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不要一天到晚让不打针的人背锅:Immunization expert: ‘Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous for others’

World Health Organization European Advisory Group of Experts in Immunization former Vice President Professor Christian Perronne yesterday said that all vaccinated people must quarantine over the winter months or risk serious illness. Perronne specializes in tropical pathologies and emerging infectious diseases. He was Chairman of the Specialized Committee on Communicable Diseases of the High Council...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 不要一天到晚让不打针的人背锅:Immunization expert: ‘Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous for others’ +14
    World Health Organization European Advisory Group of Experts in Immunization former Vice President Professor Christian Perronne yesterday said that all vaccinated people must quarantine over the winter months or risk serious illness. Perronne specializes in tropical pathologies and emerging infectious diseases. He was Chairman of the Specialized Committee on Communicable Diseases of the High Council...
    • 我说嘛,有一回我有个朋友打疫苗完想来我家,我觉得心里怕怕地,原来是有风险。😂 +3
      • 你怕的很好👌👌👌👌👌
    • 这得多傻才信 +23
      • 以色列的这位医生说医院的重症绝大部分是接种的,而安省的数据是ICU里的患者大部分是未接种的。可能的解释是:至少有一个数据是不准确的;或者,以色列接种的早,以色列的今天就是安省的明天。 +9
        • 有关数据,不要相信加拿大和美国的 +1
        • 如果接种率是95%,
          • 如果人口里的接种率是95%,重症里的接种率也是95%,那为什么要打针呢? +5
            • 95个打疫苗的里有3个进ICU,5个没有打疫苗的里有1个进ICU,就已符合大部分的概念了 +1
              • 这不符合那位以色列医生的说法
                • 符合小学文化程度的认知 +3
                  • 除了污辱对方就没有更好的表达方式了吗?
                    • 循序渐进,启发式教育
    • 未打疫苗的是易受感染more vulnerable,而且一旦感染病情比较严重, 所以最好不要外出,要猫在家里,清零后就安全了 +1
      • 打了疫苗的有可能更vulnerable。以前大部分冠状病毒疫苗的研发过程都产生了ADE效应。你去了解一下ADE效应,就知道有多可怕。 +3
        • 可能?以前? 你去了解一下医院的数字,就知道*现在*未打的有多 vulnerable了 +2
          • 现在是把一个人类历史上从未成功过的疫苗试验品在人类身体上疯狂大规模接种。 +1
        • 这是一段摘自“美国前线医生”的文字,关于ADE效应的(如果100%接种,就没有办法证明ADE的存在了): +1

          A well-documented and serious side effect of vaccines is known as pathogenic priming or antibody dependent or immune enhancement. It is difficult to prove, with doctors andscientists and the public tend to initially deny its existence by saying a person(s) has “a worse virus.” One way we learn that ADE is a real effect is by comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated populations. If entire populations are immediately vaccinated with these experimental vaccines, the true incidence of ADE will never be known, as many cases will just be falsely described as a “new strain” or “more severe strain.”


          ADE is especially tricky because it is a delayed reaction. Initially all seems well. The
          person seems to have a great immune response but then becomes deadly when the person is exposed to the virus in the wild. It is well known that you must do animal testing first to try
          to rule out ADE. Strong vaccine advocates Dr. Offit and Dr. Hotez, who would be expected
          to be enthusiastic about these experimental vaccines, have not really endorsed these new
          experimental vaccines, because previous coronavirus vaccines have a long history of failure due to “antibody dependent enhancement.”

          • And ADE itself is hard to approve as the original strength of COVID is weak, so even after ADE it is still hard to detect individually. Statistically it will show.
    • 就是因为你们这些人,所以不能解封。因为你们一被感染,医院就瘫了。 +6
      • 这是主流的谎言。全接种照样传染,凭什么甩锅不打针的? +8
      • 那为啥不建医院,没钱?钱都大撒币了。没护士医生,那为啥还搞什么强制疫苗检测,肯定有护士和医生因为这个辞职的。
    • 连冷冻三文鱼都能带活性病毒,社会活动频繁的肯定危害更大 +3
      • Do you really think that claim is creditable?
        • 为啥不可能,融化中的冰川里的古代病毒一向是科学家忌惮的。
    • 已经通过基本的三阶段试验了,没有时间做更详细的大规模试验了。信就接种,不信就猫家等清零。你有更好办法吗? +5
      • 包括辉瑞前VP耶顿等专家都持这种观点,就是目前的这些C19疫苗是欺诈式获得紧急使用授权,因为存在有效治疗C19的药物。 +2
    • 希望这个冬天能平安度过。
      • 面对delta大家都不要紧(疫苗和服药都可预防,重症也不多更像流感),来个厉害变种(英国说无可避免),是不是大家都会 vulnerable 了。
        • don't think that (more severe variant) would happen. Trend of virus is weaker but more infectious. delta may very well be the one results in herb immunity.
          • 真心希望如此!