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This one is about to get a little crazy! Fair warning, I’m not reporting this as 100% fact. I’m simply reporting a lot of puzzle pieces that SEEM To fit together. Here’s what we know so far…. Hal Turner posted this analysis earlier today, and Turner has historically been a VERY reliable source: Over the...

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  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 瞎猜的:美国军队大规模调动的一个原因可能是防止军队政变。调离原驻地后,在新驻地没有可靠的后勤供应,就算士兵要战斗也没有足够的弹药,所以可以防止军队哗变,打内战。
    This one is about to get a little crazy! Fair warning, I’m not reporting this as 100% fact. I’m simply reporting a lot of puzzle pieces that SEEM To fit together. Here’s what we know so far…. Hal Turner posted this analysis earlier today, and Turner has historically been a VERY reliable source: Over the...
    • 不管如何,土豆邀请解放军来总不是好事
      • 这是我在另一个帖子的发言:我看了里面的那段“中国军队在加拿大”的视频。那一帮人军容不整的样子哪像军队呀,连军训的学生都不如。
        • 不能小瞧城管的作战能力。加拿大人不能自由拥枪,喝啤酒一把好手
          • :-)