我对付黑眼圈的办法是用chamomile hydrosol来敷眼睛,每星期3次,很有用,现在连我老公都加入了。另外推荐一款眼霜:Biotherm hydro detox eye gel, 对付黑眼圈和眼袋都很有效,尤其是眼袋。
如果单纯用于护肤的话,我建议用hydrosol 这也是我的aromatherapy老师说的,她说floral water 通常都用来做room spray or fragrance的。 敷的时候很简单了,用化妆棉,放在一个小碟子里,或小碗里,然后倒入hydrosol, 不要到太多,浪费,刚刚浸湿就好,尤其是化妆棉中间部分,如果想凉敷的话,就放冰箱一小会。我用的是资生堂的化妆棉大小正合适。敷个5-10分钟。可以在网上买chamomile hydrosol,我推荐一个
www.greengardenaroma.com。 H
ydrosols are the bi-product of the steam distillation of essential oils.It is more expensive than floral water.
Floral Waters are made by infusing essential oils in pure distilled water.
Essential oils are the fragrant liquid extracts distilled from flowers, leaves, stems, roots and seeds.
如果单纯用于护肤的话,我建议用hydrosol 这也是我的aromatherapy老师说的,她说floral water 通常都用来做room spray or fragrance的。 敷的时候很简单了,用化妆棉,放在一个小碟子里,或小碗里,然后倒入hydrosol, 不要到太多,浪费,刚刚浸湿就好,尤其是化妆棉中间部分,如果想凉敷的话,就放冰箱一小会。我用的是资生堂的化妆棉大小正合适。敷个5-10分钟。可以在网上买chamomile hydrosol,我推荐一个
www.greengardenaroma.com。 H
ydrosols are the bi-product of the steam distillation of essential oils.It is more expensive than floral water.
Floral Waters are made by infusing essential oils in pure distilled water.
Essential oils are the fragrant liquid extracts distilled from flowers, leaves, stems, roots and seeds.