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These days many friends are discussing the "good and bad" of China or Canada. Unfortunetly some discussions are going too far and becoming kind of personal attacking.

These two days I can do NOTHING besides moderating this forum, I'm keeping my eyes widely open. I feel so sorry and I'm really tired.

As you friends can see, I deleted many posts. I almost have no enegy to check which specific post is good or which is not. What I can do is to completely delete the whole topic. Sorry about that.

Please do me a favour. Please stop discussing those topics and keep calm for several days. If you really want to say something, please respect others and be reasonable. You may also send email to the friends you want to discuss with. Please don't keep posting duplicated messages because our server resources are very limited.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

    These days many friends are discussing the "good and bad" of China or Canada. Unfortunetly some discussions are going too far and becoming kind of personal attacking.

    These two days I can do NOTHING besides moderating this forum, I'm keeping my eyes widely open. I feel so sorry and I'm really tired.

    As you friends can see, I deleted many posts. I almost have no enegy to check which specific post is good or which is not. What I can do is to completely delete the whole topic. Sorry about that.

    Please do me a favour. Please stop discussing those topics and keep calm for several days. If you really want to say something, please respect others and be reasonable. You may also send email to the friends you want to discuss with. Please don't keep posting duplicated messages because our server resources are very limited.

    • I still think you should not delete the whole topics.
    • 早说嘛,老哥。OK, i give up
    • poor sailor, take care of your self. we are appreciate your hard work, thanks :-)
    • 让找工和FB成为主旋律!
      • 是啊,该回到正轨上来了......这两天的ROLIA真不象我以前钟爱的那个论坛了。
      • 举双手同意,我是一个老百姓,我最想的是热爱生活和结交热爱生活的朋友。
        • 相信大家都热爱生活,我也是。
          • 以后见到出格的帖子,不回他好不好,他自己就会觉得没趣的。
          • 如果实在忍不住,就给他鼓掌打一串拍拍拍拍拍拍。。。。
      • you are absolutely right:)
    • Sailor,支持你!提供了一个很好的交流的空间,I LOVE ROLIA。//维护论坛的时候,并没有针对某个特定的人,也不会维护某个特定的人,而是为了ROLIA和她的全体会员的利益。包括发言的,和不发言,注册的和不注册的。
      • 总觉得sailor是个很可爱的人,沉稳、有礼、谦逊。我忍了又忍还是忍不住来夸他几句。
    • 你改行做firefighter啦?希望不要把rolia变成iron curtain.
    • Sailor,正好问你一个问题。一个话题是怎么变成“热点话题”的呢?是程序自动转换过去,还是你手工加入的?
      • 手工。君不见,曾有帖子树高达万丈,只因sailor不在,一直茁壮生长。
    • 以实际行动支持。
    • Rolia is a place that let friends exchange viewpoints ,not attack each other.
    • 支持! 其实有点过激也无所谓, 过两天就过去了. 大家都要TAKE IT EASY.
    • But why don't you delete 120635? I think everyone should be regarded as equal regardless whether you known him or not, and you like him or not. Another thing, we asked where is the fund supports Rolia from for many times, why don't you answer?
      Maybe some one here can donate a little or provide help. I know this is your website, but if there are only 5 persons surffing with rolia, it is totally belonged to you, but if so many people registered here, Rolia should be a virtual home for all of us, I said this just because I love rolia, I never care what happened on yahoo, because I am not an user there.

      Thank you very much for building rolia, I already said this many times. Let us just do not say much flattering words and take some actions. Could I donates some bucks to you after my landing? How?
      • I did it...and come in please:
        Sorry for the ignorance... and thank you for your kindness. Currently there's no financial problem with rolia.com, the biggest and most effective support you friends can do is try to keep this forum a nice, polite and peace place so that I can contribute more time on improving it. Thank you!
        • Thank you for your reply and I got it.
    • 建议制定论坛规章/删文条例。当一个人sign in时,必须同意这个协定,以后照章办事,谁还会说什么?你再让版主们按章程帮你整理版务。否则,随着rolia的成长,就算你是全职站长,也会累死你。建议让饺子来组织,她组织能力比你强很多,你是典型的技术专家。
      • Thank you! I'm working on it.
        • 班主,我不认为这是一个好主意。如果有了这样的协定,争执也一样会发生,只不过到那时候,争执的主题可能是“某某人的话到底有没有违反协定?”这种争执可能还没争前两天的话题来得更有意义呢。
          • 版主和网友关于删文的争议将提交站长仲裁,双方不得对最后仲裁结果作任何申辩,这就是民主--集中制。看来你从来没去过bbs或其他www论坛。既然是虚拟社会,就会有社会的基本特点,看看现实社会中法律是如何运作的,这里应该也是一样的。
            • 如果你看了这些天的帖子的话,你应该看到,最后的争执是怎样平息的,就是从sailor的那个请大家calm down的帖子开始的。他有没有组织能力我不知道,他有亲和力这个我知道,大家都愿意听他的。这就是领导者的魅力。搞些繁文褥节没什么意思。
    • 能不能搞个自动删贴功能:如果某贴大家看了恶心(与反对他的观点不同),就投他一票,达到多少票由机器自动删除.这样发贴者也无话可说,即使冤枉也得服从.也免得由于站长的个人视角问题误删而得罪人.,自己也累
      • "我虽然反对你的观点,但我誓死捍卫你说话的权利-如果你说话不带人身攻击的话."
        • 观点过激一点根本不应受到什么谴责,因为他本来可能就是那么想的,我们没有必要强迫别人与我们的想法一致--那是愚民政策
    • 删不删,各有利弊,不能用完美的角度要求,权衡一下,我觉得不删利大于弊。做为一个成人使用的论坛,只有恶意破坏论坛的运作时需要管理,其他应该尽量自由发展。