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不是多伦多的,是Richmond Hill的,法庭在央街/Hyw 7...查政府网站又说:"Effective January 1,2017 option #2 Early Resolution will be replaced with Option #2 Walk in Guilty",困惑ing,网站的具体解释是:

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛ffence Notice (ticket):

Option #1: Plea of Guilty – Voluntary Payment of Total Payable

This is an out-of-court payment option. A defendant who has been served with an Offence Notice and chooses not to contest the charge may make payment to the court office on the back of the Offence Notice. Instructions are set out on the Payment Notice.

These payments may be made in person at the court office indicated on the back of the Offence Notice or at any other Provincial Offences Court office in the Province. You can also mail a cheque or money order payable to The Regional Municipality of York, or you can insert your Visa or MasterCard number on the Payment Notice, sign it and mail your payment along with the Offence Notice and the Payment Notice, to the court office indicated on the back of the Offence Notice or the Payment Notice. Alternatively, a payment may be made online by clicking on the Paytickets.ca link and using Visa or MasterCard. An additional fee is payable if you chose to pay online.

The defendant must pay the "total payable" in full. Payment is deemed to be a plea of guilty. Demerit points for certain Highway Traffic Act offences may apply.

If a partial payment is made, or if the defendant's cheque is returned for insufficient funds, the fine will not be considered paid and an NSF charge may be applied.

Option #2: Early Resolution

This is an informal meeting with a prosecutor to try to resolve your charge or charges without going to trial. The investigating officer does not attend the meeting and it is not a trial date. If the charge cannot be resolved, you still have a right to a trial.

Check the box indicating you wish to meet with a prosecutor and either mail the offence notice to the address of the court office set out on the ticket, or attend in person at the court office to file it (a licensed paralegal, lawyer, friend or family member can file it for you). Make a copy of the Offence Notice (ticket) for your records.

If you live more than 75 km from the court office referred to on your ticket, you can request a meeting by phone. Check MapQuest or Google for the driving distance from your home to the address of the court office. If you request a phone meeting and you live closer than 75 km, a meeting will be scheduled requiring you to attend in person. You will be sent a meeting notice to the address on file. You must notify the court if your address changes.

Effective January 1, 2017 option #2 Early Resolution will be replaced with Option #2 Walk in Guilty. Please note there will be a transition period and if you receive an offence notice with the Early Resolution option a meeting will be scheduled if requested. More information can be obtained by contacting the court office directly. This option will be available to those who do not wish to dispute the charge but want to plead guilty before a justice of the peace and make submissions as to penalty (e.g. amount of fine and/or time to pay). Before pleading with submissions as to penalty, it is important that you understand what a justice of the peace can and cannot do when you plead guilty under this option.

The justice of the peace can

Reduce the amount of the set fine
Give you an extension of time in which you can pay the fine

The justice of the peace cannot

Reduce the charge; e.g. a speeding charge of 20 kilometres over the limit cannot be reduced to 15 kilometres
Remove or reduce the demerit points to be applied. Demerit points are applied by the Ministry of Transportation upon conviction and the court cannot change the demerit points to be applied.

You must attend in person at the court office shown on the back of your ticket to plead guilty before a justice of the peace. For best results, please call the court office ahead of time to ensure judicial availability.

Option #3: Trial Option

The trial option requires you or your agent (this can include a licensed paralegal, a lawyer or a family member who fills out the form on your behalf) to attend the address of the court office set out on the ticket to complete and file a Notice of Intention to Appear (NIA). A trial date will be set and a Notice of Trial will be mailed to you at the address indicated on your NIA indicating your trial time, place and date. It is your responsibility to advise the court of any change to your mailing address if your address changes after filing your NIA.

详见所给链接中的FAQ第5个问题:"What are my options if I receive an offence notice (ticket) and how soon do I have to do something in response to the ticket? "更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 只是sticker过期的告票上option 2是“Early Resolution - Meet with Prosecutor (by choosing this option you do not forego the right to a trial). 是否买了sticker后选此选项去法庭说明/解释就可以当场取消告票?还是得填表等排期上庭?
    • 如果是在多伦多的话,选了2这个选项,一样要15天内先去一次,然后等通知,等排期到时候再去,prosecutor 可能会取消你的告票,反正给你个解决方案,你如果同意的话,那天就解决了。
      • 不是多伦多的,是Richmond Hill的,法庭在央街/Hyw 7...查政府网站又说:"Effective January 1,2017 option #2 Early Resolution will be replaced with Option #2 Walk in Guilty",困惑ing,网站的具体解释是:
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛ffence Notice (ticket):

        Option #1: Plea of Guilty – Voluntary Payment of Total Payable

        This is an out-of-court payment option. A defendant who has been served with an Offence Notice and chooses not to contest the charge may make payment to the court office on the back of the Offence Notice. Instructions are set out on the Payment Notice.

