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Documenting Independent Legal Advice

[6] A lawyer retained to give independent legal advice relating to a transaction should document the independent legal advice by:

(a) providing the client with a written certificate that the client has received independent legal advice;

(b) obtaining the client's signature on a copy of the certificate of independent legal advice; and

(c) sending the signed copy of the lawyer with whom the client proposes to transact business.

Documenting a Client's Decision to Decline Independent Legal Advice or Independent Legal Representation

[7] If the client declines the recommendation to obtain independent legal advice or independent legal representation, the lawyer should obtain the client's signature on a document indicating that the client has declined the advice or representation.

[8] If the client is vulnerable and declines independent legal advice or independent legal representation, the lawyer should not enter into the transaction. Some signs that the client may be vulnerable include cognitive decline, disabilities such as impaired vision and hearing, financial insecurity, and major changes in life circumstances that may make the client more susceptible to being unduly influenced.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 请问,在最后一步签保险公司的release的时候,律师可以要求我必须要另一个律师的certificate和witness吗?我觉得他当初要求我同意保险公司的offer时,是可以要求我get independent legal advice from another lawyer, 但现在他应该没有这个权利了吧?
    • 他还是你 case 的 representative,unless there is any type of separation notice 告诉 insurance company 他不再 represent you。
      • 作为我的case representative,他可以要求我getting independent legal advice from another lawyer when signing the release with the insurance company吗?如果他不是case representative倒好了
        • You are free, as always, to getting advises, but your legal representative (多个 counsel 也可以)只有那些你当初 hire 的。
          • I don't want another piece of advice, but he insists I get one in order for him to accept my signature, is he allowed to do this?
            • Your next attorney will be able to answer this question.
            • 从第三方律师那拿独立意见是你的权利,他尽到告知义务是遵守他律师的ethics的要求,你不找是你自己放弃了该权利,他不能强求你找。至于签名需要法律见证,他本人怕将来与你有纠葛,可以给paralegal 见证的,或者你自己找律师行见证,这个收费才30-50元
              • "certificate" 是 legal document,要 file to the court。我的意见。现在楼主已经 hire 律师,court 不能同一个 case 同一个 party 有两个律师。要不不乱套了么。
                • 这第三方律师给意见的肯定与现律师代理的保险理赔不是同一事项了,
                  • I have never seen or involved any legal matters with a non-representative attorney to issue certificate. There is no such “3rd party” attorney unless in a mediation setting.
                    • mediation的那个mediator是不代表任何一方的,所以双方都建议另聘自己的律师。还有一种情况就是与代理律师有利益冲突的情况下。另外在任何情况下也可另聘律师给second opinion
                      • Like I said I have never seen any 3rd party attorney to issue any certificate. Likely I am too 孤陋寡闻。
                  • mjmj999是对的,现在并没有第三方的律师,是这个律师以怕我反悔的借口让我要第三个律师出具certificate
              • 他现在在强求我必须拿independent legal advice from another lawyer for a certificate and witness
                • 一般与律师有经济利益冲突时,比如他与你发生金钱交易、贷款之类的,会一定要求你有第三方意见,你看他要求你的原因或适用的法律是什么?是保险法里要求的吗?律师应该会写出有此要求的依据,你再查是是否有此依据
                  • 问题是,这个agreement是和保险公司签的,的确是在这律师没有告诉我全部情况的条件下我认可的,但我现在认了,并不想找其他律师, 在这种情况下律师还是强行要求我有第三方律师的certificate
                    • 我不懂加拿大的做法,也不知道你们所谓的 certificate 到底是什么文件,我只知道美国签字时候防伪是 notary + witness。
                • 一般是律师与你有直接经济利益冲突时,比如是交易双方,律师会要求你有第三方独立法律意见,甚至是聘请第三方律师代表你

                  Documenting Independent Legal Advice

                  [6] A lawyer retained to give independent legal advice relating to a transaction should document the independent legal advice by:

                  (a) providing the client with a written certificate that the client has received independent legal advice;

                  (b) obtaining the client's signature on a copy of the certificate of independent legal advice; and

                  (c) sending the signed copy of the lawyer with whom the client proposes to transact business.

                  Documenting a Client's Decision to Decline Independent Legal Advice or Independent Legal Representation

                  [7] If the client declines the recommendation to obtain independent legal advice or independent legal representation, the lawyer should obtain the client's signature on a document indicating that the client has declined the advice or representation.

                  [8] If the client is vulnerable and declines independent legal advice or independent legal representation, the lawyer should not enter into the transaction. Some signs that the client may be vulnerable include cognitive decline, disabilities such as impaired vision and hearing, financial insecurity, and major changes in life circumstances that may make the client more susceptible to being unduly influenced.

                  • this is good