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One of my favorite song from Bon Jovi

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Livin' on a prayer
Bon Jovi

Once upon a time, not so long ago.
Tommy used to work on the docks,
Union’s been on strike, he’s down on his luck....
It’s tough, so tough.

Gina works the diner all day,
Working for her man, she brings home her pay,
For love - for love.

She says: We’ve got to hold on to that we’ve got,
‘Cause it doesn’t make a difference, if we make it or not,
We’ve got each other and that’s a lot for love - we’ll give it a shot.

We’re half way there,
Livin’ on a prayer,
Take my hand and we’ll make it - I swear,
Livin’ on a prayer.

Tommy got his six string in hock
Now he’s holding in what he used to make it talk - so tough, it’s tough.

Gina dreams of running away,
When she cries in the night, Tommy whispers: Baby it’s okay, someday.

We’ve got to hold on to that we’ve got,
‘Cause it doesn’t make a difference,
If we make it or not,
We’ve got each other and that’s a lot for love - we’ll give it a shot.

We’re half way there,
Livin’ on a prayer,
Take my hand and we’ll make it - I swear,
Livin’ on a prayer.

We’ve got to hold on ready or not,
You live for the fight when it’s all that you’ve got.

We’re half way there,
Livin’ on a prayer,
Take my hand and we’ll make it - I swear,
Livin’ on a prayer.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / One of my favorite song from Bon Jovi
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Livin' on a prayer
    Bon Jovi

    Once upon a time, not so long ago.
    Tommy used to work on the docks,
    Union’s been on strike, he’s down on his luck....
    It’s tough, so tough.

    Gina works the diner all day,
    Working for her man, she brings home her pay,
    For love - for love.

    She says: We’ve got to hold on to that we’ve got,
    ‘Cause it doesn’t make a difference, if we make it or not,
    We’ve got each other and that’s a lot for love - we’ll give it a shot.

    We’re half way there,
    Livin’ on a prayer,
    Take my hand and we’ll make it - I swear,
    Livin’ on a prayer.

    Tommy got his six string in hock
    Now he’s holding in what he used to make it talk - so tough, it’s tough.

    Gina dreams of running away,
    When she cries in the night, Tommy whispers: Baby it’s okay, someday.

    We’ve got to hold on to that we’ve got,
    ‘Cause it doesn’t make a difference,
    If we make it or not,
    We’ve got each other and that’s a lot for love - we’ll give it a shot.

    We’re half way there,
    Livin’ on a prayer,
    Take my hand and we’ll make it - I swear,
    Livin’ on a prayer.

    We’ve got to hold on ready or not,
    You live for the fight when it’s all that you’ve got.

    We’re half way there,
    Livin’ on a prayer,
    Take my hand and we’ll make it - I swear,
    Livin’ on a prayer.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 今晚上?你去么
        • 你也想吃了?
          • 吃什么?
            • #1054779
            • 我刚才去了历史区
              • 在哪?我怎么没看到?
                • 你不具慧根,泰山溃于眼前而看不见的主,帖子自然更是不见喽
              • 我不就夸过你两次么, 虽然我不常夸人的, 你也不用那么紧张啊, 哈哈
                • 哎,反正你也知道了,那我今晚看了演唱会后打算约死鱼去281,你这么豁达的人不会介意吧
                  • 介意, 非常介意. 不过旁边有几个性质相同但性别不同的, 我可以给你介绍介绍
                    • 不成啊,跟你家死鱼学的肚皮舞只有在281才有发挥啊,你就再让我学一次,就要学成了。都是东北人啊,别拒绝我哦
        • 啊,我去啊,你家那条死鱼不陪我去,我要自己去了,555
          • 个人认为, 去看Bon Jovi 不如直接去281, hehe, 现在我暂住那地方离281就2分钟
            • 我倒,真认识呀?
              • 没热闹看了吧
            • 281去过了啊,新年前后一个美女带我去的啊,直到2月12日之前,基本每周都去啊。可是她现在分身乏术,我只好BON JOVI解渴了,哎,我真是可怜啊
              • 你就那编吧, 不过别嚷嚷, 我可不想陪着去
                • 哎呀,我自己去倒是无所谓,就怕有些人从此失去了生活的自信。。。哎~~~ 真是可怜啊,怪不得她自从去了281后都每日以泪洗面,日渐憔悴。。。
                  • 你能带着她再憔悴下两斤, 我请你吃饭, 哈哈
                    • 谁说憔悴就一定瘦啊,看着我没有?这就是憔悴的
                  • 管它3X7=21,你都说了,我就钉吧。
                    • ?你干吗啊?钉这些钉子装饰啊?
                    • 我靠, 你属猪八戒的啊, 扛着耙子到处溜哒
                      • 我属钉书器,不是我闲得没事,实在是敌人太猖狂,不钉不甘心。你看钉着钉着,就赶快带人去281了吧,我看是心虚了。
                        • 别逼他了,他看了#1054831之后,已经五内俱催,肝肠寸断了
                          • silverwater 对281 痛恨异常, 他不会帮你的
                            • 对了,问你个事
                              BELL CENTERZ在哪?上次别人带我去的,这次我怕找不到会丢掉
                              • 就是以前的Molson Centre吧, 在橙线地铁路LUCIEN-L'ALLIER, 或 BONAVENTURE 下, 看着路标, 或跟着留长发穿着怪异的, 就能找到
                                • 不用出地铁, 里面直接通到 bell center
                                  • 大哥,你也得告诉我哪站啊,听说COTE VERTUE和ANGRINON区别很大哎
                                    • 气死我拉, 你不是只开车从不坐地铁吧, LUCIEN-L'ALLIER, 和BONAVENTURE 两站是挨着的, 都可以到, 不过我通常是在LUCIEN-L'ALLIER 下, 那里走简单
                                      • 明年的今天我会送你一束黄菊花,走好~~~
                                        • 好象是你要先走啊, 那我到时给你一张 Joe Bon Jovi 那矮胖子的照片吧
                              • 对拉, 票是什么区的?
                                • 穷人,当然是最便宜的喽,WHITE LEVEL
                                  你是LIVE IN BETWEEN CHINA AND CANADA还是。。。啊?
                                  • 只可意会
                                    • 德行!可千万别让我晚上接到死鱼投诉我在ROLIA上胡说的电话,别告诉我你信了,别告诉我你CARE,HOHOHO,保持你在我心目中的高大形象哦
                                      • 呕, 原来我的形象还挺高大啊. 早就说了不让人知道我是谁, 真是一失足成千古恨, 现在说话都得瞻前顾后的, 还有个猪八戒拎个耙子在那晃悠
                                        • 说曹操曹操就倒,我钉
              • o ic ic haha
                • 你C了? 下次你来MONTREAL我一定鼓动那谁带那谁去那里, 我就不奉陪了, 哈哈