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“ I am leasing the new 2013 Honda Accord with the four-cylinder engine. From day one, it's given us a hard, shaky, feel-every-bump-in-the-road ride, which is unacceptable for me and my wife. We are senior citizens who cannot be happy with this condition for the next three years of the lease. We went back to the dealer twice for road tests and they said this is the way the car is built and they cannot change it. ”

“(Accord LX 2.4L) Very rough ride specially in the rear of the vehicle. The car suspension does not keep the car planted at high speeds, and almost bounces off the road with a medium size bump while either a grand marquis or mustang can manage the same bump (the same toll road 241 has the same bump across the two lanes).

This "family" sedan rides rougher than my 2006 mustang gt, all due to what i think is the wrong shock/strut spec, which Honda should have sorted out before mass production. ”

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 买了个有些年头的二手本田Accord,开了一段时间没有任何毛病,但是乘客无论司机旁还是后座的都说车跳,晃,坐久了sick...上网查说Accord悬挂普遍硬一些设计的问题。想请问有没有可能通过调整悬挂避震系统,改善乘坐体验?
    • 太软了吧?硬悬挂才不会晕车。
    • 换机油事让修车师傅开开感受一下和其他Accord有啥不一样,同时你坐副驾。
    • 高档车都这样 +2
    • 是减震器要更换了,不是设计的问题 +1
    • 1.用手电看每个轮胎后面那个小园柱(strut)是否漏油;2. 站车外,用力压下每个角,放手,车该一次回位;如果上下晃,strut坏(多半是外面那圈弹簧已太弱). +1
    • 多谢各位回复。我大概看了下,避震器没有漏油或损坏,尝试按下去但不怎么按得下去。上网查也有人抱怨Accord这个问题,比如以下:

      “ I am leasing the new 2013 Honda Accord with the four-cylinder engine. From day one, it's given us a hard, shaky, feel-every-bump-in-the-road ride, which is unacceptable for me and my wife. We are senior citizens who cannot be happy with this condition for the next three years of the lease. We went back to the dealer twice for road tests and they said this is the way the car is built and they cannot change it. ”

      “(Accord LX 2.4L) Very rough ride specially in the rear of the vehicle. The car suspension does not keep the car planted at high speeds, and almost bounces off the road with a medium size bump while either a grand marquis or mustang can manage the same bump (the same toll road 241 has the same bump across the two lanes).

      This "family" sedan rides rougher than my 2006 mustang gt, all due to what i think is the wrong shock/strut spec, which Honda should have sorted out before mass production. ”
      • 你得很"用力"压下每个角,要用整个人的重量,或者把车驶过减速带时从外面看
      • “grand marquis or mustang”,这两车估计重不少。
    • 你以前开车吗?什么车?
      • 当然,美国车,怎么了?
        • 很多原因可以造成车内不舒适
    • 本站搜了一下,看到这个:#4437193@0
      • 那就没有办法了,只能适应了。 +1
    • 以前修车的时候师傅说过这就是Accord的毛病,我家曾经买过一辆10年的,怎么弄都抖个没完,方向盘都抖
      • 那里的“师傅” ? +1