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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Take over a lease 我要付/收多少钱合适

A car owner/lessee wants to find someone to take over her car lease. She paid $2,300 down payment initially, the monthly payment is about $480 plus tax, there are still 18 months left and the buyback amount is $18,800 at the maturity of the lease contract. I checked the current used car value and found it is at around $26,000 and I am considering to take over it if it is a deal.

Not sure this calculation makes sense:

Total amount I would pay if I eventually buy the car: 480 * 18 + 18800 = 27440
Price difference comparing with buying a used car now: 27440 - 26000 = 1440

So should I receive a minimum amount of $1440 to break even?

The car owner said she has bought wear and tear insurance and also would give me the winter tire as a bonus. I don't really count that as much value, is that right?

Really, how much I pay or receive from her would be reasonable?

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  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / Take over a lease 我要付/收多少钱合适 +1
    A car owner/lessee wants to find someone to take over her car lease. She paid $2,300 down payment initially, the monthly payment is about $480 plus tax, there are still 18 months left and the buyback amount is $18,800 at the maturity of the lease contract. I checked the current used car value and found it is at around $26,000 and I am considering to take over it if it is a deal.

    Not sure this calculation makes sense:

    Total amount I would pay if I eventually buy the car: 480 * 18 + 18800 = 27440
    Price difference comparing with buying a used car now: 27440 - 26000 = 1440

    So should I receive a minimum amount of $1440 to break even?

    The car owner said she has bought wear and tear insurance and also would give me the winter tire as a bonus. I don't really count that as much value, is that right?

    Really, how much I pay or receive from her would be reasonable?
    • 其实就看双方谈得如何。接lease的一方会有点心理优势,因为要转lease出去的一方多少会有点急迫。一般如果down pay付得比较多,转出方会希望接收方能补些现金给自己
    • 配置和公里数是个很重要的指标。 不过,就你的描述来讲。 这台车不值得拿下
    • 首先“current used car value“ 是wholesale 还是retail value?还有几百块的 转lease admin fee 要考虑
      • Current value is got from vmrcanada and autotrade.ca
        • 那个是asking price, 通常砍一两千不成问题
    • 26K 从哪来的?
      • 26K is got from the average price from Autotrade.ca
        • 一个等式里,有个 uncertainty,怎么能确定是 go 还是 no go 呢?
    • 不管这是个什么车,不贴你二千刀谈都不谈
    • 你不用算2W多元18个月的利息?
      • You've got a point :-).
    • buy out那个18880是税前吧,你这是个什么车型?
      • Mercedes-Benz CLA250 Coupe 4Matic
        • by the way, the year is 2015. Here is an example,
        • 我发私信给您吧
        • 还有这车现在多少公里数?她当时买的时候是每年多少?
      • I figured a way to evaluate it. The owner must pay me at least $4254, not sure if it makes sense. I am giving it up.


        • 租车是按45个月平均算下来的,但是新车头两年的折旧要远大于后两年,首期不多,车主应该补偿你。
          • 是的,其实即使不考虑车贬值因素,由于她已开了74%的公里数,她也得给我4千多。加上接过来是二手车,还有加额外补偿。这个车主不愿补偿这么多,说实得在的,如果她还给车行还便宜点,我也就不趁火打劫了。