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Nursing Programs in Ontario

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Lakehead University Baccalaureate 955 Oliver Road Thunder Bay ONTRARIO P7B 5E1 http://www.lakeheadu.ca
Laurentian University Baccalaureate Ramsey Lake Road Sudbury ONTRARIO P3E 2C6 http://www.laurentian.ca
McMaster University Baccalaureate Masters Doctoral 1200 Main Street W Hamilton ONTRARIO L8N 3Z5 http://www.fhs.mcmaster.ca/nursing/
Ontario Hospital Association 200 Front Street West
Suite 2800 Toronto ONTRARIO M5V 3L1 http://www.oha.com
Queen's University Baccalaureate Masters 90 Barrie Street Kingston ONTRARIO K7L 3N6 http://meds-ss10.meds.queensu.ca/nursing/
Ryerson Polytechnical Institute Baccalaureate 350 Victoria Street Toronto ONTRARIO M5B 2K3 http://www.ryerson.ca
University of Ottawa Baccalaureate, Masters Health Sciences Centre
451 Smyth Road
Room 2031 Ottawa ONTRARIO K1H 8M5 http://www.health.uottawa.ca/nu/
University of Toronto Baccalaureate, Masters, Doctoral 50 St. George Street Toronto ONTRARIO M5S 1A1 http://www.nursing.utoronto.ca/
University of Western Ontario Baccalaureate Masters 1151 Richmond Street London ONTRARIO N6A 5C1 http://www.uwo.ca/fhs/index2.html
University of Windsor Baccalaureate Masters 401 Sunset Avenue Windsor ONTRARIO N9B 3P4 http://www.uwindsor.ca/nursing/更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 近几天老在想一个问题,既然北美护士奇缺,
    工资高,为什么北美的MM和移民过去的MM不选这一行纳? 我知道克林顿的母亲40岁时接受了几个月的培训,考了注册护士. 国内过去的MM考个护士难道不比读MBA或者什么Computer强吗?
    • 这边护士可累着呢!不过工资还是很高(25UP/HOUR)。但是好象不是那么容易,特别是语言关恐怕比较难过。
      • 最累也累不过打Labour工吧! 比在餐馆 ,工厂流水线上上班强吧!
        • 比做LABOUR应该累吧。精神上压力大,而且这边的护士什么都要管,不象国内作威作福的。
          • 国内的护士倒说不上做威做福。但确实这的护士比较累,因为她还必须做病人的心理护理,教育计划等等,对语言的要求很高。
            • 那边的护士倒底有多辛苦呢?一周需要工作多少个小时?
      • what is the requirment for enrolment to nursing college. tofel or ..
        i have searched many website and seems that local high shool certificate required. is that true.
        • 具体我也不清楚,Toelf是肯定.不要入学条件应该很低.我打算让老婆过去进college学学,她在国内作了10年的护士,可惜英语太差.
          • 我在国内是医生,到加拿大后是否能成为护士呢?如果可以,有什麽途径呢?
            • 首先你最好是女的,上College接受培训,通过注册护士考试,具体情况可向学校索取资料!
              • Nursing Programs in Ontario
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Lakehead University Baccalaureate 955 Oliver Road Thunder Bay ONTRARIO P7B 5E1 http://www.lakeheadu.ca
                Laurentian University Baccalaureate Ramsey Lake Road Sudbury ONTRARIO P3E 2C6 http://www.laurentian.ca
                McMaster University Baccalaureate Masters Doctoral 1200 Main Street W Hamilton ONTRARIO L8N 3Z5 http://www.fhs.mcmaster.ca/nursing/
                Ontario Hospital Association 200 Front Street West
                Suite 2800 Toronto ONTRARIO M5V 3L1 http://www.oha.com
                Queen's University Baccalaureate Masters 90 Barrie Street Kingston ONTRARIO K7L 3N6 http://meds-ss10.meds.queensu.ca/nursing/
                Ryerson Polytechnical Institute Baccalaureate 350 Victoria Street Toronto ONTRARIO M5B 2K3 http://www.ryerson.ca
                University of Ottawa Baccalaureate, Masters Health Sciences Centre
                451 Smyth Road
                Room 2031 Ottawa ONTRARIO K1H 8M5 http://www.health.uottawa.ca/nu/
                University of Toronto Baccalaureate, Masters, Doctoral 50 St. George Street Toronto ONTRARIO M5S 1A1 http://www.nursing.utoronto.ca/
                University of Western Ontario Baccalaureate Masters 1151 Richmond Street London ONTRARIO N6A 5C1 http://www.uwo.ca/fhs/index2.html
                University of Windsor Baccalaureate Masters 401 Sunset Avenue Windsor ONTRARIO N9B 3P4 http://www.uwindsor.ca/nursing/更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • 老是听说北美缺护士,但医院里节约开支时还是会先裁护士。到底北美的就业市场如何?
        • Sorry 标点错了.具体我也不清楚,Toelf是肯定不要,入学条件应该很低.我打算让老婆过去进college学学,她在国内作了10年的护士,可惜英语太差. -
          • glad to meet u
            how abt non-nursing major student. my wife's major is english. i told her to read some chinese nursing books in china first. i don't know whether she could enrol or not. anyway it does not do harm to her as she has nothing to do at all in china. :p)

            by the way , i am very glad to meet u and got ur suggestion.
            • 你可以上这个网查查College的护理专业看看具体要求!! www.studyincanada.com
              • abt high Ontaria's school certificate
                i searched many webiste abt nursing and seems local high school certificate is required. but ...., i was always told that it is not nessary to get local certificate and it is not difficult to enrol. anybody could provide detail information.

          • You must have a high school certificate first in ON.
    • 这里护士要大学本科毕业. 这里大学有护士专业, 很难进.
      • 这里的护士主要是菲律宾人,没有多少文化,主要是比较辛苦,语言有些要求
        • I don not think so.
          • 两个Guest,也不搞个名字,不知道是不是鸡同鸭说!
            • Just take what you want.
        • As I know, there is two kind, one is low level only need 2 years college training, other is high level with bachelor degree also higher payment.
      • 作家庭护理或护工之类的不是很难吧!
      • You must have a bachelor of nursing if u want to work as a RN(registered nurse). however, to be a nurse assistant is much more easier. By the way, $25/hr is for the RNs.