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You may turn left — including turning left over a solid double yellow line — if you do this carefully and safely and don’t impede other traffic, and there are no signs prohibiting such turns.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 我理解~~~实线就是 一堵墙!无论白色黄色~~~警察看见你压了就有理由开罚单~~~ +1
    • 宁可信其有不可以身试法
      • 两条路交汇的三角白线,好像网友有人说被罚过
        • 实线就是不能轧呀 不明白为啥有人要挑战这个 就像总有人挑战超速15公里一样
          • 两回事,黄实线左转不犯法,超速15公里犯法,就算超速一公里也犯法,只是警察不管你
      • 以身试法是说知法犯法。但我认为黄实线左转合法
    • 天天向上要左转。难不成黄线上留个缺口供转弯用?
      • 好像可以左转的会留虚线
        • 通常那里有左转线。local 虚黄线太多容易引起confusion,或诱发逆向超车。
        • 你没明白,黄实现和虚线的差别是可否超车,跟转弯没关系
    • 严格来说,单黄线不可跨越,双黄线不能压。 +2
    • DVP 在DonMills处的弯道lane上有一段是实白线,有牌子写着不能换道,还是看到很多司机不守规定换线。
    • MTO Official explanations:
      • A solid line at the left of your lane means it is unsafe to pass. ('A' should not pass.) //However, how about making a left turn?
        • 明天该有人问黄实线能不能掉头了
          • I just added one more post about that... :)
            • 我是说总有人咬文嚼字较真儿
              • But when it comes to rules and laws, better to be clear though.
        • your ticket should be "unsafe to pass"
          • #10917840@0
    • 大家观察一下大路口左手边加油站的 pavement marking.. 要穿过对面车道,进马路对面加油站的,是不是必须穿越黄实线。
      • 违章~~
        • 呵呵,许多工业区的马路都是黄线一线到底,看来我们都不能左转进driveway了。得像老猫一样,一路右转绕过来。 +1
          • LOL. Too much extra exhaust emission. Making left turn in the middle of a block is legal, unless there's sign prohibiting it.
    • U-turn Before you make a U-turn, check to make sure there is no sign saying not to.
    • You may turn left — including turning left over a solid double yellow line — if you do this carefully and safely and don’t impede other traffic, and there are no signs prohibiting such turns.
    • 嗯,穷不起的警察总有。
    • 说压了黄线就是违章的,可否告诉我这是违反了安省HTA 法律的哪一条?
      • 没有这条,很多人误解
    • 交规上没找到这个规定,看看这个链接,没找到安省的但应该差不多。起码单黄线肯定可以左转。很多时候你需要左转到一个商店或公司去都是单黄线啊,难道你还开到交通灯再掉头
      • 但实白线不可碾压,是表示不可换线
      • 要安省的,还有是法律,“应该差不多”的没有意义
        • 安省的法规上没说黄实线不可左转,事实上天天大家都在转,警察也没说不对。要不你能找出来安省法规说黄线左转不合法? +1
        • 是个参考意义。个人理解法规上没说禁止即是合法的吧?交规没说可以开车说话听音乐,难道说话就不合法了
    • 例子为专门拐弯的中间lane
    • 加州双黄线左拐的解释
    • 那这样的左拐线连进都进不去了?? +3
      • 如果进到实黄线那不是把树给压了。。。
    • 为什么要压黄线? 太喜欢黄色了吗?
    • but who care about your understanding, it is about law not someone spreading lie around a chinese forum without invitation.
    • 黄实线无论单双都是建议线:跨越可能不安全,但不违法;但白实线是强制执行线,跨越违法。就像限速牌:黄色建议速度,白色强制速度。
      • 我觉得这个对。
        • That's totally wrong!!!
      • +1。好久不见你露面了。
      • WHITE LINES painted on the pavement indicate traffic traveling in your direction.
        Broken White Line: you may change lanes if it is safe to do so. Solid White Line: requires you to stay within the lane and also marks the shoulder of the roadway. YELLOW LINES mark the center of a two-way road used for two-way traffic.
        • https://www.ontario.ca/document/official-mto-drivers-handbook/pavement-markings
    • 跨线,压线在安大略都不违法,无论实线,黄白。
      • https://beta.theglobeandmail.com/globe-drive/culture/commuting/is-it-illegal-to-cross-a-double-line-to-pass-on-the-highway/article25498287/#c-image-0
      • Ontario's Highway Traffic Act is the only act that doesn't specifically ban crossing the double line.
        Crossing it is not illegal — but it's still a lousy idea. “A solid line is a restrictive marking that is meant to signal to the driver that passing is unsafe
      • 跨越白实线是不合法的。
    • 今天去加油,特意看了下地上的黄线,左转的那个地方,黄线已经被压的没有痕迹了。LOL。
      • 这两天开车眼睛不由自主地往黄线那儿漂,结论是:如果黄线不让左拐弯,日子没法过。
      • 是的, 小区散步时也留意了一下, 小区内主路两边全是住宅,中间就是黄实线, 绝对可以合法左转, 就没见过哪个回家的还饶一大圈右转回家。