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Really interesting. Go to any online dictionary, search for "Chinaman".

Let me copy from one dictionary:

Chinaman (n., pl.)

1. Usually Offensive. a Chinese or a person of Chinese descent.

2. (l.c.) a person who imports or sells china.

3. (often l.c.) Political Slang. a person regarded as one's
benefactor, sponsor, or protector: Example: to see one's
chinaman about a favor.

4. "a Chinaman's chance,"Usually Offensive. the slightest
chance: Example: He hasn't a Chinaman's chance of
getting that job.
I thought that guy was using the meaning of 1,
but 4 is also very interesting.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 今明两年不适合移民加拿大(告所有类别人士) zhuan
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛今明两年不适合移民加拿大(告所有类别人士)
    作者: 朱益民
    日期: 05-30-01 09:03
    如果你非要来不可,下飞机后不要被各种IT培训学校的广告所打动,参加诸如JAVA,C++,ASP,.NET培训班,求职IT。比较适合你的做法是,找一份LABOUR的工作先生存再说。要知道从今年开始不同过去,注意LABOUR的工最近也不好找。另外不要langing到TORONTO,OTTAWA,VANCOUVER这三个华人首选CITY。建议到ALBERT PROVINCE landing.相对来说那里工作比较好找,尤其需要大量LABOUR。


    最后说找IT工作,我来多伦多两年了,去年年初幸运找到IT工作,做JAVA,今年年初不幸被lay-off。我在国内就是搞IT的,C++和JAVA都有experience,英语自信不比将要来的大多数差。我有CANADIAN EXPERIENCE,我有十年的SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT历史,自我感觉良好却代替不了残酷的现实。从年初以来,有20到30家AGENT联系过我,我也得到了7家公司的正式INTERVIEW,参加了三次考试,有两三次感觉挺好,可最终还是没有搞定。INTERVIEW我的人说现在一个职位一般都有600到700个人申请。据说这年头能拿到INTERVIEW就不错。今年非常serious,我也参加了几个JO B FAIR,看到如此众多的申请者排着延绵不绝的队伍就为了把自己的RESUME递上去,而我是其中一员我感到非常悲哀。我的三个北电的哥们也在ottawa惨遭解雇,致今还有两没有买主都回多伦多了。我估计今年各电脑学校的学生只有2%-5%的幸运儿,去年这个比例为20%到30%。

