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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

ZT 100% 说到点子上了!!! 👇👇👇在我生命中所有的疫苗中…破伤风,天花,麻疹,脊髓灰质炎,脑膜炎,结核病等等。。。我从来没有见过对疫苗如此轻率的态度,说即使完全接种疫苗,我也必须戴口罩和保持距离。即使完全接种疫苗,我仍然可以感染或传播病毒,从未被机构


100% 说到点子上了!!! 👇👇👇








这是一种强有力的疫苗。它完成了我提到的所有这些事情,但是它没有完成我前面提到的所有其他疫苗(注射)的设计(我可能会补充说,成功地实现了),也就是说……击退CoFlu,你有极高的机会(99.8%)从中恢复。🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ 快醒醒!这与你的健康或他人的安全无关。这是关于控制和金钱。一直都是。


Nailed it 100%!!! 👇👇👇
Out of all the vaccines I have had in my life....tetanus, small pox, measles, polio, meningitis, TB, etc... I have never seen so much wishy washi-ness over a vaccine that says I have to wear a mask and socially distance even when fully vaccinated. That I could still contract or spread the virus even when fully vaccinated, never been bribed by establishments to take the vaccine in order to win a car and/or cash prizes. I was never judged if I didn't take it. I was never discriminated for travel or other regular services. The vaccines I listed above never told me I was a bad person for not taking it.....or taking it for that matter.
I have never seen a vaccine that threatened the relationship between a family member and/or a close friend. Never seen it used for political gain. Never seen it used to persuade kids in favor of free ice cream.
I have never seen a vaccine that I had to worry about mix and matching and yet told it's ok to do it one day and then told the next day to not do it...then on and off, on and off again and again.
I have never seen a vaccine that threaten someone's livelihood, job, school etc.
I have never seen a vaccine that allows a 12 year old's consent supersede his/her parent's consent (that one alone blows me away).
So, after all I have said can someone tell me how on God's green earth I am a conspiracy theorist, uneducated, non researched, not following the “science” for not willing to take this vaccine UNTIL the clinical trials are over at least two years from now??
Finally, after all the vaccines (shots) I listed above, I have never seen a vaccine like this one that discriminates, divides and judges a society such as this one.
This is one powerful vaccine. It does all these things that I mentioned and yet, It doesn't do what all the other vaccines (shots) that I mentioned earlier were designed to do (and successfully achieved I might add) which is…..fight off CoFlu that you have an extremely high chance (99.8%) of recovery from. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ Wake up already! It’s not about your health or the safety of others. It’s about control and money. Always was.
Please share this as I did.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / ZT 100% 说到点子上了!!! 👇👇👇在我生命中所有的疫苗中…破伤风,天花,麻疹,脊髓灰质炎,脑膜炎,结核病等等。。。我从来没有见过对疫苗如此轻率的态度,说即使完全接种疫苗,我也必须戴口罩和保持距离。即使完全接种疫苗,我仍然可以感染或传播病毒,从未被机构 +6


    100% 说到点子上了!!! 👇👇👇








    这是一种强有力的疫苗。它完成了我提到的所有这些事情,但是它没有完成我前面提到的所有其他疫苗(注射)的设计(我可能会补充说,成功地实现了),也就是说……击退CoFlu,你有极高的机会(99.8%)从中恢复。🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ 快醒醒!这与你的健康或他人的安全无关。这是关于控制和金钱。一直都是。


    Nailed it 100%!!! 👇👇👇
    Out of all the vaccines I have had in my life....tetanus, small pox, measles, polio, meningitis, TB, etc... I have never seen so much wishy washi-ness over a vaccine that says I have to wear a mask and socially distance even when fully vaccinated. That I could still contract or spread the virus even when fully vaccinated, never been bribed by establishments to take the vaccine in order to win a car and/or cash prizes. I was never judged if I didn't take it. I was never discriminated for travel or other regular services. The vaccines I listed above never told me I was a bad person for not taking it.....or taking it for that matter.
    I have never seen a vaccine that threatened the relationship between a family member and/or a close friend. Never seen it used for political gain. Never seen it used to persuade kids in favor of free ice cream.
    I have never seen a vaccine that I had to worry about mix and matching and yet told it's ok to do it one day and then told the next day to not do it...then on and off, on and off again and again.
    I have never seen a vaccine that threaten someone's livelihood, job, school etc.
    I have never seen a vaccine that allows a 12 year old's consent supersede his/her parent's consent (that one alone blows me away).
    So, after all I have said can someone tell me how on God's green earth I am a conspiracy theorist, uneducated, non researched, not following the “science” for not willing to take this vaccine UNTIL the clinical trials are over at least two years from now??
    Finally, after all the vaccines (shots) I listed above, I have never seen a vaccine like this one that discriminates, divides and judges a society such as this one.
    This is one powerful vaccine. It does all these things that I mentioned and yet, It doesn't do what all the other vaccines (shots) that I mentioned earlier were designed to do (and successfully achieved I might add) which is…..fight off CoFlu that you have an extremely high chance (99.8%) of recovery from. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ Wake up already! It’s not about your health or the safety of others. It’s about control and money. Always was.
    Please share this as I did.

