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我是否已失去PR质格??? 我01年底登陆,我在02年3月申请返加纸被拒(5月收到通知,原因是“NO ENOUGH TIE TO CANADA)后至今未向加国法官上诉(当时

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛以为以后入境加国后再处理此申诉问题)。本次申请枫叶卡的表中,关于“是否被移民官建议未满足PR OBLIGATION要求?”栏中若填“NO”是否可以?若填“YES",定会不批!有人说申请返加纸被拒不代表未满足PR OBLIGATION,但在被拒通知信中确是写了:“你被认为是一个未满足PR OBLIGATION的人,所以拒批申请,这一DENY只适于返加纸申请,你的PR质格在你上诉后由加国移民官最后确定”)。鉴于此,我是否已失去PR质格?因看CIC网上说“若你收到OFFICER告知你未满足PR OBLIGAGION后60天Immigration Appeal Division (IAD)未收到上诉,你将失去PR质格”--原文“(在国外的PR)Abroad:When a permanent resident does not meet their residency obligations while abroad, officers may inform that person in writing that they have failed to meet their residency obligations. Information on appeal procedures will be provided at the same time.

Permanent residency status will be lost if an appeal of the determination is not received by the IAD within 60 days of receiving the written non-compliance notification”


多谢了!!!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / 我是否已失去PR质格??? 我01年底登陆,我在02年3月申请返加纸被拒(5月收到通知,原因是“NO ENOUGH TIE TO CANADA)后至今未向加国法官上诉(当时
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛以为以后入境加国后再处理此申诉问题)。本次申请枫叶卡的表中,关于“是否被移民官建议未满足PR OBLIGATION要求?”栏中若填“NO”是否可以?若填“YES",定会不批!有人说申请返加纸被拒不代表未满足PR OBLIGATION,但在被拒通知信中确是写了:“你被认为是一个未满足PR OBLIGATION的人,所以拒批申请,这一DENY只适于返加纸申请,你的PR质格在你上诉后由加国移民官最后确定”)。鉴于此,我是否已失去PR质格?因看CIC网上说“若你收到OFFICER告知你未满足PR OBLIGAGION后60天Immigration Appeal Division (IAD)未收到上诉,你将失去PR质格”--原文“(在国外的PR)Abroad:When a permanent resident does not meet their residency obligations while abroad, officers may inform that person in writing that they have failed to meet their residency obligations. Information on appeal procedures will be provided at the same time.

    Permanent residency status will be lost if an appeal of the determination is not received by the IAD within 60 days of receiving the written non-compliance notification”


    多谢了!!!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 返加证和移民身份是两回事。你申请返加证的时候应该正是加拿大政府准备推出新法的时候,基本已经不再批准返加证了。你放心入境加拿大吧,没事的。根本不用提返加证的事。
      • Thank you so much!!!! You let the stone in my heart go down to earth!!! Highly appreciated!!!