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I am here not showing off. Currently I am in the city of Wuhu,

Anhui in China, witness all kind of stupid driving habit here. There is only 10 km from hotel to work, but seeing accident every second day,
Taxi driver drives cross over two link riding on the white divider line.
Driver never yield to pedestrian,
Turning right from a side street never stop and check. just drive right into the main road. Do not care the sped of other car on main road.
Merge (Chang lane) into other line even there is only a tiny gap.
Blowing horn for no reason
All this driving habit does it ring the ball to you
Every driver feel like he is the KING of the road, never considering other road user.
I have been living in Toronto, Kitchener, Waterloo, Guelph, Mississauga area for 35 year, used to the Ontarian driving, but not in China.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 车祸,
    昨天开车,与前车大概保持有十米的车距,车速应该在50KM/H 左右,我准备换右线,在看盲点时,前面车突然刹车,我转过头来时已来不及反应,撞到前面的车,导致共四辆车受到碰击, 无人员伤亡。警察给我开了个不小心驾驶的罚单,扣了六个点。
    • 貌似摊上大事了。。车距保持不够啊,这个全责跑不掉的。只能尽量减罚款减点了。 +5
      • 那是选择第三项go to trail, 在trail前和检控官商量? 还是直接选择第二项?
        • 你这种没啥争议的Case, 选2和选3 我觉得最终结果区别不大。 +1
        • Typo: trial not trail
    • 全责是肯定的。。不过见presecutor的时候好好说说第一次的话应该会从轻发落的。。看盲点后景是要考虑前面车刹车的情况的啊,要不离远点,要不看的非常快。。 +2
      • 谢谢, 是选第二项还是第三项?
    • 我们都一致认为警察执法正确。不信你上庭试一试看? +13
    • 这个应该不冤吧 因看盲点导致的追尾 不也是追尾吗……不过后面车又追了你的尾不能也算你的责任吧 +2
    • 哎呀,偷着乐吧,前车才冤枉呢,要是在高速上你也这么来一下,人家可能命都丢了。 你开车很明显问题很大,首先是跟车距离不够,其次看盲点不用这么长时间吧。侧头一瞥或象我这样的我随时知道左边或右边有没有车。 给你6点是应该的,赶快总结经验和提高技术 +3
      • 当然,很多车祸只在两个驾驶员都犯愚蠢的错误时才发生的。我要是前车驾驶员,肯定知道屁股上顶着个开车的,我会自然的拉开和我前车的距离,或安全的时候赶快让开。防御性开车的技能太重要了,因为路上现在疯子和傻子越来越多了。
      • 很好奇,被追尾的话,怎么会连命都丢掉。似乎感觉应该是后车驾驶员风险更大啊
    • 100%是你不小心驾驶 没有任何可以争辩的 上庭只能赌警察没到 不如认罪请求减少罚款扣分 +2
      • 挺怕楼主这种开车的,听他的描述,前面四车都受冲击,如果真是它追尾推过去的,可见撞击之大,50公里而且楼主说还10米,能产生这样的现象,楼主开车有巨大的问题,请赶快提高技术,否则下次不一定这么幸运了。 +2
        • 俺曾经在车行遇到一个男司机,他后坐还有孩子,开车看盲点过长导致追尾,车头撞烂了被拖到修车行。他老婆从家里赶到,倒是没有抱怨,说他出过几次事故了。
      • 6年车祸的保险公司记录逃不掉了吧,打掉ticket有多大意义? +1
        • 如果打掉ticket就没有坏记录了 不过实在想不出来怎么能打掉
          • 就算交通部没有ticket记录,但保险公司的车祸记录逃不掉
            • 如果他能打掉票 保险公司就不用承担责任
              • 那不可能。假如警察没去court,ticket打掉了。但是保险公司依然有claim记录,车终归要修。 +3
              • claim记录一定有的了,打不掉ticket的話就claim记录+claim记录
              • 涨保险是根据保险公司自己的责任判定。你即使赢了法庭也无法赢保险公司。照涨不误。因为保险公司花了钱修车,总要有人买单的。你不买谁买?
