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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Where purchaser personally requires unit

52. (1) A landlord of a residential complex that contains no more than three residential units who has entered into an agreement of purchase and sale of the residential complex may, on behalf of the purchaser, give the tenant of a unit in the residential complex a notice terminating the tenancy, if the purchaser in good faith requires possession of the residential complex or the unit for the purpose of residential occupation by the purchaser, the purchaser's spouse or same-sex partner, or a child or parent of one of them. 2000, c. 26, Sched. K, s. 6 (9).

Same, condominium

(1.1) If a landlord who is an owner as defined in clause (a) or (b) of the definition of "owner" in subsection 1 (1) of the Condominium Act, 1998 owns a unit, as defined in subsection 1 (1) of that Act, that is a rental unit and has entered into an agreement of purchase and sale of the unit, the landlord may, on behalf of the purchaser, give the tenant of the unit a notice terminating the tenancy, if the purchaser in good faith requires possession of the unit for the purpose of residential occupation by the purchaser, the purchaser's spouse or same-sex partner, or a child or parent of one of them. 2000, c. 26, Sched. K, s. 6 (10).

Period of notice

(2) The date for termination specified in a notice given under subsection (1) or (1.1) shall be at least 60 days after the notice is given and shall be the day a period of the tenancy ends or, where the tenancy is for a fixed term, the end of the term. 1997, c. 24, s. 52 (2); 2000, c. 26, Sched. K, s. 6 (11).

Earlier termination by tenant

(3) A tenant who receives notice of termination under subsection (1) or (1.1) may, at any time before the date specified in the notice, terminate the tenancy, effective on a specified date earlier than the date set out in the landlord's notice. 1997, c. 24, s. 52 (3); 2000, c. 26, Sched. K, s. 6 (12).


(4) The date for termination specified in the tenant's notice shall be at least 10 days after the date the tenant's notice is given. 1997, c. 24, s. 52 (4).更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / ★★★请问前辈们, 我要准备下个OFFER购房,有人知道上面除了一般的条文外,还应该要对房子以及卖方提出什么约束条文吗?谢谢.★★★
    • 本人急急急,请求援助
      • Ask your lawyer to have a look at your offer before you finalize it.
        • 不是说,等下完OFFER以后再找LAWYER的吗?现在我下的这个OFFER还不知到对方同意与否呢. thank you baygirl.
          • 我也有这个问题,另外如果现在就找律师万一房子有什么特别严重的问题,不能购买,要白白损失1000多快哦!!
            • 我觉得每个房子要求都不一样!OFFER内容也不一样
              • 你买的是老房子吗?下OFFER的时候应该多注意,我现在也面临这个问题,明天和经济人商量一下,你的要求和希望都可以加在OFFER里面!
          • What is your meaning of "下个OFFER"? My understanding is you put a purchase offer with a builder or an agent .
      • Based on my experience,
        if you are buying a new house, you may want to ask if those options can be changed after you put the offer. How much will the builder charge you if there is a change? Another important thing is the closing date. Make sure the builder will inform you two months before any possible delay.
        • you are right baygir. but i would like to buy an used house. Could you tell me some stuff needed to be capitalized in my offer? thank you again.
          • 比如老房子多少需要维修,这笔费用下OFFER的时候要和房东谈好,由房东出。
            • thanks wwq29. i already added a sentence like all items should be working..........
          • 为什么不找你的ageng谈谈?主要是验屋和贷款;你要放“如果我的律师认为条款不合适的话,offer就无效”,对你的保护确实全面了,可业主也不干哪
            • D20:有问题请教,我准备下OFFER的房子,里面有住客,且很多家具,是不是可以要求房东在下OFFER后让房客搬走?不然验屋会很麻烦,这里有没有这样的先例?
              • 我自己拟订了个大概的中文OFFER,很多问题可能想的都不全面,大家帮忙看看
                3.维修费用不在房子的总价格里面减。CLOSING DAY当天,晚6:30分之前。房东须把所有维修费用交给我们。(因为我们是银行贷款,如果加上高额的维修费用,等于加大了我们的首付,如果首付加大的话,到不如买个贵一点不需要维修的房子)

                • Hey wwq29, 看了你草拟OFFER,收益匪浅, 我会根据你的意见修改修改我要下的OFFER条款.有机会我们好好交流交流
                • 不怕做不到,就怕想不到。人有多大胆,地有多大产。//除了第4条可做到,第3,5,6有可能做到(很难)。其他的。。。
                  • OFFER当然是完全为我的利益啦,很多事情都是可以商量的,其实我提的要求并不过分。。第7条可能有难度,其他的除了时间问题之外,我感觉是正常的
                    • 你的感觉不一定是对的,启用专业标准的合同吧,你的AGENT应该给你上一堂课。:)
                      • 我的经济人告诉我,我有任何的要求都可以写在OFFER里,
                • 和你的agent谈谈,归根结蒂还是的验屋问题嘛;你可以要求你的agent把这些写进offer,但你想想,哪位业主会来接这个offer?让房客搬走更没有依据;fanancing一般只有5个工作日
                  • 这个时间当然可以调整的。。。不过房客不搬走,验屋师如何验屋,而且,房客白天上班,不让去看,总不能让验屋师晚上验屋吧?
                    • 第2条房东已经口头答应,另外一般来说什么时间房客必须搬走??我怕等房子到我名字了,她还赖着不走,岂不麻烦大了
                      • 房客怎么叫赖着不走啦?他/她有和约、交房租,你买下来,收她的租金直到她旧和约结束,不也挺好
                        • 老大,房子我要住的,楼上要出租的,而且要重新刷的,我怎么可能和她续租,而且房东收她的租金少的可怜,我的同学说给我加400快租给他们,你觉得呢?
                          • 你的心情当然可以理解;还是一起来学习安省房客保护条例吧
                            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Where purchaser personally requires unit

