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There is a lack of scientific understanding or patents describing how water with metallic salts can be used to produce electric energy with the efficiency and energy density that the company claims, and no independent third party measurements confirming the claims are available.[16] The claimed performance contradicts research that has been done on flow batteries.[17] It has been said that "there is no solid proof just yet that the QUANT e actually works and performs as advertised".[18]

The Quantino allegedly has been using 12 kWh per 100 km in a mixed test.[19] This is much less than every other mainstream electric car, including smaller and lighter cars. NanoFlowcell does not comment on this.

The Quant 48 Volt delivers 560 kW at 48 V, with 140 kW going to each motor. This means the current going to each motor is equal to 2917 Amps. The company fails to explain how it deals with cooling those cables. [20]

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / This Car Is Powered By Salt Water: 920HP, Top Speed 217.5 MPH, 373 Miles/Tank
    • 早前的报道说要1•7米美金,不知道现在涨了还是跌了。
      • 谢谢,我不知道会这麽贵,不过大规模商用化后价钱会降下来。以后不用去加油站了。去NO FRILLS买包盐,加点水,就可以上路了。:-)
        • 问题是价钱不降下来就无法大规模商业化,当年Tesla Roaster 10万块不到,也花了十年才出现model 3这样的低价版。这flow cell powered car 好像还没有第三方试驾啊,都四年了进展也太慢了,这样的速度至少要过20年才能量产。
          • 是,我也不知道什麽时候会大规模商业化。我希望这次会快一些,因为它的应用远超过汽车领域。比如用这个科技,我们根本不需要电网,每家自己安一个盐水电机,就可以满足自家的供电,供暖。环保问题解决了一大半
            • 肯定是技术上碰到很大的困难了,或者根本就Scam.你看WiKi解释吧。
              There is a lack of scientific understanding or patents describing how water with metallic salts can be used to produce electric energy with the efficiency and energy density that the company claims, and no independent third party measurements confirming the claims are available.[16] The claimed performance contradicts research that has been done on flow batteries.[17] It has been said that "there is no solid proof just yet that the QUANT e actually works and performs as advertised".[18]

              The Quantino allegedly has been using 12 kWh per 100 km in a mixed test.[19] This is much less than every other mainstream electric car, including smaller and lighter cars. NanoFlowcell does not comment on this.

              The Quant 48 Volt delivers 560 kW at 48 V, with 140 kW going to each motor. This means the current going to each motor is equal to 2917 Amps. The company fails to explain how it deals with cooling those cables. [20]
              • 谢谢这个信息,很有意思。让我想起了以前在网上看的一个“永动机/免费能源”的视频,让我印象最深的就是他的特殊导线可以承受超大电流,换成普通导线后,普通导线马上发热,坏掉。
    • 住海边的有福了 +1
    • 这些都是伪科学,比较靠谱的是烧天然气的车,没个车安装一个气罐,
      • 这个20几年前就有了,中国新疆很多这种改装车。
      • 以前北京出租车全改天然气了 公交也改了 没几年又改回来了
        • 用气的被追尾有安全隐患
      • 广州全部出租都是烧气的,大巴好像大部分都是。空气改善很多。
        • 烧天然气是汽油成本一半还少,出租当然改了,电动车是错误方向,