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Sensitive Question! -The first time, we let her go. The second, we made him pay for the damage.

The first time - my car was hit by a behind car near a Stop sign (downhill). She was at fault and nervous. We let her go because we didn't know how to handle it at that time.

The 2nd time, my neighbor hit my car in our parking lot. He is a truck driver and he admited his mistake immediately. It was his brother who is a lawyer argued with my wife and me. We went to car workshops and got estimates of damage. We nigotiated with them and got them paid my car's damage (a few paint scratchs). - We used our right. The payment was worth of our time and effort spent (cool).
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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 如果遇到这种情况,你会怎么办?
    • 假如是我,我就等他回来.
      • I have been hit once in a parking lot
        actually, it happened to me once in a parking lot. A guy from hongkong back his car and hit my car. I am in the car, but he denied it when i got out my car. i called the cop. but when the cop came he said that's a priovate place and not on the road, there're not much he can do.
        • What is the result? Did the Hong Kong guy pay you anything?
          • No, not a penny. and by law, there's nothing i can do about it
    • 也许会走人。
      • if u go without give a notice to that guy, and if he found a witness, u will be in a big trouble... hit and run is a very serious criminal.
        • 这是极轻微的碰撞,很可能我没注意到阿。我是国内交通肇事逃逸饭?河南那个谁谁谁?呜呜。
    • Even a small scratch, it'll take about $300 to fix it.
    • 我会留下我的姓名和电话号码,让车主和我联系。这样才会心安。
    • 多半的人都会跑了,前两天去买东西,把车停在外面,出来发现门上被撞了一下,旁边连个人影也没有.今天去问修的话要三百块,只好自认倒霉
    • 你如果自觉,就赔钱。如果自保,就假装不知道。大多数人是后者,我的车也被刮过若干次,从没人能我出来。
    • 今天中午回来,留言机上有这么一段话:
      Hi, I am the lady who was in the parking lot of Zellers. You said that you may back into my car and I just want to tell you that there is nothing to worry about. It's just a mark that may be already there. Thanks for being so honest.
      我的确为这位lady的forgiveness而感动,要是我自己车被撞了,至多也就是不找对方岔吧,但绝对不会打电话告诉撞我车的人,你不需要worry,而且更不会想起来感谢你beiing honest.虽然我昨天等了半个多小时告诉她事情的经过,但比起她的这种nice来,Its nothing.
      • love you and the lady
      • I hope I can make friends with a honest man like you.And that lady is nice too.
      • 敬礼!
      • I hope all people in the world are honest and nice like you and that lady.
    • 我曾经收到过别人留给我的条子
      上有简短的道歉和电话号码. 我的车上有个小凹坑, 也不知道是不是新的. 反正也不是新车了, 就没给那人打电话.

      如果我撞了别人的车, 也会留条子的.
      • 给你写条子一是因为他们nice,二是因为如果不写,他们“可能”会死的很难看。
        • 有道理, HIT AND RUN是犯罪
          如果有证人记下你的车牌, 而受害者又告上法庭的话, 这就不是交通事故了, 而是犯罪记记录.

          人还是过得问心无愧最好, 吃点小亏都没关系.
    • 许多白人很善良,印巴人很无理。我开车左转前方绿灯,对面远方来车我不敢抢行,印巴人就在后 边按喇叭。
      • I found ppl in Canada are more rude than ppl in the states, even Boston is the 2nd craziest city in terms of driving in the states.
        • I heard Chicago is craziest. People who failed in DC area for 8 times could pass in Chicago immediately, and people who only learned driving for half a day could get the license immediately too.
      • 有同感啊!
      • 这其实也是一种种族歧视,你confirm了吗?后面是印巴人吗?你统计过了吗?多少次是印巴人在按喇叭?比例是多少?你有证据吗?(虽然我不喜欢印度人)
      • 不想抬杠,不是定理不用求证,只不过叙述一次经历。看的清楚是印巴人,就差没去问他 是哪国人。看到一个同胞因转左出事故,宁听按喇叭也不抢行。
    • 如果是我,我会等车主,并负责(或私下了结或报告保险公司)。不论多少钱(哪怕几千)。只有这样,以后才不会后悔,轻松,这不是钱的事
    • 非常尊敬你!希望那位女士下次碰到类似中国人的不好行为时,会和朋友说“这不会是中国人干的,我知道的一个中国人就非常的honest。。。"
      • 谢谢你的夸奖,我当时还真没往替中国人争气这么大的境界上想,只是不想晚上回去睡不着觉,当然如果顺便替中国人留了个好名声,也算对得起党国的栽培。呵呵
        • hehe, 每件事都往党,人民那想也太累了。对得起自己就行了。
    • Sensitive Question! -The first time, we let her go. The second, we made him pay for the damage.
      The first time - my car was hit by a behind car near a Stop sign (downhill). She was at fault and nervous. We let her go because we didn't know how to handle it at that time.

      The 2nd time, my neighbor hit my car in our parking lot. He is a truck driver and he admited his mistake immediately. It was his brother who is a lawyer argued with my wife and me. We went to car workshops and got estimates of damage. We nigotiated with them and got them paid my car's damage (a few paint scratchs). - We used our right. The payment was worth of our time and effort spent (cool).
    • 留下你的联系方法就可以了. 如果你走了, 被别人报告了就不好了.
      上次我在Boston Chinatown亲眼见到一个Asian Girl (not sure if she is chinese or not), 把一辆车顶了一个坑, 然后大摇大摆的就开车走了. 之后, 由于我看的一清二楚, 所以就把经过简短的写了一下, 留在被撞的车子的挡风玻璃上了, 后来, 被撞的人还给我打过两次电话, 感谢了半天. 不知道那个女孩后来怎么样, 不过总之hit and run是很严重的. 除非真的很轻, 你没有注意到. 如果是明显的, 那个就是criminal record了.
      • the living enviroment here is better because most poeple do the same thing as you:)
    • 这次就算了,走了就走了,下次可别撞人家了。
    • 把我的车撞坏了还敢到Rolia找人出主意?拿钱来!
    • Leaving message is good.
      I knew two persons meet the same situation as well. First one, she left her contact address and phone number because it is illegal to crash other's car and don't tell them, maybe she will be charged. The owner phoned her and asked her what happened. She told him the truth, the owner said that it is not too serious so the case is close. Second one, he crashed other's car but he didn't leave any message and just went to work. The owner found him and said that he will sue him. Finally, they found the owner parked the wrong place so he was not charged. But he still knew the insurance will cover the fee in the parking crash. So I suggest that you should leave message.
    • Áô个条子,写上你的联系方式就可以走了
    • At Missaugga China Twon, two cars were scratched on the backsides by one vehicle which's gone. A witness leaft a note to one of the car, not sure the results. the hit and run driver 99% is chinese.
    • Thank all DX's good advice for this serious case. So, i will leave a message if it happens to me. Maybe pick up a car next week.