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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Excluded Driver Endorsement

June 24, 2009
The Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) is has clarified the use of an endorsement which can be added to your insurance policy.

The Excluded Driver Endorsement (Ontario Policy Change Form, OPCF 28A) has been available but not usually offered, by insurance companies. Effective for policies issued or renewed on or after June 1, FSCO has mandated that insurance companies must offer this endorsement, that it is no longer optional.

The Insurance Act states that the named insured (policy owner) may sign an endorsement which effectively excludes any driver from their insurance policy.

The owner and excluded driver sign a standardized form, which states both agree the excluded driver will not be driving their vehicle. Both owner and excluded driver acknowledge that the insurance policy will not pay for property damage, damage to the auto, or for most injuries caused by an excluded driver.

The endorsement specifically states that the owner and the excluded driver may be held personally responsible for damage or injuries caused while the excluded driver drives the automobile.

It also specifically states that if the excluded driver is caught driving the automobile, he can be charged with driving without insurance. The consequences are also stated that if the excluded driver drives the automobile, the insurance company has the right to cancel the policy. This would make getting insurance very costly, with limited markets.

This endorsement has been on the books for many years, but many insurance companies have refused to offer it, as the wording was not clear and insurance companies ended up paying for some injury claims caused by excluded drivers.

The endorsement has been re-worded by FSCO and the penalties laid out clearly in the document and as a result of this clarity, the endorsement must be offered by all standard insurance companies.

By signing the endorsement, the insurance premium is almost always reduced, as there has usually been a cost involved for keeping this driver on your policy. It is important to note however, that any accidents which the now-excluded driver incurred previously, still can be charged for, by the insurance company. The only cost saving is the premium charged for the excluded driver and his convictions.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / TD Insurance 前几天告诉我,不能继续给我的车保险了,因为我媳妇儿的驾照没有转换为安省驾照。我问,那把我媳妇儿拿掉行不行?TD回答:不行,只要你和你媳妇儿住在一起,你媳妇儿持有任何国家有效驾照。安省保险公司真是牛啊,主动给他送钱都不要。
    我只好试一试在Twitter是看到的 Sonnet Insurance 保险公司。这是一家加拿大保险公司,所有保险申请全部在线完成,我花了大约三十分钟左右完成,我的Sonnet汽车保险费是每月$104,而先前的TD汽车保险费是每月 $150。我节省了30%的汽车保险费,保险总额一样,100万。不会被骗吧?
    • 不错的信息。这家公司广告打得挺胸的。我也在TD。但是有一个at fault claim。大家知道需要蹲几年牢啊? +1
      • claim记录要跟随你六年
      • 越狱可解。
    • 你媳妇用他省驾照在安省行驶? +1
      • TD 告诉我,外省驾照只能在安省使用三个月。所以三个月后,我媳妇儿就不开车了,但是TD 就是不答应我继续买他们的保险,被逼无奈只好去买Snnet保险了。
        • 那为什么不转安省驾照呢? +2
          • 她不想换,宁可不在安省开车
            • 不想换就从新考一个安省的就可以了。不用交还回旧的
              • 不想换,也不想重考,不开车总是可以的吧?
            • 真是奇怪的想法....理解不了。 +1
            • 不可以的,应该是必须换,除非她不常住安省,查查法规吧。
              • 为什么必须换驾照?不换不开车不可以吗?TD也说,不换就不给保险!!!这不是流氓行为吗?
                • 不可以的,具体你查查法规吧。TD还真不是流氓行为,这应该是行规。 +2
                  • 没错,是行规。与黑道行规有得比的意思。
                • 记得常住地址变了,规定期限内必须换驾照,不是愿不愿意的事。 +2
                  • 事主什么都不懂,还天天在信口雌黄,3月必须换,这是加拿大要求,美国也是如此。 +2
                    • 如果坚持不换成安省驾照,会发生什么严重的事情?谢谢
                      • https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/i-just-moved-do-i-legally-have-to-change-my-address-and-where-34505
        • 问题是你媳妇肯定不开你的车了吗?肯定的话就要加一个排除条款,这个在任何一家公司都是要的。 +1
          • 她宁可不在安省开车,也绝不换驾照
            • 那你就跟保险公司说,把她加到Excluded Driver里
              • 我和保险公司说了:请把我媳妇儿拿掉!保险公司说:那也不行!所以我只好找别的保险公司了。
                • 所有保险公司都是一样的,车险是省里统一的。
    • 可能是Sonnet 保险公司被骗了 +27
    • 任何国家有效驾照在这里三个月后就无效了
    • If all terms and conditions are same 你省了换媳妇了。 +2
      • 也错过了。
    • 不是保险公司牛有钱不挣,是同一辆车不能保不同省的驾照驾驶人,有电话还是打电话问吗,否则出了事故不保白交保费。
      • 找谁去问?我打过去的电话就是TD保险公司的电话。结论就是:不换成安省的驾照就不给续保。所以只好找别的保险公司了
        • 如果你老实讲,你老婆常住安省但不换安省驾照,应该没有保险公司保你的。
          • 可以的。但要签保证她不能开这车,否则不赔。可以租车,如果用其他形式保险
            • 那就让lz试试吧
              • 是该试试。你那阿省不是还有男生故意申请改驾照变女神,成功地节省保险$$$的实例嘛
            • 我媳妇就是宁可不在安省开车,也不换成安省驾照!我媳妇儿有错吗?
              • 错在不理解保险在这里就是大爷。呵呵。 +1
                just kidding
                • 请他们拿相关法律条文学习学习,那不出。倒有给我读他们内部规定但不给email条文,怕什么呢。不过最后倒特批可不包括但得写保证不开这车。
          • 这个规定你得给我一个法律说法,或给一个政府说法。
            • 支持你以身试法,我说的是我的经验,保险公司不会保持外省驾照人,具体到你家,明显的你老婆和你常住在一起但仍持外省驾照,我想保险公司不愿纠缠,干脆拒保。
              • 接受你的解释,TD不愿意纠缠。
            • 没有,你又咋地?呵呵
    • 很多保险公司允许签一个类似保证书的FORM --- Car insurance excluded driver 声明你媳妇不得驾驶这个车。
      • 我告诉TD: 请把我媳妇儿从我的汽车保险中拿掉,我甚至可以写一个保证书,保证我媳妇儿不会在安省开我的车,保证我负全责。可是TD还是不续保! +1
    • 随便找了一个AB省的,安省应该有类似规定
      • 这个讲得不清楚
    • 很恋旧
    • 相信你没有告诉Sonnet 保险公司你媳妇的情况,所以他们就当没有这个驾驶员处理了
      • 是的,根本没把我媳妇儿加进去,就是避免拒保。
        • 你这个是Failed to disclose,保险公司发现了是有权取消保险的。还是告诉他们,然后签个28A比较好 +3
          • 不是取消保险那么简单,是出险可以拒赔。
            • 楼上是对的,实际操作是取消保险退还保费,就当这个保险从来就没存在过处理,根本就谈不上理赔了。
    • 倔媳妇儿,宁可不开车也不换驾照,我只能呵呵了 +2
      • 持有一个地方的驾照一定是有别的益处,驾照是一个地址证明和身份证明 +10
        • 长住不换驾照就是欺诈。老家最反对欺诈了。应该自裁或者离婚。 +6
      • 这是有历史原因,说来话长了,一说就掉眼泪
        • 所以未必是TD 违法,可能TD 知道一些其他事情,所以不愿意保,不过既然sonnet 更便宜,那不是更好吗?
        • 不过你又害怕被骗
    • 给你的床总写封信,说不定他会把你们接回去
    • 填写OPCF 28A表格,声明将媳妇排除在驾驶员之外,传真给保险公司即可。当初我儿子刚考了G2,我就是这样做的。 +1
      • I had similar situation, but I just exclude my wife
      • 我向TD保证,我媳妇儿不会在加拿大开我的车,但是TD拒绝续保
      • 你也是TD保险吗?
    • 这个解释非常清楚,这个条例TD不执行,已经违法了。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Excluded Driver Endorsement

