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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Keep Calm and Chive On

when we say Chive On, it means we support our Troops and all First Responders. It's about working hard and playing harder. It's about paying it forward through Random Acs of Kindness. It's about coming through for the Chive Charities and supporting one another through humor and optimism. It's about not giving a fuck while giving the most fucks. We know how to tell a joke and how to take one. We're note legion, we're LEGEND. We don't wear masks, we wear the best tee's to ever be sold. Oh, and it's just a website with a shit-ton of entertaining pictures and videos; mostly boobs, bacon, adorable cats and Bill Fucking Murray.

网上找的. 我也似懂非懂

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / Pay Forward +1
    话说今天俺路过 OHIO 大能村。停在 SERVICE PLAZA,困得不行,呼呼就 NAP 过去了。

    醒了之后,SURE ENOUGH,电池的电被用光了。

    问这个问那个,都说没有。抱着最后一线试试看的想法,问了个高黑壮汉: You don't happen to have a jumper cable, do you? 黑汉说:Yes, I do.

    黑汉开个大大 PICK UP TRUCK。把电池连上,CHARGE 了几分钟,把俺车打着。拆了 JUMPER CABLE,要给他 5 刀,说是请喝杯咖啡,他说啥也不要。只是说:Help somebody else later.

    不久,开到 TOLL BOOTH,和收银员聊。收银员告诉我,这叫 PAY FORWARD。
    • 黑大个赶脚很窘迫。
      • 楼上的,如果他没熄火我想不可能造成汽车没电。 +1
      • :)黑大个说我倒贴你5块放了我把 :)。 我车里也常备一个cable,一个油桶,上周在warden/steels palaza里的千家百货看到一个抽油器, ¥1.5, 赶紧买了一个。
    • 这很正常吧 我有回在路边停车打电话就没电了 招半天手就一黑人兄弟特意掉头回来帮我打着 还一次在太古广场车里听歌没电了 一华裔帮我打着火的 也死活不收钱 两次后我立马买了cable常备车里 也帮助好几个人打着火过 让世界充满爱嘛 +1
    • 我很正常,经常看到有人把$20刀放在别人挡风玻璃上,只因为他车上有个KCCO Sticker。
      • 这个KCCO sticker没看懂,能解释一下吗?
        • Keep Calm and Chive On
          when we say Chive On, it means we support our Troops and all First Responders. It's about working hard and playing harder. It's about paying it forward through Random Acs of Kindness. It's about coming through for the Chive Charities and supporting one another through humor and optimism. It's about not giving a fuck while giving the most fucks. We know how to tell a joke and how to take one. We're note legion, we're LEGEND. We don't wear masks, we wear the best tee's to ever be sold. Oh, and it's just a website with a shit-ton of entertaining pictures and videos; mostly boobs, bacon, adorable cats and Bill Fucking Murray.

          网上找的. 我也似懂非懂
    • 这叫RAKed---Random Act Kindness!
      • 才给人家5块钱, +1
        • 这种事情都是不必给钱的,都是谢谢就行, 同样,你帮别人也不要钱
    • 不懂,给科普一下,为什么你呼呼一下,醒来就没电了呢。。。
      • 开空调睡觉
        • 那车应该是启动状态,不会没电啊,,我一直这样睡觉的。。。
      • 大灯开着,钥匙还在钥匙孔里。灯一直开着。这车借别人开了很久,才还回来,电池状况也不清楚。
        • 所以,你没启动引擎?没想到灯会那么费电,下次我也小心。。
          • 电池估计也该换了。
            • 电池到了不能用再换,,我上次被人糊弄提早换,给我安排的人觉得特奇怪,啥事儿都没有,干嘛要换。。。
            • 基本上大灯20-30分钟就把电耗光了。拔下钥匙大灯自动熄灭。