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这是AUDI车友论坛的, 因为有些朋友不喜欢英文,上面的中文是GOOGEL 翻的。Audi has admitted the problem,

and have been fixing this issue in the Q5, A4, and A5 2.0T engines by replacing the front crankshaft seal and crankcase ventilation valve. They have also updated the engine software to reduce blow-by pressure in the engine.
However, to get this done you must take the car back to the dealer, and remind them of the class action lawsuit in America, where Audi was forced to repair the issue. As a first step, the dealer must change the oil, and weigh the oil they replace it with. At this point, they must also replace the PCV valve, front crankshaft seal, and do the software upgrade.
You must then drive the car normally for 1600 km, after which the dealer will weigh the oil again to see how much you have used. If the problem persists, the only other way to fix the issue is to have the engine rebuilt to replace the pistons and rings with units that have been redesigned. This usually fixes the problem, but the real problem is getting the dealer to actually do a rebuild.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / audi 烧机油的问题到底有没有解决? +1
    奥迪已经承认这个问题,并且已经通过更换前曲轴密封件和曲轴箱通风阀在Q5,A4和A5 2.0T发动机中解决了这个问题。他们还更新了发动机软件以减少发动机的漏气压力。


    • 德国车貌似都有烧机油的问题,audi比2b更严重?
      • 没有必要关心这些,开4年而以。
        • 关心啥?有点麻烦而已,昨天开长途,突然灯就亮了,还得找地方去买机油
          • 亮了机油灯的话,也就是说机油液面已经低到不能再低了。磨损已经不可避免。
            • 不可能,车厂的设置已留足充分的余地。再说,车在路上开,磨损本来就不可避免。
          • 后备箱里常备机油可解
    • 有钱买懊敵,就要准备好换涡轮和烧机油
    • 15年A4开了50000公里,除了正常时间保养,迄今去dealer那加过两次机油,不知道这烧机油算不算严重?
      • 你试加机油还是换机油? 一般车都是换机油,奥迪有加机油,机油指示下降。
        • 我想我的中文表述的已经很清楚了
          • 你的车肯定是烧机油,12年以前的款?
    • 到底什么叫做烧机油,你说的清楚吗?
      • audi 仪表盘有个机油液位指示,司机们发现机油指示下降,没有漏油迹像,油就是进气缸里烧掉了。2000KM 烧掉一升。。。相当喝一瓶茅台。。。
        • 只要有缝隙,机油就会漏进去。被高温一烧,就是烧机油,是不是? 有缝隙的地方,不仅仅是气缸,还包括turbo,活塞环周围等。奥迪的缸内直喷搞了那么多年,还烧机油,说明有些地方很难完美。烧或者不烧,从引擎一出厂就已经决定了。
          • 有的时候,为了保证大马力输出,必须要适当的烧机油。因为金属的热胀冷缩,你一上赛道马上红线7千转以上,任何时候都保持低档+高转速,因此各零件之间冷却状态肯定有缝。从这个角度来说,高性能车辆,必须烧机油。特别是现在都流行用稀薄的机油,更烧得厉害。
            • 正准备给Benz写信告诉他们再不改,SUV将全线输给BMW。嗯,我先马上写信给AUDI请你去。
            • 必须烧机油是谬论, +1
              奥迪已经承认这个问题,并且已经通过更换前曲轴密封件和曲轴箱通风阀在Q5,A4和A5 2.0T发动机中解决了这个问题。他们还更新了发动机软件以减少发动机的漏气压力。然而,为了完成这项工作,您必须将汽车带回经销商处,并提醒他们美国的集体诉讼诉讼,奥迪被迫修复该问题。作为第一步,经销商必须更换机油,并称重更换的机油。此时,他们还必须更换PCV阀门,前曲轴密封件,并进行软件升级。然后,您必须正常驾驶汽车1600公里,然后经销商再次称量油量,看看您使用了多少。如果问题依然存在,解决问题的唯一方法就是重新安装发动机,以便用经过重新设计的单元替换活塞和环。这通常可以解决问题,但真正的问题是让经销商实际进行重建。
              • 我擦,这类中文的官方报道我从来不看,都是说套话。大众奥迪的EA888引擎,也就是广泛应用的2.0T,我开了3年,也潜伏在各论坛看了3年。为什么同一款车同一年份有的烧机油,有的不烧机油?都说了,从一下地就已经决定了。命不好的,根本没得救。
                • 这是AUDI车友论坛的, 因为有些朋友不喜欢英文,上面的中文是GOOGEL 翻的。Audi has admitted the problem,
                  and have been fixing this issue in the Q5, A4, and A5 2.0T engines by replacing the front crankshaft seal and crankcase ventilation valve. They have also updated the engine software to reduce blow-by pressure in the engine.
                  However, to get this done you must take the car back to the dealer, and remind them of the class action lawsuit in America, where Audi was forced to repair the issue. As a first step, the dealer must change the oil, and weigh the oil they replace it with. At this point, they must also replace the PCV valve, front crankshaft seal, and do the software upgrade.
                  You must then drive the car normally for 1600 km, after which the dealer will weigh the oil again to see how much you have used. If the problem persists, the only other way to fix the issue is to have the engine rebuilt to replace the pistons and rings with units that have been redesigned. This usually fixes the problem, but the real problem is getting the dealer to actually do a rebuild.