                            52. (1) A landlord of a residential complex that contains no more than three residential units who has entered into an agreement of purchase and sale of the residential complex may, on behalf of the purchaser, give the tenant of a unit in the residential complex a notice terminating the tenancy, if the purchaser in good faith requires possession of the residential complex or the unit for the purpose of residential occupation by the purchaser, the purchaser's spouse or same-sex partner, or a child or parent of one of them. 2000, c. 26, Sched. K, s. 6 (9).

                            Same, condominium

                            (1.1) If a landlord who is an owner as defined in clause (a) or (b) of the definition of "owner" in subsection 1 (1) of the Condominium Act, 1998 owns a unit, as defined in subsection 1 (1) of that Act, that is a rental unit and has entered into an agreement of purchase and sale of the unit, the landlord may, on behalf of the purchaser, give the tenant of the unit a notice terminating the tenancy, if the purchaser in good faith requires possession of the unit for the purpose of residential occupation by the purchaser, the purchaser's spouse or same-sex partner, or a child or parent of one of them. 2000, c. 26, Sched. K, s. 6 (10).

                            Period of notice

                            (2) The date for termination specified in a notice given under subsection (1) or (1.1) shall be at least 60 days after the notice is given and shall be the day a period of the tenancy ends or, where the tenancy is for a fixed term, the end of the term. 1997, c. 24, s. 52 (2); 2000, c. 26, Sched. K, s. 6 (11).

                            Earlier termination by tenant

                            (3) A tenant who receives notice of termination under subsection (1) or (1.1) may, at any time before the date specified in the notice, terminate the tenancy, effective on a specified date earlier than the date set out in the landlord's notice. 1997, c. 24, s. 52 (3); 2000, c. 26, Sched. K, s. 6 (12).


                            (4) The date for termination specified in the tenant's notice shall be at least 10 days after the date the tenant's notice is given. 1997, c. 24, s. 52 (4).更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                            • 非常感谢您的回复,我想知道律师办理交割啦,查房产权等等的。。需要多长时间?如果验屋加贷款总共1周的话,那么有可能房子是我的了,房客还没有搬出去了,那我买这房子不有病嘛,呵呵
                • 1、离谱;2 +3、可以商量;4、两次;5、什么叫“不满意”?6、“贷款工作”要等Closing Day才能完成,此条必须改为“获得Approval“;7、常规;8、还有其它条件,入家具、状况保持等。总之,为什么不使用标准的offer?
                  • 谢谢,我没有使用标准的说法,见笑了,不过大概的意思大家明白就可以了,这个OFFER是我心里的想法随手写的。8。房东没有家具,只有供暖设备和冰箱火炉
                  • 不满意的意思是指,现在房子的屋顶有问题,要重修,因为是老房子我不确定还有什么问题,如果大小问题一大堆,我可能考虑不买了。。。
                  • 上面有几条是标准规定之外的
          • I don't have experience of buying an used house. I heard from my friend, who bought an used condo last year, that ...
            you might want to make sure no plumbing and electrical problem within couple of month after you move in, and also you may want to clarify what will be remained, such as curtain, lights, painting,...etc.

            Sorry, I do not know how to type Chinese.
            • ooo, great. baygirl, it looks like i don't need to worry much about my offer. coz there are some sentence in my offer about what you talked about.
              • but i didn't ask the seller to guarantee keeping all stuff runing well couples of months after i move in. i just asked the seller to keep all stuffs running well when i move in.
    • 你的经纪怎么说?
      • 现在大家好像是疯了,都在抢房,我的经纪除了一开始跟我说了说一般购房一般有几个步骤和什么注意点外.现在我要下
        现在大家好像是疯了,都在抢房,我的经纪除了一开始跟我说了说一般购房一般有几个步骤和什么注意点外.现在我要下OFFER了,他就再没有说什么注意啦,因为他也觉得我这个OFFER估计会抢不到房,只不过是去碰碰运气. 但我还得去认真对待,万一......., 在OFFER 上没有条款,我岂不是要......
        • 呵呵,HAMILTON的房子多的都没人问,不怕房东不答应条件,反正没人和我抢,有别人抢就买别的房子喽,不过还是祝你好运,
          • 你的经济人也有点太不负责任了,买了房子有什么问题始终是自己吃亏,所以万事小心,有机会拉HAMILTON做客
            • 有机会,我会去的,还是HAMILTON好。
              • hehe,绝对和多伦多没有发比的
        • 我也是在房市高潮买的房。我买房的时候,也经常听说成交价高于叫价的成交案例。但事实上,绝大多数房子仍然以比叫价低的价钱成交!我的经纪总劝我要冷静,说:如果有人跟咱竞价,咱就不买了,好房子有的是。
          • 你的经纪真好,我的经纪就跟我说了不少成交价高于叫价的成交案例
            • 你现在还没有下OFFER,其实可以请坛子上的朋友给你推荐一个好的经济人。。你现在的实在很一般,我都感觉我的经济人一般了,不过起码不会让你标高价买房子
              • 别人带我看了那么多房子,现在再换人,总觉得心里过意不去。