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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛最近看了不少朋友出了车祸,但不知如何处理..我想不少人在买保险的时候, 只比较了价格,很少顾及万一出事后的索赔程序以及其他事项... 其实这个影响也很大的..最近看书,发现有些问题很有帮助..
interview prospective insurer:

1) are u a direct writer or an independent agent?
2) what is your past claim experience with people like me?
3) will filing a claim raise my premiums?
4) how soon can i expect payment if i file a claim?
5)how and when can you cancel or refuse to renew my coverage?
6) how often will my premium rise?
7) how often are policies renewed? a year or six month?
8) where does your coverage apply?
9) what discounts do u offer?
10)if i have an accident and i am a driver at fault, how long the record will keep?
11) should i report any accident to u? even the damange is several hundreds dollors?
12) what's difference between i make a claim or not if i have a accident ? does it influence my primium?
10-12 is questiones i added..

spend time to read each company's policy.u can ask agency to give u a copy of the policy you're considering and guide your throught it,page by page.

shop about different insurer or ask some agency to remmanded differnt insurer.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 选保险公司除便宜之外,还要注意的f索赔问题
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛最近看了不少朋友出了车祸,但不知如何处理..我想不少人在买保险的时候, 只比较了价格,很少顾及万一出事后的索赔程序以及其他事项... 其实这个影响也很大的..最近看书,发现有些问题很有帮助..
    interview prospective insurer:

    1) are u a direct writer or an independent agent?
    2) what is your past claim experience with people like me?
    3) will filing a claim raise my premiums?
    4) how soon can i expect payment if i file a claim?
    5)how and when can you cancel or refuse to renew my coverage?
    6) how often will my premium rise?
    7) how often are policies renewed? a year or six month?
    8) where does your coverage apply?
    9) what discounts do u offer?
    10)if i have an accident and i am a driver at fault, how long the record will keep?
    11) should i report any accident to u? even the damange is several hundreds dollors?
    12) what's difference between i make a claim or not if i have a accident ? does it influence my primium?
    10-12 is questiones i added..

    spend time to read each company's policy.u can ask agency to give u a copy of the policy you're considering and guide your throught it,page by page.

    shop about different insurer or ask some agency to remmanded differnt insurer.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 啥都没问就买了两年了, 看来今年要多问几句了
      • 天雨路滑,车在高速上爆肽撞栏.是MONEX的全保,请教如何索赔?
        • 是朋友的车,昨天晚上刚听说的.这样一来即使不是自己的过错,明年也要涨保险吗?
    • 能请你说说每个问题应该得到什么样的答案才算较理想么?十二分感谢!!!!
      • 说句实话,我也是新手,正在学习之中..
        至于有没有理想的答案, 至少我目前没有.而且各保险公司政策也不一样,另外你自己的保单,车型也不一样.. 之所以列出这个话题,就因为见到这种事故后不知处理的朋友太多...当每个人对自己所买的保险,事故处理有些了解后,万一发生事故,自己就会权衡,作出合理的决定,保卫自己的最大利益, 减少损失..