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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

**烈治文山概要 :华人人口29.8%

面积:100.89平方公里;行政管辖:约克埠;总人口:132.030(2001年统计数);华人人口:28.760(占总人口22%);人口增长(96-2001):29.8%;主要交通:HW7, HW404,Yonge ,Go Train;主要企业:York Hospital,Celestica,Compaq,Quebecer,Rogere Cable;大学以上学历人口比例:34%

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 大家对密市的环境印象怎么样?好多人都说密市环境好,可是我怎么觉得很一般,还是MARKHAM ,RICHMONDHILL 好.欢迎ADVISE
    • mississauga好好好!我现在还在吃中国菜,下中国馆子!不怕SARs
      • Are you tony?
        • nope, i am a friend of Tony actually. 下一步目标就是能在mississauga road附近置块地。附近的view不差于niagara小镇的秀丽
          • mississauga road上都是豪宅呀. 羡慕ing.
        • I am here, are you going to play tonight? I and lakeshore will go, hope can see you there!!
          • I may not be there tonight. You guys have fun!
    • 环境很好呀. 就是很多中国人住多伦多东边, 有什么活动就得长途跋涉
    • mississauga好好好!
    • 能不能具体分析? 比如, 学区, 居民组成, 居民家庭收入, 社区环境等, 谢绝
      • Interactive online map about the diversity of mississauga's population.
    • 抱歉'绝'字caused by fat finger
    • 很大一片,很多工厂,较少国人,很远很远才到多伦多,要花双倍车费。
      • 远?! 二十分钟左右从SQUARE ONE至CN TOWER, 你从Scarborough或North York最快也就这样了.
        • 双倍车费的意思是指坐公车
          • MARKHAM ,RICHMONDHILL 和M市车费一样啊
          • 住 Mississauga 和 Etobicoke 交界。
            • How are schools there (mississauga close to Etobicoke? Thanks
        • 很干净,很整齐,很多新房,很多就业机会,很大的购物中心,很方便去机场,很有发展前途!
        • It is about 30km from SQ1 to CN tower. local roads +highway, you need only 20 minutes? I don't think so, especially in rush hours.
      • 这么多人一起反对,吓得我直发抖! 不过是说说一家鄙见而已。
        • 帮你一把:因为房子新,基本上住宅区没有象样的树,所谓“树小墙新”是也。不过不算是爆发户气派。上周回了一趟Etobicoke,(Eglinton和Queensway之间),还是那里让我亲切。
          • 感谢有财兄. The Kingsway and Humper Valley Village 一带真是十分不错的。
            • Kingsway is one of the top 3 exclusive communities in Toronto (other two are Forest Hill and Rosedale)
              • I hope that the rest also realize the fact.
      • 密西沙家到处都是中国餐馆华人超市,何言“较少国人”?从密市市中心到多伦多市中心开车仅半个小时,跟从北约克中心走一样。但公交系统确实比不上多伦多。
        • 能否介绍一些好的华人超市与餐馆(密市的)?谢谢!
    • 萝卜白菜,各有所爱。
    • 密市与RICHMON HILL/MARKHAM 比较(中产阶层区)
      1。 学校。
      RICHMON HILL/MARKHAM 从整体说学校好些。密市只有少部份学校能与之相比。所以,密市选学区很重要。
      MARKHAM>%30华人。你喜欢的小区也许%70或更多。RICHMOND HILL 华人比例少些。密市华人%6。相信中产阶层区应有%20(猜测)。这3个区华人都增加很快。因此从人口比例来考虑,如受过大学教育,会说英文,密市最佳
      RICHMOND HILL (N4) 400K左右。MARKHAM 370K左右。密市350K左右。

      • 上次人口普查的结果MARKHAM是20%华人啊
        • N11 is still a very nice place to live today.
          However, who knows 5 years after? I used to living at Warden/Steels where was very nice middle class place. The truth is that once a place become Chinese dominant, the reputation changes.
          • what should Chinese do
            unfortunately you are right, that is a very sad state of mind.
            maybe as a Chinese, every and each of us should do something to contribute to the community we are living in. maybe we should keep backyard and frontyard clean and well mewed, maybe we should spend more on trees and shrubs, maybe we should stop herding in couple of areas, maybe we should stop being so 'shrewd' but cheap in taste.

