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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

The official text from MTO website

Turn on headlights at night and in poor conditions

the road ahead when using high beam headlights

Diagram 2-6 - High beams

Headlights enable you to see the roadway in front of your vehicle when visibility is poor, as well as making your vehicle visible to others. Your vehicle's headlights must shine a white light that can be seen at least 150 metres in front and is strong enough to light up objects 110 metres away. You must also have red rear lights that can be seen 150 metres away and a white light lighting the rear licence plate when headlights are on. Headlights are equipped with the option to use a high beam to enhance vision further down the roadway and the use of a low beam when you are near other vehicles to minimize the glare of your headlights onto others. When you use high-beam headlights, remember to switch to low beams within 150 metres of an oncoming vehicle. Use your low beams when you are less than 60 metres behind another vehicle unless you are passing it. These rules apply to all roads, including divided ones.

Turning your headlights on activates other required light systems, such as your parking lights, tail lights and rear-licence plate light. Daytime running lights, which are often another mode of your headlights or can be a separate lighting system, are specifically designed to make your vehicle more visible during times of good light conditions, and are automatically activated when your vehicle is in operation and your headlight switch is turned to off.

When driving your vehicle, headlights are required to be turned on between one-half hour before sunset and one-half hour after sunrise, and any other time of poor light conditions, such as fog, snow or rain, which keeps you from clearly seeing people or vehicles less than 150 metres away. Please see the section on driving at night and in bad weather. Don't drive with only one headlight or with lights that are not aimed properly. Have your full lighting system checked regularly, keep them clean, and replace burned-out bulbs as soon as possible.

Parking lights are only for parking. In low light, use your headlights, not parking lights.

the road ahead when using low beam headlights

Diagram 2-7 - Low beams

Your daytime running lights are not to be used as headlights during poor lighting conditions. They provide an inappropriate form of light that may cast glare onto others or deactivate other required light systems, such as tail lights. Daytime running lights are only to be used during good light conditions to enhance the visibility of your vehicle. If your vehicle is not equipped with daytime running lights, you should turn your headlights on to provide similar visual enhancement.

Driving with your vehicle's full lighting system set to automatic is recommended, if your vehicle is equipped with this option. This will better ensure that the appropriate lighting system is being used. You should also monitor the activation and operation of your vehicle's full lighting system at all times to ensure that appropriate lighting is being provided.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 再发个学习贴,虽然之前讨论过,但还不是特别明白,就是晚上开车,应该打灯到哪个位置?参见内图,是B那个位置,还是C那个位置?谢谢。


    • 当然是那个被染黑的那个。。。
    • 如果有路灯够亮,就B,如果路灯很暗就C, 如果没有路灯,而且速度很快,就推杆打高光,当然会车的时候需要把高光关掉。
    • The official text from MTO website +1

      Turn on headlights at night and in poor conditions

      the road ahead when using high beam headlights

      Diagram 2-6 - High beams

      Headlights enable you to see the roadway in front of your vehicle when visibility is poor, as well as making your vehicle visible to others. Your vehicle's headlights must shine a white light that can be seen at least 150 metres in front and is strong enough to light up objects 110 metres away. You must also have red rear lights that can be seen 150 metres away and a white light lighting the rear licence plate when headlights are on. Headlights are equipped with the option to use a high beam to enhance vision further down the roadway and the use of a low beam when you are near other vehicles to minimize the glare of your headlights onto others. When you use high-beam headlights, remember to switch to low beams within 150 metres of an oncoming vehicle. Use your low beams when you are less than 60 metres behind another vehicle unless you are passing it. These rules apply to all roads, including divided ones.

      Turning your headlights on activates other required light systems, such as your parking lights, tail lights and rear-licence plate light. Daytime running lights, which are often another mode of your headlights or can be a separate lighting system, are specifically designed to make your vehicle more visible during times of good light conditions, and are automatically activated when your vehicle is in operation and your headlight switch is turned to off.

      When driving your vehicle, headlights are required to be turned on between one-half hour before sunset and one-half hour after sunrise, and any other time of poor light conditions, such as fog, snow or rain, which keeps you from clearly seeing people or vehicles less than 150 metres away. Please see the section on driving at night and in bad weather. Don't drive with only one headlight or with lights that are not aimed properly. Have your full lighting system checked regularly, keep them clean, and replace burned-out bulbs as soon as possible.