        These payments may be made in person at the court office indicated on the back of the Offence Notice or at any other Provincial Offences Court office in the Province. You can also mail a cheque or money order payable to The Regional Municipality of York, or you can insert your Visa or MasterCard number on the Payment Notice, sign it and mail your payment along with the Offence Notice and the Payment Notice, to the court office indicated on the back of the Offence Notice or the Payment Notice. Alternatively, a payment may be made online by clicking on the Paytickets.ca link and using Visa or MasterCard. An additional fee is payable if you chose to pay online.

        The defendant must pay the "total payable" in full. Payment is deemed to be a plea of guilty. Demerit points for certain Highway Traffic Act offences may apply.

        If a partial payment is made, or if the defendant's cheque is returned for insufficient funds, the fine will not be considered paid and an NSF charge may be applied.

        Option #2: Early Resolution

        This is an informal meeting with a prosecutor to try to resolve your charge or charges without going to trial. The investigating officer does not attend the meeting and it is not a trial date. If the charge cannot be resolved, you still have a right to a trial.

        Check the box indicating you wish to meet with a prosecutor and either mail the offence notice to the address of the court office set out on the ticket, or attend in person at the court office to file it (a licensed paralegal, lawyer, friend or family member can file it for you). Make a copy of the Offence Notice (ticket) for your records.

        If you live more than 75 km from the court office referred to on your ticket, you can request a meeting by phone. Check MapQuest or Google for the driving distance from your home to the address of the court office. If you request a phone meeting and you live closer than 75 km, a meeting will be scheduled requiring you to attend in person. You will be sent a meeting notice to the address on file. You must notify the court if your address changes.

        Effective January 1, 2017 option #2 Early Resolution will be replaced with Option #2 Walk in Guilty. Please note there will be a transition period and if you receive an offence notice with the Early Resolution option a meeting will be scheduled if requested. More information can be obtained by contacting the court office directly. This option will be available to those who do not wish to dispute the charge but want to plead guilty before a justice of the peace and make submissions as to penalty (e.g. amount of fine and/or time to pay). Before pleading with submissions as to penalty, it is important that you understand what a justice of the peace can and cannot do when you plead guilty under this option.

        The justice of the peace can

        Reduce the amount of the set fine
        Give you an extension of time in which you can pay the fine

        The justice of the peace cannot

        Reduce the charge; e.g. a speeding charge of 20 kilometres over the limit cannot be reduced to 15 kilometres
        Remove or reduce the demerit points to be applied. Demerit points are applied by the Ministry of Transportation upon conviction and the court cannot change the demerit points to be applied.

        You must attend in person at the court office shown on the back of your ticket to plead guilty before a justice of the peace. For best results, please call the court office ahead of time to ensure judicial availability.

        Option #3: Trial Option

        The trial option requires you or your agent (this can include a licensed paralegal, a lawyer or a family member who fills out the form on your behalf) to attend the address of the court office set out on the ticket to complete and file a Notice of Intention to Appear (NIA). A trial date will be set and a Notice of Trial will be mailed to you at the address indicated on your NIA indicating your trial time, place and date. It is your responsibility to advise the court of any change to your mailing address if your address changes after filing your NIA.

