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Tesla and the science behind low-cost, next-gen million-mile EV battery

Elon Musk is often referred to as the real-life Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, and in the new quest to engineer an electric vehicle battery that lasts up to 1 million miles, iron may play the role of hero.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 请问大侠们,ACURA 的RDX这车质量如何,有何优缺点,谢谢
    • 上油管看比这里问有用吧

      • 毛病还不少
        • 什么车都有毛病,就是检查的时候照着这个看看就行了。 +1
          • rdx在jdpower评测里非常惨,直接拉低了acura的评分 +1
    • gen 1 overall 质量很好,Honda用力过猛。gen 2 suspension可靠性一般,其它问题不大。Gen 3 值得买。新车缺点: 隔音一般,伪造的发动机声音有点烦,刹车感觉一般,拐弯车身侧倾比较大。优点:平顺,方向盘力道好,四轮驱动在马路上拐弯有用。
      • Gen3 从哪年开始
        • Acura RDX - Wikipedia
      • HONDA的隔音好像都不太好
        • MDX,TLX, RLX 没问题。比Lexus还安静。
          • Which Lexus?
      • 俺角的本田的波箱一直是软肋,摩托除外。
        • 只记得2个亲属的Lexus350/450都是波箱坏了换车 +1
          • 小姨的车,你真牛,丰田波箱坏的长这么大头回听说。 +1
            • 运气太好了,建议他们去买乐透 +1
              • 肉联烤肉最多,你听说谁的波箱坏了。
                • 肉联烤肉也只能是听说而已 +1
                  • 种地去吧
                    • 这里也能坏掉你的风水?太荣幸了😂
    • 买TESLA!燃油车的性价比很快会失去意义 +1
      • 200万公里寿命的电池组很快要量产,传统汽车会被颠覆!
        • 能包20万公里就可以了
        • 不认同。电池技术目前为止并没有本质性的突破。密度和充电时间是硬伤
          • 一次充电跑5000公里你还认为是硬伤吗,而且电池组成本只增加10%。这是现在进行时也是TESLA现在成为最有价值汽车公司的原因。
            • 电池密度问题已经解决了?有没有link,谢谢
              • Tesla battery supplier Catl says new design has one million-mile lifespan - BBC News
                Battery-maker Catl says it is ready to make a product that could power a car over 1.2 million miles.
              • Tesla and the science behind low-cost, next-gen million-mile EV battery
                Elon Musk is often referred to as the real-life Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, and in the new quest to engineer an electric vehicle battery that lasts up to 1 million miles, iron may play the role of hero.
            • New battery technology is possible, allowing cars to go 400 miles or more between charges and lasting as long as 1 million miles.
              • 很认真的看了,没找到一次充电5000公里的相关信息。
      • 而且唯一需要维护的是轮胎
      • 现在买车就像在传统电视向平板电视转型中买了又大又过时的东西
    • 优点便宜又大碗,缺点就是变速箱