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Woman accidentally stole car, kept it for two weeks

The woman swapped a Nissan Sentra sedan (top) for an Infiniti QX50 SUV (bottom)

The woman swapped a Nissan Sentra sedan (top) for an Infiniti QX50 SUV (bottom)  (Nissan/Infiniti)

This is the wrong way to get an upgrade.

An elderly Canadian woman inadvertently stole a car and kept it for two weeks in late June after mistaking it for the one she had just rented.

Cornwall police say she drove the rented black Nissan Sentra sedan to a nearby Walmart to pick up some groceries, but upon exiting the store she got into a black Infiniti QX50 luxury SUV parked nearby instead. Although made by the same parent company, the vehicles really aren’t much alike.


The Walmart was just a short drive from the car rental agency.  (Google Earth)

Apparently, the Infiniti owner had left his key fob in the car, so the door opened and she was able to start it. Since the rental car used the same system she was none the wiser to the mixup and drove off on her merry way.

When the woman returned it days later – with a complaint about how it was messy and had golf clubs in the trunk – confusion ensued. Then the rental agent turned into an investigator and took her to retrace her steps, which first led them to the Walmart parking lot where they found the Nissan still parked. The agent then called the police to tell them what happened.

Cornwall Constable Tommy McKay told the CBC: "My initial thought was, 'I'm going to have to find out where she got this vehicle from, or my God, how am I going to put cuffs on this elderly female.'”

Since the Infiniti owner had reported his car stolen, the police were able to track him down and return the car. Despite the inconvenience, he didn’t press charges against the woman, and the police let her off with a laugh, posting the cautionary tale to Facebook with the closing line: “Folks, we just can’t make this stuff up!”

Cornwall police did not reveal the identities of any of the parties involved in the comical caper.



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 俺不歧视女司机 +1

    Woman accidentally stole car, kept it for two weeks

    The woman swapped a Nissan Sentra sedan (top) for an Infiniti QX50 SUV (bottom)

    The woman swapped a Nissan Sentra sedan (top) for an Infiniti QX50 SUV (bottom)  (Nissan/Infiniti)

    This is the wrong way to get an upgrade.

    An elderly Canadian woman inadvertently stole a car and kept it for two weeks in late June after mistaking it for the one she had just rented.

    Cornwall police say she drove the rented black Nissan Sentra sedan to a nearby Walmart to pick up some groceries, but upon exiting the store she got into a black Infiniti QX50 luxury SUV parked nearby instead. Although made by the same parent company, the vehicles really aren’t much alike.


    The Walmart was just a short drive from the car rental agency.  (Google Earth)

    Apparently, the Infiniti owner had left his key fob in the car, so the door opened and she was able to start it. Since the rental car used the same system she was none the wiser to the mixup and drove off on her merry way.

    When the woman returned it days later – with a complaint about how it was messy and had golf clubs in the trunk – confusion ensued. Then the rental agent turned into an investigator and took her to retrace her steps, which first led them to the Walmart parking lot where they found the Nissan still parked. The agent then called the police to tell them what happened.

    Cornwall Constable Tommy McKay told the CBC: "My initial thought was, 'I'm going to have to find out where she got this vehicle from, or my God, how am I going to put cuffs on this elderly female.'”

    Since the Infiniti owner had reported his car stolen, the police were able to track him down and return the car. Despite the inconvenience, he didn’t press charges against the woman, and the police let her off with a laugh, posting the cautionary tale to Facebook with the closing line: “Folks, we just can’t make this stuff up!”

    Cornwall police did not reveal the identities of any of the parties involved in the comical caper.


    • 也看到这则消息乐。每次租了车都会赶紧给牌照拍张照,看来好习惯需要保持。 +2
    • This could happen to anyone when getting older and older. +1
    • 她要是进错家门,去了隔壁老王家。。。我不敢想下去了。。 +1
      • 老王说,“虽然我单身很久了,但是我还是有最低标准的,就是起码二十以上,五十以下的”
    • Infiniti钥匙留在车里竟然不alarm?
      • 不锁门就不会alarm
        • 我的车钥匙留在车里,只要一关门,就alarm +1
    • 开了两星期,从来没锁过车?还好没被另一个女司机开走
    • Infinity车主们不乐意了,花大价钱感情跟你桑一样啊。 +1
    • 理解 +1
    • 挺好的,如果大家都这样,那就世界大同了吧。
    • 太本事了。
    • 服了 共享汽车商机
    • 上学时候有次借别人自行车 人给我钥匙告我在哪 我骑一圈回来还给他说你这车锁忒难开了 他说不应该呀 然后问细节发现我骑错车了 居然钥匙还能打开 我还给人还回去了
      • 上大学时想骑车了,就拿着几把废旧自行车钥匙,每辆试,总能打开一辆,骑完再放回原处。
        • 啊?这个要是被抓住了,算是蓄意的了。
          • 听他吹呢 几把钥匙几十辆车 那得试到啥时候去 一把钥匙一辆车死磕就行
        • 我上大学时候就有一次从体育馆出来,那我的车钥匙开了别人的自行车,骑回去后才发现不对,又骑回去换。害我跑两趟。
    • LOL
    • 按木木的理论推广 -- 说 ”不歧视女司机“ 就是歧视! +1
      • LOL
    • 男人脸盲更可怕~
      • #MeToo
        • 老大,你也会把街上的女士随便就当成你的女朋友?这不和土豆一样了。 +2
      • 哪个男人带错老伴
    • 奇闻啊~
    • 不许笑话女司机。。明明就很像嘛 +3
    • Infiniti owner该负责任,谁让他不锁车门?这不害人嘛。
      • 对啊,人家老太太也说了,还在后面放了乱七八糟的东西,好像还有高尔夫球什么的,人家老太太也将就着开了。 +1
    • 这个和男女没什么关系吧?岁数大了,老糊涂了。
      • Sudoku可以锻炼大脑, 老年人经常玩,可以使大脑保持年轻, 避免健忘的出现
    • 有人跟我一样,觉得图片上这2辆车狠狠像,好吧 +2

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