        详见所给链接中的FAQ第5个问题:"What are my options if I receive an offence notice (ticket) and how soon do I have to do something in response to the ticket? "更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 意思是如果不想认罪只有选Option #3,上庭当天和捡察官谈判
          • 但警察当时所给的告票还是去年的版本(Early Resolution),若我去法庭填表排期时选择3还有取消的可能么?吃告票之前已经买了临时sticker且为修尾气花费了5百多(换sensor和Converter),但车行说还有俩参数没ready不能作尾测,加上年尾年头事多一时忘记续买临时sticker...
            • 我在RH上过庭,没机会和检察官谈判,还没说就让走了。
            • 花费了5百多不就马上conditional pass 吗?为什么还要测?啥车行?
              • 有条件pass也是需要做两次才行吧?中间还必须隔两天,5百多其中两个sensor的3百是我自己去买的(这个有发票和日期),安装费和换converter是pay给车行的(这个是给现金无发票),我暂时还不想说是哪个车行,但如果罪成我就不得不说了....
                • 因小失大
                  • 但如果这样就导致罪成,我认为不fair,因为我们已经之前已经为此买单(罪成后还要买更多的单),同时也与车行的不作为有关(我们也不了解相关详细规定,比如花费5百多就能马上拿有条件pass?)
        • 我有切身经验,
          我来告诉你具体的过程,先去那个地方的前台,填表,选Option #3,英文不好的话,选要翻译,然后接待员会告诉你回去等6个月左右,你会收到一封信,里面有给你的排期,大概又是6个多月后上庭。上庭那天,别指望警察不去,你去了会发现,旁边坐了一大溜警察。到你上庭时(我是第一个,估计是最清的,先处理),先是法官让你说下你的姓名,然后法官说几句话,俺一个字都还没听清,那个翻译就过来说,你可以走了。我愣了一下,还没反应过来,那个翻译又说,你快走吧,不charge你了。我一听,生怕法官变卦,拿起东西立马跑了,前后5分钟。呵呵。
          • 谢回复介绍经验。我是打算选3不认罪了,但如果还是被判罪成,我打算继续告下去并将此事告诉新闻媒体,我不想为修尾气买单太多远超车子本身的价钱(包括将升涨的车保),就是因为政府的政策及贪婪的车行...
            • 我也不太懂车,但我觉得sticker过期的告票和尾气什么的,是不是两回事?你选择上庭,只是解决sticker过期的告票。
              • 是有直接关系的,因为尾气检测不过就不能买sticker,只能买临时使用10天的,但最多也只能买两次。而尾测是掌握在有代理权的车行手里,他们是靠政府政策赚钱的,但车行为了多赚有时就想拖延加修更多内容...
                • 哦,那这个我就不懂了,不知道这种情况上庭会怎样。
            • 上庭时记得带你买了sticker的证明,虽然我也带了,但没看。
              • 是否买sticker或尾测pass否的那张证明纸是个摆设,因为做尾测的车行是和政府联网的,尾测结果当场就已上传到政府数据库了,去买sticker时人家在电脑上都看得到,每辆警车上的电脑都能上网查验你的身份资料及车子sticker是否过期(凡有问题的都进黑名单库供查)
            • 之前曾有过一个案例:政府车管部门所卖的车牌质量有问题(脱漆),结果因为车牌脱漆看不清被警察抄牌罚款.....人家罪成后不服气就曝光给新闻媒体,媒体质问政府强卖质量不好的车牌居然还怪罪使用者,让人家为此买单,岂有此理!
              • 结果如何?其实也不是质量不好,是政府不允许在车牌上加盖任何透明保护罩,导致风吹日晒而车牌脱漆。
                • 结果是法庭改判、政府道歉、以后类似情况免费更新.....类似情况估计还有,只是人们没有反省深思以致政府某些作为如同强盗打劫....
                  • 旧车牌可以免费换新的了?有链接吗?
                    • 同问?
                    • 只是普通的旧牌子不行,是旧到漆面破损导致难以清楚的读出车号,这种情况才允许换车牌,具体没办过,你可以把旧车牌拍张清晰照片去办牌处秀给他们看问一下就知道了.....
            • 政府一般4个月前通知你要作尾测的,你为何没注意导致拿告票? +1
              • 当时的check告警灯不亮,认为没事,临近生日的dead line不到一个月时才去做,结果发现告警灯本身有问题:即使有问题也是不亮的,只有用读码器才知道尾气有无问题...换了sensor后跑了很久都不ready,但check告警灯也没有新码出现...
                • 我一般提前1/2个月,先用 $5 的读码机看看,没有错码才送验 +1
                • 跑一个月都不ready,比较少见,从不上highway?
                  • 两次清码之间跑过几百甚至上千公里,大概1/3跑高速,2/3跑local
                  • 冬天evap system是有机会长时间不ready的。但只有一个系统不ready,而其他系统通过也算整体合格的
                    • 其它参数跑一下很快都ready了,EVAP确实不容易ready我也不期待了,诡异的是CAT这一项,排气管前后两个sensor都换新的,converter也换了,但跑了这么久就是CAT不肯ready,而check 告警灯也不亮,没出现任何出错码或绑定码,就是此两项没有ready。
                      • 所有系统ready 之前都没有code 的,有些车的CAT 系统很难ready,要在特定路况下,反复几次才会ready,也和驾驶习惯有关
                • 两次不ready是不是就可以准备有条件通过呢?
              • 其实你在8-9月份时,刚收到通知马上做尾测就没有这么麻烦了,冬天做尾测是比较麻烦的,Evap 系统不ready