    • 更觉得疫苗是阴谋了 +8
      • 是呀,这就是Q以前经常提的:有的时候,你告诉他们真相没用,你必须让他们亲眼看到真相,甚至体验这件事。现在经常听到的一句话就是“现在在打仗,战争必然有伤亡,包括平民伤亡,我估计部分平民伤亡指的就是打疫苗的人的伤亡。只能慢慢看了” (#13845940@0) +4
        • 你家Q说了那么多,能说说哪一句是真的吗? +3
          • 选举舞弊,正式的数字正在慢慢出来 Facts Matter (July 16): 74k Ballots Returned without Records (#13858293@0) +2
            • 这需要你家Q说吗?我还说川普活不过100岁呢!尽整这虚的,来点实际的内容好不好 +1
              • Q从去年9月,甚至更早开始让大家注意选举,注意选票舞弊,现在正式新闻才慢慢出来。 +4
          • Q提过多次‘Constitution crisis’。不过大多数人不明白它有多个意思。其中的一个意思是回归COMMON LAW。ALTERNATIVE MEDIA已经有很多报道。只看MSM的人还要再等等,看看什么时候MSM也开始像报道选举舞弊一样开始报道‘Constitution crisis’/回归COMMON LAW
    • 瑞辉很可能明年初就要被正式批准了。估计是为了堵住不少不愿意打的人的嘴。真是大笑话,没见过什么事这么着急火燎。 +8
      • 到7月9日,美国C19疫苗打死了差不多11,000人,辉瑞一家就打死了7,300多人。还没算那些给打得终生残废的。以我当前的愚昧认知,要是这么高的死亡率,它这样都能被正式批准,美国不暴动才怪呢 +4
        COVID Vaccine Data From the VAERS US Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System.
        • 美国才不会认是疫苗致死,会说你自己身体本来就有毛病。 +1
          • 慢慢看吧。估计这次赖不掉了。要是这次只给65岁以上打还赖的掉,但这次给全体人打,毕竟死者中有60个25岁以下的。还有近500个25~50岁的。没仔细查多少是PFIZER打死的。估计不少。 +3
        • 以前疫苗打死25人就停止,这次,好像美国人都视死如归了。 +5
    • 加拿大目前总共2222严重疫苗反应,包括死亡和永久残疾。奇怪,为什么不把死亡单独列出? +5
      • 太少了,估计是百万分之一级别 +2
        • 太少才应该列出来,以显示疫苗多么安全 +9
      • 哪里来的数据啊? +1
        • 龊多政府数据
      • 列出来了好吧。 Deaths Up to and including July 9, 2021, a total of 134 deaths were reported after the administration of a vaccine.
        • 3000多万人口,据说打一针的有70%、50%打过2针,随便算算,按1000多万打过2针,死亡的都是打两针的,那就是10万分之一的概率。说真的,这个概率我能接受。我猜正常的死亡率都比这高吧
          • 以前疫苗打死25人就停止,这次,好像加拿大人都视死如归了。。。。。 +1
            • 因为以前那些疫苗不打问题不大,尤其是那些疫苗多数是针对婴幼儿的。这次这个,愿赌服输吧
            • 本来就是摸着石头过河,这次疫情太巨猛,为求逃脱生存,没时间如以往那样慢慢摸石头了,大概碰一下摸两把就赶紧趟吧,有人陷坑溺水也顾不上了....
              • 实际情况是,有效药物早就可以结束疫情,但是受到严厉打压,于是疫情得以维持,才有疫苗这段剧情。 +1
              • 上面两位说的有道理,如果疫情真的严重的话。建议好好查查其它政府数据,而不是光听政府嘴巴 +2
            • 以前的疫苗是为了人的健康;这次的疫苗好像不是了…… +1