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If you have less than 1095 days in Canada because of absences outside of Canada you may still apply for citizenship. It will be up to a judge to determine if those absences affect your application. There is no refund of the processing fee if your application is not approved because you do not meet the residence requirement.

The Citizenship Act requires a person to have accumulated 3 years (1095 days) in the past 4 years on the day before the application. Only a citizenship judge may determine if you meet the residence requirement if you do not have this many days.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 各位Rolia网友, 有一个很急的问题请教大家一下: 申请加国公民需要住满三年。 可是又听朋友说每年可有一个月的假期算在内, 也就是说实际上2年9个月就可申请。哪位朋友知道到底有没有这回事
    • false.
      • 可是我好象在CIC的网站上看到过这个规定, 现在怎么也找不到了。 是不是以前有这个规定, 现在取消了??
        • false.
        • 在申请表上有一句话,看看是否适合你。
          If you have less than 1095 days in Canada because of absences outside of Canada you may still apply for citizenship. It will be up to a judge to determine if those absences affect your application. There is no refund of the processing fee if your application is not approved because you do not meet the residence requirement.

          The Citizenship Act requires a person to have accumulated 3 years (1095 days) in the past 4 years on the day before the application. Only a citizenship judge may determine if you meet the residence requirement if you do not have this many days.
    • 有假期是可以的,但是你必须在landing后365*3天后才能提交申请。
      • 那是不是说landing 365*3 天之后, 实际只住满(3年减去3月)就可递交申请 了。 如果有, 在那里可看到官方的明确规定啊。谢谢!
        • 我的理解是这样的。我有朋友就是这样办理的。
          • 你知道在哪里可看到相关的规定吗, 再次感谢!!
    • 什么都别想,3年都挺了,还差这两天了,按照规定就是在加拿大境内呆满1095天
    • “到底有没有这回事”到CIC网站上把GUIDE和申请表DOWN下来,仔细阅读,尤其是计算天数的部分,之后你就知道了。