      June 24, 2009
      The Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) is has clarified the use of an endorsement which can be added to your insurance policy.

      The Excluded Driver Endorsement (Ontario Policy Change Form, OPCF 28A) has been available but not usually offered, by insurance companies. Effective for policies issued or renewed on or after June 1, FSCO has mandated that insurance companies must offer this endorsement, that it is no longer optional.

      The Insurance Act states that the named insured (policy owner) may sign an endorsement which effectively excludes any driver from their insurance policy.

      The owner and excluded driver sign a standardized form, which states both agree the excluded driver will not be driving their vehicle. Both owner and excluded driver acknowledge that the insurance policy will not pay for property damage, damage to the auto, or for most injuries caused by an excluded driver.

      The endorsement specifically states that the owner and the excluded driver may be held personally responsible for damage or injuries caused while the excluded driver drives the automobile.

      It also specifically states that if the excluded driver is caught driving the automobile, he can be charged with driving without insurance. The consequences are also stated that if the excluded driver drives the automobile, the insurance company has the right to cancel the policy. This would make getting insurance very costly, with limited markets.

      This endorsement has been on the books for many years, but many insurance companies have refused to offer it, as the wording was not clear and insurance companies ended up paying for some injury claims caused by excluded drivers.

      The endorsement has been re-worded by FSCO and the penalties laid out clearly in the document and as a result of this clarity, the endorsement must be offered by all standard insurance companies.

      By signing the endorsement, the insurance premium is almost always reduced, as there has usually been a cost involved for keeping this driver on your policy. It is important to note however, that any accidents which the now-excluded driver incurred previously, still can be charged for, by the insurance company. The only cost saving is the premium charged for the excluded driver and his convictions.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 如果你肯定TD无理地不给你签28A,可以向 FSCO 投诉啊
    • 是不是你媳妇儿曾经有过安省驾照,后来发生了一些严重事情,就考了个外省驾照,希望以后能以此在安省继续开车?
      • 不是。我媳妇儿从来没有拿到过安省正式驾照。
        • 你家媳妇在安省常住却没有安省驾照,理论上不能在安省开车,你一个人上车险应该是能说的过去的,她要是胆敢开你的车=无证+无保险开车。
          • 不大对,lz媳妇不常住安省的话保险只保lz没问题。但有外省驾照又常住安省就有问题了,填那些excluded form都不行,保险明知这是against Transportation某某Act的情况就只能拒保了。
        • 那就相信是她 G1 / G2 期间发生了点事了
          • 有过G1,G2保险公司都查得到的。
    • “不想换,也不想重考,不开车” 这个不合理,比较难以相信 +1
      • 我们认为完全合理,不过保险公司和政府机构都认为不合理。
        • 实际上都是保险公司内部条款,即使有点霸王,一般民众是没什么办法的。他们也拿不出没有明确的法律规定。但你据理力争,也许也会通融。
    • 对驾照的理解不同。我们认为驾照就是驾驶执照而已


      • 那就不告诉他/她有中国驾照,按安省的规则一步一步从头考。