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撞车事故。请大家经验之谈谁的错呢? 预谢!

I drove along the third lane with a speed about 35km/h because a red light in front. When I observed the road condition, I saw a long line on the first lane and a lot of empty space on the second lane. I then signaled right, checked blind spot and changed to second lane. After completing the change and going straight, I heard an unusual sound. A car’s left head hit my car’s right body. The right body of my car was badly damaged and dented. The other car was seen that its left head was scratched only.

After accident, the driver told me that he pulled his car from first lane to second lane because there was an accident ahead of his first lane. Therefore, I am thinking that he did a sharp turn to change lane when many cars on the first lane closed to each other.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 撞车事故。请大家经验之谈谁的错呢? 预谢!
    I drove along the third lane with a speed about 35km/h because a red light in front. When I observed the road condition, I saw a long line on the first lane and a lot of empty space on the second lane. I then signaled right, checked blind spot and changed to second lane. After completing the change and going straight, I heard an unusual sound. A car’s left head hit my car’s right body. The right body of my car was badly damaged and dented. The other car was seen that its left head was scratched only.

    After accident, the driver told me that he pulled his car from first lane to second lane because there was an accident ahead of his first lane. Therefore, I am thinking that he did a sharp turn to change lane when many cars on the first lane closed to each other.
    • both no right of way and hit on side,。not back bumper . So both at fault, good for insurance to raise insurance
      • Ya, my back pumper is OK. The other driver drove a business car. After the accident, his supervisor and manager came to the place. They said 50/50 responsibility but I doubted. Thanks.
    • 这么严重,已经超过了私了的范围,必须去事故中心报警了。他的车头碰到你车身,应该是他的错。对方很可能吃张罚单。
      • 謝謝,是的。已去事故中心报案了。警察估價修理$3,300。但是沒說誰的錯啊。How and when can I know who’s fault?
        • 报保险吧,事故中心的估价通常比实际修理费低很多
        • 明天保险公司会确认对方的责任的,放心休息吧。
    • Where is the witness? +1
    • 没有证人的话,估计个50大板 +3
      • 没有证人啊,當時只忙查車. 不爽這50大板啊! Thanks troyd and peterfl. +1
    • 你这种case,只能走保险公司来判错对了,如果你想报保险公司的话。 +2
    • 我觉得是都有错,都是比较危险的变线,对方从斜后方变线有可能使你看边镜check不到,这一般是前车比较无奈的。 +2
    • 对方的错误。 +1
      • 双方错误。 +3
        • 对方错误,这么简单的事就别争了。我对重要的东西过目不忘的。 +1
        • 楼主说自己的车都摆直了,已经属于这条道的常规车了,被后面的车撞了,为什么自己还有错?
          • 因为两车同时往中间的lane变道,只是前后差那么几尺的问题。没有证人,光凭当事双方互相谴责,50/50。 +1
            • 楼主说自己是车身损伤,对方是车头损伤,这样现场还原,可以说明楼主车在对方车前。不是吗?
              • Unsafe lane change. 3 demerit points.
                • 楼主真是冤大头,被后面车撞了,自己也有错。这个 unsafe 的概念说了跟没说一样,但凡事故发生了的,那个不是 unsafe ?难道还有 safe accident?
    • 给大家普及个知识,如果两边车道的车往中间车道同时换线,里面快速车道的车有路权。 +1
      • It’s my great appreciation for everyone’s opinions especially learning from 4x4之王. By the way, could I ask hi77 and 四友 if you or your friends have come across with the similar accident before and charged 50/50 faults? Thanks again.
        • LOL,说了自己爱听的,就是 mostly appreciated 了。 +2
          • 哈哈,LZ 估计没经历过什么车事故。许多情形下,都是报保险公司后,保险公司调查判对错
            • 是的,04年驾车以来没经历过什么车事故。上次有一小事故,没报保险。这次事故让我有点一筹莫展。想听大家的意见。 +1
            • 有了10年前的教训,我特意找来相关的规定,加拿大的没找到找到美国的,还是我10年前说过的话“加拿大交规里肯定有这条”。
              Sec. 545.061. DRIVING ON MULTIPLE-LANE ROADWAY. On a roadway divided into three or more lanes and providing for one-way movement of traffic, an operator entering a lane of traffic from a lane to the right shall yield the right-of-way to a vehicle entering the same lane of traffic from a lane to the left.
    • 说说我知道的吧。
      有次我上庭。前面一个就是这样的 case。走也走不了,因为不知道他们什么时候结束,我的 case 是下一个。

      我们这个庭是 civil,前面这个 case 打的是谁掏钱修车。

      大致情况差不多,三方都请了律师。中间车的律师很面。最后的车主带了个 witness 来。细节记不得很详细了,也不是全神贯注地听。

      结果是判中间车全责(车主貌似华人),1W 刀。这还没提到人身伤害,只是毁车的赔偿。
      • 谢谢,你知道的故事我也爱听啊。
    • 应该是对lz有利吧。如果我是第一个lane变道那个,隔一条lane的车都变道我前面了难道会没看到来不及刹车吗?肯定是开小差了。高速上这种情况也是蛮常见的,大家都往中间变道,看到对方在前面的话还不是得一把拉回来