我付了1000的DEDUCTIBLE。如果不是我的错,保险公司应该CLOSE THIS CASE。返还我DEDUCTIBLE。发了3次邮件没回。CALL了一次告诉我给对方留了言,对方还没回。马上要FOLLOWUP。。。
      • 下次早点上来问问, +1
        保险公司你要主动盯着进度和询问调查结果的。否则,保险公司的调查员未必认定你没错,尤其是对方如果能说会道的话,因为一般来说你有错保险公司明年才能涨你保险(at fault claim), 在加拿大,别自动就认为事态会象利于你的方向发展,起码主动跟随一下没有坏处。
      • 应该拍些照,希望没下次了,只有留现场的证据或目击者才有意义,都开车去事故中心了,当然不会有对错的判断,因为都离开事故现场了。
        • 还有,多练练防御开车,当你的车行至任何一个位置,只问自己一个问题,如果突然一个傻X冲出来或挤进来,我还有没有机会,如果你发现毫无办法,那你离真正的防御性开车还差很远。 你当时肯定没预见到它要挤进来,下次要预防。
    • 你上面这个应该肯定不是客观的事故报告,
      你的车如果完全不动,它怎么撞了你前门又刮伤后门,这说明当时两车都可能在移动,所以对方是有可能以你在黄线前快速挤进变线道(或其他理由)为强词夺理死争。 按说在保险公司没有得出结论前是不会修车的呀,你当时问了没有,你这个是不是没有责任的claim (not at fault claim) ?
      • 那是我写给保险公司的。警察没有出报告。
    • Finally, get my $1000 deductible back!!!