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“If you have not been able to comply with your residency obligations, officers can take humanitarian and compassionate concerns into account when making residency determinations. Officers will consider the best interests of a child directly affected by the decision. ”


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 有LP 的小孩也要在加拿大居住吗?离开加拿大已超过3 年,再回加国 时是否会有麻烦?
    • 小孩怎么可能有LP 呢?那不是成年了吗?
      • 童养媳吧?
        • 请展示您对他人的起码尊重。这个论坛是帮助大家排忧解难的,不是某个人发表讽刺嘲笑的地方。小孩子的确有自己的移民纸。 相信每个有孩子的 父母都清楚这一点。如果您不懂,敬请 听听别人的建议。
          • 别生气,开个玩笑吗,小朋友12岁以前离开是不受时间限制的。
    • 小孩子(小于18岁?)好像不受移民监限制?等这边有孩子的人帮你确认一下。:P
      • Thank you very much!
        • 先别谢我。我刚去cic网站上看了一下,有点晕了,没看见小孩的豁免条款。
          • 我也没有找到相关的豁免条款。真是担心极 了!不知有没有类似的情况,孩子成功返回加拿大?如果孩子到了温哥华 不让入境, 那可怎么办啊?
            我的移民律师倒是一直说没问题,但是现在移民法变来变去,问416-9734444,不同的人有不同的回答,真是担心极 了!不知有没有类似的情况,孩子成功返回加拿大?如果孩子到了温哥华 不让入境, 那可怎么办啊?
            • “不同的人有不同的回答”?那就问问他们到底谁说的对,确认一下就是了。
            • 我看到这一段:
              “If you have not been able to comply with your residency obligations, officers can take humanitarian and compassionate concerns into account when making residency determinations. Officers will consider the best interests of a child directly affected by the decision. ”

    • 3年前不会有麻烦,现在---就不知道了。
    • 结果怎么样啊?
      • Updated Information
        I asked my lawyer in detail. She still insisted that it is ok. Her reason is that the child is a minor child who does not have the ability to decide where to live. The government will not retain the Child's immigration status because of the parents' decision. She said that some parents leave their child outside Canada for education reason for more than 6 years and they are still ok. In addition, I got another info. from another source. This lady's son lived in China for 2 years and 2 months. They didn't have any trouble at the airport when returning to Canada in Aug. 2002.
        Hope above all is good news for someone who have the similar situation. Thanks everyone for your advices.
        • updates
          I was adviced that I should bring my child back ASAP. New Act 28(2)(c) has some discretion about this matter.