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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Can Gasoline Freeze? How Cold Temperatures Affect Fuel
You wouldn’t think that gasoline would freeze, particularly when it’s in your car, but that’s probably what you’ve heard.

Mr Freeze Batman Robin movie quote arnold schwarzenegger gif cold ice chillWell, gasoline freezes at -100ºF or below, depending on what exactly its mixture of liquid components is (octane freezes earlier than that). So unless you intend on driving in conditions that are that cold — and if you are, your car will experience more problems operating than just the gasoline freezing — you rarely will have your car cease functioning for that specific reason. Diesel, on the other hand, has a higher freezing point and could run into freezing problems, which is why winter diesel blends are sold.

But just because gasoline won’t freeze in your car doesn’t mean a low gas tank won’t be harmed by cold temperatures. If you repeatedly leave your gas tank at 1/4-tank or under, you may encounter one of these problems:

The gasoline may break down and its components could separate, with the heavier molecules collecting together (typically the paraffin wax content in an event called “gelled fuel”).
Any condensation or water vapor in the tank or line could freeze, which would hurt your car and inhibit its ability to function. Alcohol in gasoline absorbs water, but if there isn’t enough alcohol, not all the moisture will be absorbed.
Keeping the tank filled below half-full could shorten the life of the fuel pump.
You might have less fuel than your meter shows, especially once it cools, which could strand you somewhere with an empty tank.

However, most of these scenarios are unlikely, as ethanol-based gas and better fuel injection systems have improved over the past 30 years. If you are having problems with your gas line freezing, you’ll want to make sure there are no leaks in the line letting moisture into it. You can also use a gas line anti-freeze additive occasionally to wash out any water build-up.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 大家有没有体会冬天车的耗油明显增加。 +1
    • 主要原因是天冷传感器会误判,导致发动机多喷油
      • 基本常识,冬天汽油里加了很多防冻成分,就不耐烧,
        • 常识是汽油的冰点在-68度
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Can Gasoline Freeze? How Cold Temperatures Affect Fuel
          You wouldn’t think that gasoline would freeze, particularly when it’s in your car, but that’s probably what you’ve heard.

          Mr Freeze Batman Robin movie quote arnold schwarzenegger gif cold ice chillWell, gasoline freezes at -100ºF or below, depending on what exactly its mixture of liquid components is (octane freezes earlier than that). So unless you intend on driving in conditions that are that cold — and if you are, your car will experience more problems operating than just the gasoline freezing — you rarely will have your car cease functioning for that specific reason. Diesel, on the other hand, has a higher freezing point and could run into freezing problems, which is why winter diesel blends are sold.

          But just because gasoline won’t freeze in your car doesn’t mean a low gas tank won’t be harmed by cold temperatures. If you repeatedly leave your gas tank at 1/4-tank or under, you may encounter one of these problems:

          The gasoline may break down and its components could separate, with the heavier molecules collecting together (typically the paraffin wax content in an event called “gelled fuel”).
          Any condensation or water vapor in the tank or line could freeze, which would hurt your car and inhibit its ability to function. Alcohol in gasoline absorbs water, but if there isn’t enough alcohol, not all the moisture will be absorbed.
          Keeping the tank filled below half-full could shorten the life of the fuel pump.
          You might have less fuel than your meter shows, especially once it cools, which could strand you somewhere with an empty tank.

          However, most of these scenarios are unlikely, as ethanol-based gas and better fuel injection systems have improved over the past 30 years. If you are having problems with your gas line freezing, you’ll want to make sure there are no leaks in the line letting moisture into it. You can also use a gas line anti-freeze additive occasionally to wash out any water build-up.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 汽油有添加剂的,冬天添的多点
    • 不奇怪啦。一是换了雪胎,二是开了暖气,都是耗油的。
      • 第二个不好说
        • 早上好! +1
      • 雪胎是主要原因。自己实测过,换前和换后,相差7%左右,以前后一个星期为单位。 +2
        • 同一部车,同一套轮子,你从佛罗里达开到多伦多,就会发现油耗直线上升。 +1
        • 俺的车胎太老,今年就懒得换了,一套全新四季胎到了冬天的油耗同样增加,和以前雪胎没有区别。
    • 在雪里开打滑,阻力大,刮风,阻力也大。。。
    • 冬天正常 +1
    • 能量守恒。保温的能量增加了,跑的能量就少了。 +2
    • 汽油的燃烧热效率与温度有关,冬天路况导致车速慢且路面阻力增大(包括轮胎变化,比如雪胎阻力大),低温下金属机件的物理特性变化会导致运动阻滞力增大..…. +1
    • 我看到的说法是,冬天油耗增加的最大因素是冷空气密度更大所以阻力大了。
    • 你的车会有直接显示每百公里耗油,不用靠体会,大概高10%。
    • 除了楼上说的原因,还有一个重要原因是冬天的油里面加了很多酒精。 +1
    • 谢谢楼上各位的解答。我的车耗油明显增加,差不多增加了20%多,感觉不对劲,但刚作过保养,dealer说我的车况挺好的,就是想看看大家是不是都是这种情况。
      • 有沒有換加油站?最近我發現有的油站油品是不好。。。
        • 不会,一直都在家附近的costco加油。
      • 刚作过保养,有可能是机油不是很match
        • 不会吧,一直在同一个dealer做保养。
      • 冬天油耗上个20%很正常。
    • 看标准答案吧。 +3
      • 没有说到点子上。冬天温度低,汽车那个sensor检测后,会自动多加油进去,所以相当于提升了马力、提高了油耗。
    • 雪天开的慢,而且跑长途比较少,平均车速低了油耗就偏高 +1
    • 难道不是因为下雪天开得慢,起停特别多造成的吗? 还有一些比如早晨热车,这些不都增加油耗么。雪胎本身其实增加的油耗可以忽略了。