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刚刚看到一个坏消息新冠变种的突变性使其结束的日程依然是遥遥无期 🙄😫☹️ “ ……PANDEMIC 'FAR FROM OVER' ,

Richard Lessells…said its emergence tells us "this pandemic is far from over and that this virus is still exploring ways to potentially get better at infecting us." …… ”

JOHANNESBURG -- South African scientists have detected a new coronavirus variant with multiple mutations but are yet to establish whether it is more contagious or able to overcome the immunity provided by vaccines or prior infection.

The new variant, known as C.1.2, was first detected in May and has now spread to most South African provinces and to seven other countries in Africa, Europe, Asia and Oceania, according to research which is yet to be peer-reviewed.

It contains many mutations associated in other variants with increased transmissibility and reduced sensitivity to neutralizing antibodies, but they occur in a different mix and scientists are not yet sure how they affect the behaviour of the virus. Laboratory tests are underway to establish how well the variant is neutralized by antibodies.

South Africa was the first country to detect the Beta variant, one of only four labeled "of concern" by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Beta is believed to spread more easily than the original version of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, and there is evidence vaccines work less well against it, leading some countries to restrict travel to and from South Africa.


Richard Lessells, an infectious disease specialist and one of the authors of the research on C.1.2, said its emergence tells us "this pandemic is far from over and that this virus is still exploring ways to potentially get better at infecting us."

He said people should not be overly alarmed at this stage and that variants with more mutations were bound to emerge further into the pandemic.

Genomic sequencing data from South Africa show the C.1.2 variant was still nowhere near displacing the dominant Delta variant in July, the latest month for which a large number of samples was available.

In July C.1.2 accounted for 3 per cent of samples versus 1 per cent in June, whereas Delta accounted for 67 per cent in June and 89 per cent in July.

Delta is the fastest and fittest variant the world has encountered, and it is upending assumptions about COVID-19 even as nations loosen restrictions and reopen their economies.

Lessells said C.1.2 may have more immune evasion properties than Delta, based on its pattern of mutations, and that the findings had been flagged to the WHO.

A spokesman for South Africa's health department declined to comment on the research.

South Africa's COVID-19 vaccination campaign got off to a slow start, with only around 14 per cent of its adult population fully vaccinated so far.

A patient receives a Johnson & Johnson vaccine at a pop-up vaccination centre, at the Bare taxi rank in Soweto, South Africa, Friday, Aug. 20, 2021 (AP Photo/Denis Farrell)


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 刚刚看到一个坏消息新冠变种的突变性使其结束的日程依然是遥遥无期 🙄😫☹️ “ ……PANDEMIC 'FAR FROM OVER' , +1
    Richard Lessells…said its emergence tells us "this pandemic is far from over and that this virus is still exploring ways to potentially get better at infecting us." …… ”

    JOHANNESBURG -- South African scientists have detected a new coronavirus variant with multiple mutations but are yet to establish whether it is more contagious or able to overcome the immunity provided by vaccines or prior infection.

    The new variant, known as C.1.2, was first detected in May and has now spread to most South African provinces and to seven other countries in Africa, Europe, Asia and Oceania, according to research which is yet to be peer-reviewed.

    It contains many mutations associated in other variants with increased transmissibility and reduced sensitivity to neutralizing antibodies, but they occur in a different mix and scientists are not yet sure how they affect the behaviour of the virus. Laboratory tests are underway to establish how well the variant is neutralized by antibodies.

    South Africa was the first country to detect the Beta variant, one of only four labeled "of concern" by the World Health Organization (WHO).

    Beta is believed to spread more easily than the original version of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, and there is evidence vaccines work less well against it, leading some countries to restrict travel to and from South Africa.


    Richard Lessells, an infectious disease specialist and one of the authors of the research on C.1.2, said its emergence tells us "this pandemic is far from over and that this virus is still exploring ways to potentially get better at infecting us."

    He said people should not be overly alarmed at this stage and that variants with more mutations were bound to emerge further into the pandemic.

    Genomic sequencing data from South Africa show the C.1.2 variant was still nowhere near displacing the dominant Delta variant in July, the latest month for which a large number of samples was available.

    In July C.1.2 accounted for 3 per cent of samples versus 1 per cent in June, whereas Delta accounted for 67 per cent in June and 89 per cent in July.

    Delta is the fastest and fittest variant the world has encountered, and it is upending assumptions about COVID-19 even as nations loosen restrictions and reopen their economies.

    Lessells said C.1.2 may have more immune evasion properties than Delta, based on its pattern of mutations, and that the findings had been flagged to the WHO.

    A spokesman for South Africa's health department declined to comment on the research.

    South Africa's COVID-19 vaccination campaign got off to a slow start, with only around 14 per cent of its adult population fully vaccinated so far.

    A patient receives a Johnson & Johnson vaccine at a pop-up vaccination centre, at the Bare taxi rank in Soweto, South Africa, Friday, Aug. 20, 2021 (AP Photo/Denis Farrell)

    • 与病毒共存全面开放吧,开开封封何时是头 +2
      • 想改改错都来不及了😂回的这么快😂
        • 阿尔伯塔早就全面开放了,疫情好像不比安省更严重吧
          • 感染人数按人口算是安省5倍以上,严重不严重你自己看。
            • BC省摘下口罩还不是得再戴上
            • 全开放没任何限制,每天感染人数和安省差不多,人家医疗系统也没垮掉。只要医疗系统不垮掉就不能算很严重吧
              • 等到垮掉时就晚了
                • 这不还没垮掉么,冬天的时候也许的确不好说,现在全面开放应该不会有太大的问题,总不能一年365天都关着吧。周末路过hwy 7附近的鱼膳房,室外的桌子都满了,还有人从饭店出来,看来大家都想趁着天好赶紧享受,冬天一到又只能关家里了
                  • 英国就是趁夏天全面放开让更多人感染,减少冬天的感染人数,拉平曲线。加拿大也应该这么做 +1
              • Alberta reported 3,056 new cases of COVID-19 over the weekend: positive rate over 10%
                1,231 new cases on Friday, out of 11,415 tests.960 new cases on Saturday, out of 9,526 tests.865 new cases on Sunday, out of 8,328 tests.
                • 越多人感染就越多人自然免疫,这是正确的方向 +4
                • Alberta 401 in hospital, 98 in ICU, Ontario 226 in hospital, 160 in ICU, 咱安省又是戴口罩又是控制人数的,结果ICU人数比人家多不少
                  • 安省人口是他三四倍,目前情况比阿省好多了,当然阿省人民完成自然感染免疫以后又会得意起来啦。
                • 我只是报个数字,没有表示支持或反对🤷🏽‍♀️
    • 现在【彻底隔离】的没起作用是因为这彻底隔离不是全球统一行动,总有防疫差生拖后腿
      • 达尔文讲“物竞天择适者生存”感染了生死有命自己负责任 😎NO现代民主社会不允许限制自由🙄😅😫😂 那么差生们不知不觉中也就拉了几个垫被的😢😨😓😨。
        • 啥不允许限制自由,西方限制自由的事没少做。主要原因是此次中国这样做了,西方必须唱反调,政治高于一切。 +1