            if you are new immigrant, ignore above and focus on surviving.

            but if you have been here for years and well established, maybe you should think about it.

            eventually, it is interest of every and each of us to win more respect.

            maybe we need Chinese councilors, even a mayor, why not.
        • **烈治文山概要 :华人人口29.8%
          面积:100.89平方公里;行政管辖:约克埠;总人口:132.030(2001年统计数);华人人口:28.760(占总人口22%);人口增长(96-2001):29.8%;主要交通:HW7, HW404,Yonge ,Go Train;主要企业:York Hospital,Celestica,Compaq,Quebecer,Rogere Cable;大学以上学历人口比例:34%
          • 22%
    • How can I find out where is the good school area in Missisauga? any website? thanks.
      • http://oldfraser.lexi.net/publications/studies/education/report_card/2001/ont/section_06.html
        • GTA MAN, I appreciate your kindness and warm-heart. One more question, How could I know which school is in Mississauga in this list? then how could I know which area in Mississauga belong to this school? thanks.
          • http://www.peel.edu.on.ca/schools/family.htm
            select map and a pdf will be shown that will show all details
            copy url to your broser.

            if you have more questions, you give me a call -----telephone number sent to your email.
          • http://www.peel.edu.on.ca/schools/missmap.htm or you can give me email I'll give you more info.
            • how could I know which area is better in your map zones? thanks
    • 偶和太太四年前的一天在MISSISSAUGA落地,
      过了不久就喜欢上了它,这些年,随然因为太太上学的原故,搬了好多次,RICHMOD HILL, NORTH YORK, ETOBICOKE, 但是最喜欢的还是MISSISSAUGA, 现在她又在这找到了工作,也在这买了房子,它给我们带来了好运.们随然,为了吃"飘香", "东北饺子"....不远万里,但是住还是要选MISSISSAUGA,
      • Can you list reasons (comparison) why you think Mississauga is better than Richmon Hill, North York, Etobicoke and so on please? Please share your knowledge. Thanks
      • we also 四年前的一天在MISSISSAUGA落地, 也在这买了房子, 喜欢它.
        • 我们是不是同一个飞机啊....................
          • Could be. :-)
            • 那一年好象只有一班飞机来加哟................
    • 我LANDING时就住在MISSISSAUGA,后来因为工作关系也经常去,一年怎么着也要跑个七八十趟,不过坦白说,我还是不喜欢那里。萝卜青菜,各有所爱。谁也说服不了谁。
    • 我说句良心话, Mississauga 环境实在不如 richmond hill, markham, 说生活方便嘛, 更是不如这两个地方. 但是, Missauga 同样的房子要便宜, 而且地税也较低. 如此而已, 大家都不是傻子, 上网看看房价就全明白了.
      • 谁也没有说你是傻子
        是个新兴的城市,连续几年创最低犯犯罪率地说。 richarmond hill 的房子贵是因为它的地皮少,新建的房子更少,属于已经开发过的地区。
        • Mississauga 也不不大. 其实大多伦多地区总体上还是向北发展的. 当然, 你要喜欢飞机天天从头上过, 那是你的自由.
          • 小蚊子,开始后悔了?好象你的房子头上没什么飞机过吧?
            • 偶尔
              • 那飞机的声音一定比小蚊子叫声还小吧?
        • 其实说明白了, 图便宜才在 mississauga 买房. 如果mississauga 的很多的好处, 那房价应在richmond hill 之上. 别自欺欺人. 傻子都明白的道理, 你咋就不懂呢.
          • 价廉并且物美。要单说价钱,旺市也不贵,怎么没人提?我个人认为,如果有钱,就买劣质文山,因为那里位置居中,将来换工作选择余地大。否则,就在离上班地点不远的地方,找方便舒适的地点买房。萝卜白菜,各有所爱。
          • 为何白人中层不再继续往RICHMOND HILL/MARKHAM跑?观察主流社会发展动态没错。
      • 有什么不方便?说说看。