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click to any production, there is a phone number.

Phone: 1-519-884-0070, 1-519-897-3253

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家用电器 / it is funny 海尔洗衣机销售点 is in Waterloo actually, anyone had tried to contact them?
    • Based on post code, It should be near albert and weber. I haven't see any store there, weird !
      • yah! I think there are apartment building all over that area?
    • 我也想知道啊, 正打算去那里买个小洗衣机呢, 但是网站http://www.haier.ca上没有海尔在滑铁卢的地址和联系电话
      • click to any production, there is a phone number.
        Phone: 1-519-884-0070, 1-519-897-3253