    我也是闲得没事,才有时间发一通感想,不过也是忠告,仅作参考更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • ........
      someone come, someone go
      empty your money, empty your soul
      just for a dream, straggling in a whole
      wake up in the morning, there's no way to go
      • good poem! Are u writing by yourself? So admire!
        • 请问网页设计、平面设计专业找工作容易吗?
      • nice. You scared me
        • 有学液压的吗?请教一下真吗找工作
    • 也并非这么悲观: 可能对IT行业,特别是PROGRAMMER残酷了一点;我有朋友学食品检验的找到了对口的工作(前几天), 机械的找到了(大概一个月前), 计量的也找到了. 不是IT 的快一点来吧
      • Hi, farmer, 请问一下,搞计量朋友找的什么样的工作,是在toronto吗 ? 可否说详细一点?谢谢!
        • 什么是计量?
      • 学液压的好找吗?
        • 我有4个液压的工程师的朋友,没找到转专业工作。
        • 真的!完了我没戏,了怎吗办?
      • 液压的好找嘛?
      • 已经移民的计算机人士***请不要惧怕***国内计算机高手前来竞争
      • 机械的具体干啥?
    • Great! I can't agree with you any more!!
      • 最近在网上听到的大多是消极的消息, 但我们的朋友却是好消息频传,
        最近在网上听到的大多是消极的消息, 但我们的朋友却是好消息频传,我
        • 耳听为虚、眼见为实,走自己的路,才不会后悔。
        • please land in Ottawa. There are lots of high-pay jobs available. Where are your LG's collegues?
          • Nortel cut 10,000 positions?
            • Her LG is an expert and no problem to find a job. 30k people laid-off by Nortel are stupid and they couldn't find jobs.
              • sure! EE guys in Nortel are really stupid. Most BS bachechors could work indenpendtly after they have worked under Senoir's guy. I was trading background and changed major to learn Java just for 3 months 1 yr ago. Now I have been senoir guy now!
                • 你在找挨板砖吗? 才干了一年就敢称senior? 就业市场就是这么被搞乱的....
        • 那是当然,因为......
          • right. and many people got job last year or before. but this year, the situation is very different. good luck to everyone!
    • 老大,你说的太对了,我也是学计算机的,现在发现找labour工作都很难,更不用说专业的了,有不是很远的labour工作给我介绍个,先谢了。
      • many many CS jobs in toronto, pay 100K plus, china cs people come, come, come,
        • 还是来吧。你们已经错过了加拿大的春天,难道连夏天也要荒废,等冬天才来吗?
        • true?
        • oh, really? but ... if they don't get a job after they come, can they come to you? please post your real email and address. ^_*
          • some job cuts in some companies, I work in HP Canada, we lose 500 people a month to the US, we hire about 420 people a month, need more, a lof chinaman work in HP, good company, programmar pay 80K to start, call HP China to find more
      • 加拿大急需中国计算机各类人才. 起薪八万以上. 火速移民加拿大
        • 国内的朋友注意,这是在说反话吆。
          • 已经移民的计算机人士***请不要惧怕***国内计算机高手前来竞争.
          • cheap labour job in canada paid 30000, that's 170000 rmb, come to canada is good
        • you are joking?!! why do i not know here?
        • provide some link?
          • there is nothing to provide. because every sane person here in toronto knows it's just a joke.
            • no joke, see, bakery or pizza jobs, work 10 hours a day,
              no joke, see, bakery or pizza jobs, work 10 hours a day, 10 dollar an hour, that's 100 a day, work 31 days that's 3000 a month, cash, 3000 x 12 is 36000 canadian, taht's a more than 200000 rmb, come come come to canada, no IT NO IT, but many money with cheap job job
        • come Ottawa. minium 90K. OS kernel guys 120K min
          • 80K is real, 120K is joking, maybe after 1 year of experiences
      • 请教白云,我朋友也是IT人员,今年十月去多市,你能否多介绍些情况,他好有个思想准备。
    • 真是这样吗?我们全家准备今年十月过去,能不能提供一些更具体的信息, 比如房租,两人一居室, 谢谢!
    • Nortel laid off another 10,000 people these days. think about it. 10,000 more people are looking for job, many of them speak very good English and have many years of experience.
      this is known just because it's a big company. there are also many peole from middle or small companies lost jobs.
      • people laid-off by NT and JDSU most are EE guys. It doesn't matter for CS guys. Don't worry about. Come on.
        • many of them are programmer/analyst. Thire resume have been posted on www.hiretoptalent.com.
        • even though NT people are embedded, it's a piece of cake for software/hardware/system if they couldn't find jobs in Telecom and have to change to IS field.As far as I know, some guys have left Ottawa and find position in other cities.
          • many jobs in cs, big pay, is about 600000rmb, come come chinamen
            • only chinamen? what about chinawomen? are you a woman?^_*
              • Come on. Don't you understand the word "Chinaman"?
    • that SlimPiggy is very strange character. ^_*
      • Really interesting. Go to any online dictionary, search for "Chinaman".
        Let me copy from one dictionary:

        Chinaman (n., pl.)

        1. Usually Offensive. a Chinese or a person of Chinese descent.

        2. (l.c.) a person who imports or sells china.

        3. (often l.c.) Political Slang. a person regarded as one's
        benefactor, sponsor, or protector: Example: to see one's
        chinaman about a favor.

        4. "a Chinaman's chance,"Usually Offensive. the slightest
        chance: Example: He hasn't a Chinaman's chance of
        getting that job.
        I thought that guy was using the meaning of 1,
        but 4 is also very interesting.