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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Nortel to cut 10,000 more jobs

TORONTO (CP) - Nortel Networks is cutting 10,000 more jobs, issuing a profit warning and writing down assets to the tune of $12.3 billion (U.S.).
The tarnished star of Canada's high-tech industry also forecast today a net loss of about $19.2 billion (U.S.) in the second quarter and said it will discontinued common share dividend payments.
''Led by the United States, the global telecom industry is undergoing a significant adjustment,'' outgoing chief executive John Roth said in a release.
''After several years of capital expansion exceeding the pace of business performance, the capital markets have significantly reduced the flow of funds to service providers.''
Nortel's latest job cuts bring the total to 30,000 this year as the telecom equipment maker, based in Brampton, Ont., feels the impact of a sharp slowdown in the telecommunications industry.
On the Toronto stock market, Nortel shares are at 2-year low after losing more than $330 billion in market value in 11 months.
Watch thestar.com for more on this breaking story.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 哈哈,Notel又再裁人一万!`
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Nortel to cut 10,000 more jobs

    TORONTO (CP) - Nortel Networks is cutting 10,000 more jobs, issuing a profit warning and writing down assets to the tune of $12.3 billion (U.S.).
    The tarnished star of Canada's high-tech industry also forecast today a net loss of about $19.2 billion (U.S.) in the second quarter and said it will discontinued common share dividend payments.
    ''Led by the United States, the global telecom industry is undergoing a significant adjustment,'' outgoing chief executive John Roth said in a release.
    ''After several years of capital expansion exceeding the pace of business performance, the capital markets have significantly reduced the flow of funds to service providers.''
    Nortel's latest job cuts bring the total to 30,000 this year as the telecom equipment maker, based in Brampton, Ont., feels the impact of a sharp slowdown in the telecommunications industry.
    On the Toronto stock market, Nortel shares are at 2-year low after losing more than $330 billion in market value in 11 months.
    Watch thestar.com for more on this breaking story.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 唉~~~~~~不好呀不好。
    • So Nortel has cut off like 2/3 of its total employee? 35000 People had been laid off? thing's going insane.
    • Cuz Nortel is an american company
      NorthAmerican companies care more about the company's profits other than their employees' future...European companies care more about their employees' future....Nortel did the same thing in China ShunDe 6 years ago...So It's their strategy...Cruel One though
    • 这消息确实吗?今天多伦多星报为什么会没有这个报道呢?
      • 俺是在http://www.thestar.com/上拷贝的,不信自己看。 “下吧!下吧!下他七七四十九天才好哪!”
        • 请问知道裁哪方面的人吗?
          • 这儿真还有Nortel的人?抱歉,这事儿俺就不知道了。 俺是局外人,看了报纸来起哄的阶级敌人,想吓唬吓唬新移民或准移民们。 现在是bail out of Canada的时候了。 对了,考考大家,上贴那句阶级敌人的台词是什么电影里的? 三十岁以下的新人类肯定答不出来。
            • 忘了是一部70年代的电影,对白很有名,狗地主在人家防洪的时候在一边诅咒!
              • 战洪图
                • 说话的人叫什么名字?
                  • 弯弯绕?
                  • 滚刀肉?
                    • 那扯到金光大道去了
                  • 都不是, 是我
                  • 那人叫做“王冒”
                    • 那钱广是 from QingSongLing?
                    • 这个好像对。
            • 龙江颂
              • 龙江颂是抗旱,战洪图是抗涝,不要搞错。
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛现代京剧《龙江颂》
                第一场 承担重任



                着公字闸的江堤上有撊嗣窆更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                • second half
                  本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛第六场 出外支援



                  茵。路旁是江水英的住宅。门上贴着对联:撎更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • dont believe? see this
      • And this: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nf/20010615/tc/11275_1.html
    • True! I'll plan to go back China if I'll be laid-off. Now Telecom market has crashed due to the DOT COM bubble broken.
      • Good idea!
      • 中国也开始裁人了, 跟北美学的60分钟走人. 你回去能找到工作吗?
        • are you kidding?
          • 你怎么这么盲目? 到新浪网去读读裁员的消息吧
            国内的行情不容乐观, 行家说泡沫反应会比北美晚半年, 现在已经开始了. 新浪裁员是从美国请的专家指导的, 学北美的样子, 60分钟搞定, 办公室瞬时间空了一大半.
            • 个别企业总是在裁,总体上IT还是好找的嘛,不要混淆视听!
        • 是啊,现在国内的形势也这样,独资企业也开始裁人了。我一朋友原在澳大利亚航空公司做首席,现在可好整家公司关门,因为公司在中国不赚钱。
    • Sign, I bet they would get a good compensation plan.
    • Goooooood !I will buy NT stock until it hit 10$ a share
      • Now it's already below 10 !
    • JDSU will do the same things again!
    • 真是太令人震惊和困惑的消息了。NT的CEO应该立刻引咎辞职。虽然几乎所有的公司都受到冲击,可是象酱紫猛砍得还比较少吧?尤其是和NT同级别的著名公司。半年就砍掉1/3的员工?!
      • Workers lose jobs, bosses get millions dolloar of bonus. That's the reality of capitalist system. Suffering without end!!!
        As new immigrants you may not know, North Americans have suffered declining quility of life long enough. Stable jobs are all lost to computers and lower wage Asian countries, China in particularly. People have to rely on debts to survive. Do you think this kind of economy will last long? How can they not suffer, and new immigrants will suffer more.
      • Roth is a hooligan and never consider his employees. My VP, 30 yrs service in Nortel, was cut in last round layoff because he disagree cutting 30% people. Last year he sold his lot of NT stock and more than 100M.
    • 现在买nortel的股票, 吃长线, 保守估计能赚 50%, 现在nortel股票9 US$
      • 大企业最后破产的也有,比如王安,CA的王佳廉现在也有麻烦了!
        • 但nortel的情况不同, Global & mail 上说主要原因是它去年扩张太迅速, 现在大环境又不好,再有这次赢利预警是因为还去年扩张的钱所至...
          • 我有朋友在NORTEL,内部管理混乱是明显的,就是不知道别的公司怎么样?
            • LUCENT内部一样管理混乱!不倒才怪。
            • 没几个能管好的, 就看他们猛招, 猛裁, 一群废物
            • Most large companies are similar.
              At first, it looks very low efficient. They run by policy and have to sacrifice some efficientcy. Small companies are another story. IBM is good this time because it dominate the market of Bank,government and defence. Actually IBM, Lucent,Xerox etc complete most technolgy innovations and inventions. They contribute for whole society.
    • CBC and global 报道了,情况属实
      • 恐怖!失业好恐怖!
    • John, The CEO of NT earned 70 million last year. How can a company fee such a stuip PIG.