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谢谢以上坛友的回复,这是我在网上找到的英文介绍 - Why You Shouldn't Use Winter Tires Year-Round

Winter tires are specially designed for cold temperatures and winter precipitation. Once it gets warm, you won't need deep tread depths to handle snow or biting edges for traction on ice. Here are some specific reasons why using winter tires year round is not recommended.

Faster wear on warm, dry pavement - the tread rubber of winter tires is considerably more flexible than that of all season and summer tires. That same pliable tread rubber that adds traction in winter will wear down quickly in warm temperatures. Summer and all-season tires are built to withstand warm temperatures, providing long wear life.

Decreased performance - In warm weather, winter tires won't provide the same handling capabilities as summer or all-season tires. Imagine if you needed to make a quick maneuver and your tires were soft and squishy. You won't get the crisp response from a winter tire in warm weather. Winter tires need that flexibility to handle ice and snow, but it's not as useful in warm weather.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 旧雪胎胎纹磨浅了,但还是比我的四季胎的胎纹深很多。如果拿这种雪胎当四季胎用(冬天用新买的雪胎),有什么不好的地方吗?谢谢。
    • 胎太软,操控能力会减少,尤其是弯道上。气温高,会加快雪胎磨损。如果对这两条不在乎,可以一年四季都开雪胎。
    • 这种情况是否增加油耗?
    • 磨损 / 油耗 上去, 操控下来
    • 谢谢以上坛友的回复,这是我在网上找到的英文介绍 - Why You Shouldn't Use Winter Tires Year-Round
      Winter tires are specially designed for cold temperatures and winter precipitation. Once it gets warm, you won't need deep tread depths to handle snow or biting edges for traction on ice. Here are some specific reasons why using winter tires year round is not recommended.

      Faster wear on warm, dry pavement - the tread rubber of winter tires is considerably more flexible than that of all season and summer tires. That same pliable tread rubber that adds traction in winter will wear down quickly in warm temperatures. Summer and all-season tires are built to withstand warm temperatures, providing long wear life.

      Decreased performance - In warm weather, winter tires won't provide the same handling capabilities as summer or all-season tires. Imagine if you needed to make a quick maneuver and your tires were soft and squishy. You won't get the crisp response from a winter tire in warm weather. Winter tires need that flexibility to handle ice and snow, but it's not as useful in warm weather.
    • 我知道有人用了一夏天雪胎的,没问题
      • 其它日子还可以,就是30度以上的温度跑远了,感觉有点发粘。