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They nabbed 900 guns, 70 sniper rifles, 30 Humvees, 20 army pickups and 15 articulated military trucks - as well as thousands of rounds of ammunition - from the Sultan Khil military base in Wardak Province.

GLOATING Taliban insurgents have shown off their arsenal of brand new weapons abandoned by US troops. The group’s fighters swiped shipping containers stashed full of the world’s most de…

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 美军仓惶撤退留在阿富汗的大量先进武器,塔里班未必懂得用,但是他们会卖给天朝,让天朝有机会仔细研究。习总做梦都要笑醒了。
    • 这个说法不太准确。美国人自己在阿富汗的常驻兵员并不多,就是两千来人,也没有仓皇撤退。被塔利班接管的武器,不是美国人丢下的,而是二十年里美国人配备给阿富汗政府军的。不大可能有什么先进武器,所以对中国人意义不大,但是让塔利班鸟枪换炮是完全可能的。 +9
      • They nabbed 900 guns, 70 sniper rifles, 30 Humvees, 20 army pickups and 15 articulated military trucks - as well as thousands of rounds of ammunition - from the Sultan Khil military base in Wardak Province.
        GLOATING Taliban insurgents have shown off their arsenal of brand new weapons abandoned by US troops. The group’s fighters swiped shipping containers stashed full of the world’s most de…
        • CNN报道过那个美军base的消息,这也许属于撤军过程中的合理损耗,而且数量与美国人资助给阿富汗政府军的武器装备相比微不足道。这个链接里说:According to a 2017 Government Accountability Office report, the U.S. military transferred roughly 75,898 vehicles, +1
          599,690 weapons systems, and 208 aircraft to the ANDSF between fiscal years 2003 and 2016. And according to a recent Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction analysis, the last few years have seen the Defense Department send the ANDSF more than 7,000 machine guns, more than 4,700 Humvees, and more than 20,000 grenades. This is to say nothing of the communications, explosive ordnance disposal, and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) equipment transferred to the ANDSF over the course of two decades as detailed in the GAO report.
    • 很普通的武器 +1
      • 请问,哪里买的到? +1
    • 美国的先进武器都是留后门的,当年F117再南联盟被中共截获,藏在大使馆地下室研究,没发现有个秘密芯片在发送定位,美国放了几颗导弹误炸大使馆,幸好有一颗据说是河南造的没爆炸,但是砸死8个专家,中共吃了个哑巴亏,偷到了隐形技术。 +4
      • 这个是纯扯淡的谣言
    • 照你这么说,台湾现在军事实力看齐美国了,期待着能反攻大陆