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Amid escalating tensions with both North Korea and Iran, President Donald Trump's advisers hesitated to give him military options fearing the President might accidentally take the US to war and deliberately informed their counterparts in both countries that they did not know what the President would do next, multiple former administration officials tell me.

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  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 战狼们读一下CNN的这篇评述,再去好好琢磨琢磨美国人用武力去掀翻中国现政权的可能性有多大:
    Amid escalating tensions with both North Korea and Iran, President Donald Trump's advisers hesitated to give him military options fearing the President might accidentally take the US to war and deliberately informed their counterparts in both countries that they did not know what the President would do next, multiple former administration officials tell me.
    • 想开点,现在这样搞来搞去的还不如打一仗 +1
      • 不一样,百姓少赚几个钱,少做两回网红,和炮火连天不是一个等级的祸患 +1
        • 美国应该不会自己出兵的, 但可以卖武器让印度等国开打。 +1
          • 南海强拆估计很快了,执行国家法
            • 我感觉即便是强拆,美国也要借助代理人,比如台湾。
          • 大家都是欺软怕硬的,谁没事儿拿自家老百姓的性命开玩笑?除非是有天大的好处,否则没人愿意成为proxy war 里的proxy
    • 看如今这趋势,一声令下都送集中营或没收财产,也不会太困难。
    • 小粉红们去年还是1小时内摧毁全部美军亚洲军事基地,
      1天内解决台湾问题。现在又改弦更张让别人去琢磨美军推翻中共政权了。美军为什么要推翻中共?小粉红们还是每天只看新浪微信,不了解美国的战略转变吗? 现在美国在执行的是和中共国脱钩的战略,而且正在一步步执行。为什么要武力推翻中共,中共留给粉红小韭菜们享受不是很好嘛,希望粉红们早日回归中共国。
    • 想开点,现在这样搞来搞去的还不如打一炮