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理工啥也不懂,就知道靠意识形态瞎怼,自己看论文 A Dual-Wavelength Ocean Lidar for Vertical Profiling of Oceanic Backscatter and Attenuation

Ocean water column information profiles are essential for ocean research. Currently, water column profiles are typically obtained by ocean lidar instruments, including spaceborne, airborne and shipborne lidar, most of which are equipped with a 532 nm laser; however, blue wavelength penetrates more for open ocean detection. In this paper, we present a novel airborne dual-wavelength ocean lidar (DWOL), equipped with a 532 and 486 nm laser that can operate simultaneously. This instrument was designed to compare the performance of 486 and 532 nm lasers in a single detection area and to provide a reference for future spaceborne oceanic lidar (SBOL) design. Airborne and shipborne experiments were conducted in the South China Sea. Results show that—for a 500-frame accumulation—the 486 nm channel obtained volume profiles from a depth of approximately 100 m. In contrast, the vertical profiles obtained by the 532 nm channel only reached in a depth of 75 m, which was approximately 25% less than that of 486 m channel in the same detection area. Results from the inverse lidar attenuation coefficient α(z) for the DWOL show that the maximum value of α(z) ranged from 40 to 80 m, which was consistent with the chlorophyll-scattering layer (CSL) distribution measured by the shipborne instrument. Additionally, α486(z) decreased for depth beyond 80 m, indicating that the 486 nm laser can potentially penetrate the entire CSL.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 中国正在研发一种搭载强大激光器的卫星用于反潜战,研究人员希望能够利用它来准确定位海面下500米深的目标。 +7
    • 现在的中国跟几十年前的亩产万斤的卫星时代,已经并驾齐驱了。可悲!可叹! +14
      • 中国政府一直在放屁,离他们远一点,减少污染 +3
    • 有个建议: 每发一条这个,就对应发一条50 -- 76年代发表的成就如何? 看看2.0 胜还是1.0 胜? +7
      • 附议 +4
    • 阿松上過小學吧,知道光綫在水中會折射的吧,要不要還是採用傳統的聲波定位? +9
      • 派人游下去,偷入那个潜艇,发报回来靠谱。 否则可能中了帝国主义烟雾弹
        • 500米深,這得派粉紅下去,水壓再大,至少還剩個嘴皮! +5
          • 马克思说,只要有3倍利,杀头都干。 潜下去,既能为国立功,说不定还能上女特务,一炮两响。 +1
            • 也許粉紅還是希望當行長,窩邊草天天換了吃,一個月都能不重樣. +3
              • 太老。女特务时髦+我骚,诱惑巨大 +1
                • 黑寡婦中國不讓演,找中共女特務,去美國會不會好找些? +1
                  • 我想,我们都误会松松了。 他说的是民国的潜艇。 中共党员最喜欢军统女特务。 +1
                    • 咱家潛艦都古董,比軍統還值錢,新潛水艦要2024才海試,前8艘真的可能有女軍官上艦. +1
      • 理工啥也不懂,就知道靠意识形态瞎怼,自己看论文 A Dual-Wavelength Ocean Lidar for Vertical Profiling of Oceanic Backscatter and Attenuation +17
        Ocean water column information profiles are essential for ocean research. Currently, water column profiles are typically obtained by ocean lidar instruments, including spaceborne, airborne and shipborne lidar, most of which are equipped with a 532 nm laser; however, blue wavelength penetrates more for open ocean detection. In this paper, we present a novel airborne dual-wavelength ocean lidar (DWOL), equipped with a 532 and 486 nm laser that can operate simultaneously. This instrument was designed to compare the performance of 486 and 532 nm lasers in a single detection area and to provide a reference for future spaceborne oceanic lidar (SBOL) design. Airborne and shipborne experiments were conducted in the South China Sea. Results show that—for a 500-frame accumulation—the 486 nm channel obtained volume profiles from a depth of approximately 100 m. In contrast, the vertical profiles obtained by the 532 nm channel only reached in a depth of 75 m, which was approximately 25% less than that of 486 m channel in the same detection area. Results from the inverse lidar attenuation coefficient α(z) for the DWOL show that the maximum value of α(z) ranged from 40 to 80 m, which was consistent with the chlorophyll-scattering layer (CSL) distribution measured by the shipborne instrument. Additionally, α486(z) decreased for depth beyond 80 m, indicating that the 486 nm laser can potentially penetrate the entire CSL.
        • Airborne and shipborne experiments were conducted in the South China Sea. ---- 如花了。下次交作业前要复查。红叉叉, 扣5毛 +4
          • 自己看楼上怎么质疑的,甭瞎帮,越帮越忙,人和你不是一卦的,到别的话题一脚把你踢开,别怪我没提醒哈 +14
            • 其实, 你门都当核武器是吃素的? 难道你们都支持我的核武器无用论? +3
        • 你真懂就展開說說,別又是綉花枕頭,發一篇自己看不懂的日文報導,日本人當中國人義工瞎嘴! +4
    • 费那个劲。用强激光把海水加热,潜艇里的美国鬼子就被煮死了。顺便把缠住潜艇螺旋桨的海带就做了汤了。 +5
      • 激光恐怕不行, 那9个太阳可以一试。 +1
        • 反动。哪里有九个太阳?!毛主席是我们唯一的红太阳!现在加了个习主席,那也只是二,还不是九。 +6
          • 毛主席已经挂了。 一个不够。
      • 这主意不错 +5
      • 😄😄 +2
    • 反潜是世界难题。如果成功了,那美国的潜艇优势就变成了弱势。这世界真的要反转了。 +2
      • 你当美国核武器是吃素的? +2
    • 美国要再来一次星球大战计划。 +1
    • 😄这个确实很好笑,海洋面积有多大,相对于卫星和潜艇有多大,作者估计没概念,估计是喵了眼地球仪就写出来了 +2
    • 中国已经研发出一种搭载强大精神武器平台用于国际舆论战,骚扰战,其特点是技术简单,易于操控,成本低廉,用时可以一忽悠尔百应,对境外敌对势力群起而攻之,平时不用可以改动内卷设置,让武器间分级对练以消耗多余的能量。 +2
    • 没明白,如果这武器真的很厉害可行,应该及早保密才是,何况八字还没一撇。 +2