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My work experience in ethiopia is a fact. I still keep the work permit issued by Ethiopian Labor & Social Affairs Ministry, of which a photocopy shall be attached as a proof. And I have Reference Letter from Chinese

Embassy in Ethiopia which is chopped with the embassy's seal. In addition, I can attach photocopy of my passport used in Ethiopia, showing time I spent there and the visa issued by Ethiopian Immigration Authority. With these three, I believe, the Visa Officer shall not have any doubt. The experience may help to prove my suitability, so I will state it in my application as it is.

I have sent an e-mail to Canadian Embassy in Ethiopia requesting them help me to obtain the No-conviction Certificate. No response yet till now.

If ……, I’ll attach an explanatory letter in my application as you suggest.

Highly appreciate your answer. Many thanks indeed.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 在国外的无犯罪证明无法弄到怎么办?小弟曾在埃塞俄比亚工作近4年, 且有中国驻埃塞使馆开出的工作证明。故欲将此段经历写入材料中。可是,埃塞警署对我多次要求无任何反应, 恐怕永远都不会给我回复。哪位移兄移妹有好的办法?谢了。
    在国外的无犯罪证明无法弄到怎么办?小弟曾两次受工作单位(一家中国公司)派遣赴埃塞俄比亚工作, 总计在埃时间近4年, 且有中国驻埃塞使馆开出的工作证明。考虑到国外工作经历有助于移民申请,故欲将此段经历写入材料中。可是,埃塞警署对我多次要求无任何反应。它也根本没有办理“无犯罪证明”的具体机构,官僚作风重,工作效率低,恐怕永远都不会给我回复。对这事,我一直苦无对策。哪位移兄移妹有好的办法?谢了。
    • 各位前辈不吝指教啊!
      • You have to state the experience in Ethiopia in your application
        Otherwise you will take the risk of making false statement. If you really can't get a non-criminal certificate from Ethiopia, you can wrote a letter to immigration officer and tell he/her your difficulty. In some case, they will acquire the necessary document on your behalf.
        • My work experience in ethiopia is a fact. I still keep the work permit issued by Ethiopian Labor & Social Affairs Ministry, of which a photocopy shall be attached as a proof. And I have Reference Letter from Chinese
          Embassy in Ethiopia which is chopped with the embassy's seal. In addition, I can attach photocopy of my passport used in Ethiopia, showing time I spent there and the visa issued by Ethiopian Immigration Authority. With these three, I believe, the Visa Officer shall not have any doubt. The experience may help to prove my suitability, so I will state it in my application as it is.

          I have sent an e-mail to Canadian Embassy in Ethiopia requesting them help me to obtain the No-conviction Certificate. No response yet till now.

          If ……, I’ll attach an explanatory letter in my application as you suggest.

          Highly appreciate your answer. Many thanks indeed.