    • 看个盲点都会追尾。。。我家车被人追尾过,整车报废,后座还坐着老人小孩,吓得要死。你觉得你冤,被你撞的人呢,经济损失不说,没受伤就万幸了。 +13
    • 这时候就需要车要够智能,可以自己刹停
      • 这个应该是车子的发展方向
    • 50公里,离前车10米,也不算跟车太近了,我经常看一些人是顶着前车屁股走的,可能楼主看盲点的时间长了点。楼主可以找个高票专家咨询一下,声明不扣点才给钱。
      • 这是开车水平问题
      • 50km/hr=13.8888m/second 10m 1秒不到,要有2-3秒时间来反应。 +1
    • 这要多强大的内心才能做到理直气壮地上来说不是自己的责任? +9
      • Good point!
    • 当然是选3,开庭时警察/捡控官会给你换成更轻的罪名,比如跟车太近。注意收到上庭通知后要马上要disclosure。上网搜一下有很多资料。 +2
    • 你不认为不是你不小心驾驶,事情发生总有个原因,你认为谁不小心驾驶? +1
      • 好绕啊,看明白可不容易
    • Did you slow down? 50KM/H to make lane change? when change lane, 1: slow down, 2: check blind spot, 3:singaling, 4:Change lane slowly, it seems you did not slow down, just want to change lane on the fly!
      • 看见两个“slow down",你这样开车也是不行的,回去查handbook吧 +4
      • 5. use full brake after lane change complete.
        • 你是要后车追你的尾吗?full brake?????????
      • Don't care who is right or wrong,, 35 years of driving experience. $650 CDN a year full coverage insurance. every car driven over 13 years retired in one piece.
        • 有道理。请教一下,您换线从来不加过速吗?
          • 同样很好奇,我猜此君slow down然后其它车都忍无可忍纷纷超速变线走光了然后此君从容换线。
            • 我总结了一下,就是如果你前方近距离无车(所在车道和打算换入车道),可以继续踩着油门。如果近距离有车,至少脚别踏在油门上吧,保险点应该悬在刹车上,万一车距变近,可以一脚刹下去。 +1
        • Driving habit is different from person to person. I would not said my opinion is correct. Driving a car like holding a killing weapon,
          you may kill/hurt some body or you get kill. you can go fast, But how fast you can go? and how far you can go? in fact 短短的几秒钟快感 is it worth?
          看风驶(哩) ,The most important thing is to keep safety in mind, If some thing gone wrong, Who going to pay for it? safety 1st.
          • +100, 手一握方向盘,就应该保持应有的警觉。星期日,在toronto outlet mall走steels回来的路上,居然有个老印,把左转线当超车线,超车,人渣!! +1
        • 每天开2-5公里,也是开了35年。。。您得说您开了多少公里。
          • Tell you more,
            my car is 2013 hyundai elantra .Purchased in 2012 /June, up to 2015 July, have 279.000 km on it.. I am Automation system designer home to work and back home 25 km every day, but part time job 100 km every night as a Chinese food delivery. makes good money man, one year all paid up. but too f u x king bad I did not drive it in 2015 to 2016, because I am in Anhui Wuhu right now, one whole year doing technical support for Cherry's partner Magna division. you may ask how can I go online to Rolia it is block ?? right? I am staying in Crown Plaza hotel web is wide open. Whoever is from Wuhu can tell you.......
      • I am here not showing off. Currently I am in the city of Wuhu,
        Anhui in China, witness all kind of stupid driving habit here. There is only 10 km from hotel to work, but seeing accident every second day,
        Taxi driver drives cross over two link riding on the white divider line.
        Driver never yield to pedestrian,
        Turning right from a side street never stop and check. just drive right into the main road. Do not care the sped of other car on main road.
        Merge (Chang lane) into other line even there is only a tiny gap.
        Blowing horn for no reason
        All this driving habit does it ring the ball to you
        Every driver feel like he is the KING of the road, never considering other road user.
        I have been living in Toronto, Kitchener, Waterloo, Guelph, Mississauga area for 35 year, used to the Ontarian driving, but not in China.
    • 你这种开车水平,攒银子换高级一点的新车,都带各种sensors, 有盲点警告,以后不用看盲点了。
      • I am a automated production system designer in a auto industries, I don't trust those sensors. +1
    • 有防撞系统就不会追尾了,如Subaru 的EyeSight,据测评机构说不关掉没法做碰撞测试
      • Honda pilot 2016款是有的,不过自己也不敢测试这个功能是否真得有用。