      Parking lights are only for parking. In low light, use your headlights, not parking lights.

      the road ahead when using low beam headlights

      Diagram 2-7 - Low beams

      Your daytime running lights are not to be used as headlights during poor lighting conditions. They provide an inappropriate form of light that may cast glare onto others or deactivate other required light systems, such as tail lights. Daytime running lights are only to be used during good light conditions to enhance the visibility of your vehicle. If your vehicle is not equipped with daytime running lights, you should turn your headlights on to provide similar visual enhancement.

      Driving with your vehicle's full lighting system set to automatic is recommended, if your vehicle is equipped with this option. This will better ensure that the appropriate lighting system is being used. You should also monitor the activation and operation of your vehicle's full lighting system at all times to ensure that appropriate lighting is being provided.

      • 谢谢老大了,只是我是觉得官方的说明里,对这几个灯的称呼,和自己车的好像不太一样,所以比较糊涂。比如那个Parking lights,到底是指哪个灯呢?停车灯难道不是自动的?
        • Parking lamps are not regulated. Switch B includes several sets of lamps, but at night you should use low beams (Switch C) other than Switch B.
          • 我觉得丁_丁的说明似乎更在理,不然B什么时候用呢?
            • During daytime.
              • 不能吧?白天还得开灯?白天我一直都放在off上,就是A上啊。
    • 再请教,那个C不是那个会晃到对方司机眼睛的灯吧?这个灯常开的话,是违反交规的吗?
      • C是低光,不会晃眼镜,高光要推杆才能点亮。
        • 明白了,谢谢了。
      • switch to low beams within 150 metres of an oncoming vehicle. Use your low beams when you are less than 60 metres behind another vehicle unless you are passing it. These rules apply to all roads, including divided ones.
      • 大灯,一般不开,避免晃对方的眼睛。除非你想看更远的地方
      • C 是雾灯,不是高光灯。雾灯的使用
        • 谢谢信息,不过看了后,这么些个灯,“前远光灯、近光灯、大灯、小灯,后面的行驶灯、刹车灯,在车后不起眼的地方还有一组防雾灯。”,数都数不过来了,和车里的灯一一对号,还需要点时间。:)
      • 晚上当然是C. C是low beam (低灯)。high beam 才是你担心晃到对方司机的高灯。
        • 我觉得丁_丁的说明似乎更在理,不然B什么时候用呢?
    • C
      • 那么B一般是什么情况下用呢?
        • 晚上被老婆赶出来,想自己在车内听听歌,看看书,上上网,或者和人聊聊天的时候。
          • 听你的口气好像很enjoy被赶出来的感觉啊
            • Sometimes cars are man caves.
              • not motels?
                • Motels cost money.
          • 就是非驾驶的情况下?
              • 谢谢,借贴再请教武帅,过了保养免费后,换油去滴乐和一般修车店有区别吗?
                • 没有区别。As long as it is done properly.
              • 如果选在auto挡,天暗是自动打开的应该是B, 这何解? 我认为 B 比C应更常用。能用B时用C,对自己利好,对别的司机利差
                • 如果有Auto 档,天黑了以后应该自动进入C 的状态。
                  • 难道记错了??
                    • 别怕,天大的错都有我陪你。
                      • 先问下你的取向~~
                        • 不出事都是直的
          • 老大说B是白天时打开,对吗?
            • 白天A 或B 都无所谓的吧。
        • B可用于非正常parking lot的临时停车, 高速, 或者小路, 及早提醒后面的来车
    • C
    • 难到只有我一个人觉得c是高光?我家车gs高光c打开,仪表盘上显示这个图标是蓝色的。 b是夜灯。晚上自动打开。或者有时候阴天也会开。在仪表盘上是显示绿色图标。 雾灯是有有个斜线穿过三条灯光的。
      • 高光是在C的位置然后再推杆点亮的,如果你转到C就看到蓝色高光图标,说明你的推杆已经推过去了,把它扒回来就回到低光了。
      • C 的图标是四条斜线,Low Beam. 高光是四条水平的线。
    • 你看一下你的汽车手册,应该有详细的说明。
    • 我看图上一共有四个档位,第四个是不是“自动”,如果是,转到这个挡位就什么都不用管了。 +1
    • B的名字叫做示宽灯,白天视线不好随时打开,看不清楚仪表盘时随时打开。以前的仪表不是液晶的不会发光。
      • 理解正确,我一般是白天下雨时,或视线不好时打开B,给后边跟车提个醒!
    • CCCCCC