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2.149 备齐了新冠“偏方”HCQ

最近,终于搞到了川普总统推荐的新冠偏方HCQ(羟氯喹 hydroxychloroquine)! 想当年川普说他吃此药预防新冠,主瘤一片谩骂,说该药无用且有害、川普不是医生别听他的等等。 川普当然不是医生,也不会傻到自己乱吃药,肯定是他的医生让他吃的,他的医生可是总统医生哦。 疫情以来,HCQ和Ivermectin (伊维菌素),一直受到打压,不让医生使用。主瘤医生说这些药是毒药,并出示了大量…

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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 2.149 备齐了新冠“偏方”HCQ +8
    最近,终于搞到了川普总统推荐的新冠偏方HCQ(羟氯喹 hydroxychloroquine)! 想当年川普说他吃此药预防新冠,主瘤一片谩骂,说该药无用且有害、川普不是医生别听他的等等。 川普当然不是医生,也不会傻到自己乱吃药,肯定是他的医生让他吃的,他的医生可是总统医生哦。 疫情以来,HCQ和Ivermectin (伊维菌素),一直受到打压,不让医生使用。主瘤医生说这些药是毒药,并出示了大量…
    • 恭喜!😀 +1
      • 政府不管你死活,自己不能不管。。。。。 +4
    • 我們只有自救,相信政府的就自求多福聽天由命吧,我去年就想辦法在印度買到了HCQ,今年加拿大海關加強力度好幾個朋友從印度訂的HCQ都被海關退回了 +1
      • 他们一次寄多少?
        • 一個朋友訂了6盒(每盒100粒)被退,Health Canada來信說這是處方藥而且超過3個月的用量了,還有一個朋友只訂了3盒也被退了,可是去年訂6盒就沒事順利收到
          • 看来要少寄。我让国内亲戚寄了4盒、每盒14粒,就是照片里的这种,收到了。
    • 你買的鋅是50毫克,注意預防只要25毫克即可
      • 预防的方子,说的是zinc 50 mg. daily
        • 不知你的方子哪來的,閆博士的預防方子是HCQ 200mg +鋅25mg 第一周每天一次連吃5天,之後相同劑量每周一次,和紐約大鬍子醫生的一致
          • 这是“美国前线医生”给出的HCQ预防药方。

            Prophylactic HCQ Protocol

            This is not medical advice. Every situation is unique, and every person must check with his or her own physician, especially if you are taking any other medication.

            • Hydroxychloroquine 400 mg. twice a day on the first day + elemental zinc 50 mg. daily then
            • Hydroxychloroquine 400 mg. weekly + zinc 50 mg. daily

            Hydroxychloroquine tablets in the USA are 200 mg. Two can be taken together at the same time or separated by hours-days, as long as a person takes 400 mg. weekly. Currently there are studies underway to see if 200 mg weekly is sufficient.

            This protocol is used across the world. For example, see the country of India in the White Paper (reference 19). In this example, the National Task for the COVID-19 constituted by Indian Council of Medical Research recommendations for HCQ for prophylaxis of SARS-CoV-2 infection for selected individuals.

          • 根据就是Jack链接的方子。你把你的方子链接放上来,比较一下
            • 这是泽连科医生的预防药方。 羟氯喹现在不容易买到,我总觉得用它来预防有些奢侈。😁

              High Risk Patients

              Patients are considered high risk if they are over the age of 45, or if they are younger than 45 but they have comorbidities, that is, they have other health conditions that put them at risk. These patients have between a 5 to 10% mortality rate if they are infected with Covid-19. These patients should be strongly encouraged to take prophylaxis against Covid-19 in accordance with the protocol noted below.

              Protocol for Low and Moderate Risk Patients:

              Elemental Zinc 25mg 1 time a day Vitamin D3 5000iu 1 time a day Vitamin C 1000mg 1 time a day Quercetin 500mg 1 time a day until a safe and efficacious vaccine becomes available If Quercetin is unavailable, then use Epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG) 400mg 1 time a day.

              Protocol for High Risk Patients:

              Elemental Zinc 25mg once a day Vitamin D3 5000iu 1 time a day Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) 200mg 1 time a day for 5 days, then 1 time a week until a safe and efficacious vaccine becomes available If HCQ is unavailable, then use the Protocol for Low and Moderate Risk Patients.

              • 可以用槲皮素替代,但要每天吃
                • 槲皮素在多種食物中都有發現,包括蘋果、紅洋蔥、番茄、綠茶、葡萄皮、柑橘類水果、巴西里(西洋芹)等。另外,橄欖油、黑櫻桃、黑莓也都是類黃酮的良好來源,其中也包括槲皮素。
              • ,维生素d是日用量5倍,hcq差不多,就是锌少了。预防用有点吓人,维生素也不能5倍地吃啊。
              • 👍
            • 和Jack發的大鬍子醫生的方子一樣,見內,鋅25mg + HCQ 200mg,你那個方子鋅50mg+HCQ400mg會不會量太多了?HCQ400mg適用於早期治療 +1
              Protocol for High Risk Patients:Elemental Zinc 25mg once a day Vitamin D3 5000iu 1 time a day Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) 200mg 1 time a day for 5 days, then 1 time a week until a safe and efficacious vaccine becomes available If HCQ is unavailable, then use the Protocol for Low and Moderate Risk Patients.
              • 两个方子差不多,你的就是维生素d量太大了


                • 我只吃方子里的鋅和HCQ或槲皮素,不吃維生素,維生素靠食補 +1
                  • “有药阶级”的境界我理解不了。😄 我只有一点点羟氯喹,舍不得用来预防,只能留着做早期治疗用。
                    • 我也是,平时不吃,留作治疗。只在上飞机前1周预防性吃
                      • 可能nopush平时接触人多,所以预防一下也好。
    • 👍
    • 要吃锌铜补剂,单吃锌有副作用
      • 谢谢提醒,还没有开吃。希望永远用不着吃。
        • 对。我现在还在等印度的货呢
          • 很快就有人问你咋买了。。。。。