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法国前卫生部长阿涅丝·比赞(Agnes Buzyn)9月10日星期五被法国共和国法院的法官起诉,罪名是涉嫌“危及他人的生命”。就是她,于2020年1月,将羟氯喹列为危险药品。怎么全球疫情还没开始,就把特效药给先禁用了,细思极恐。

ER Editor: Buzyn started out as France’s health minister at the beginning of the ‘pandemic’, only to restrict public access to hydroxychloroquine around January 2020 while the political class and medical personnel were quietly using [...]

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 法国前卫生部长阿涅丝·比赞(Agnes Buzyn)9月10日星期五被法国共和国法院的法官起诉,罪名是涉嫌“危及他人的生命”。就是她,于2020年1月,将羟氯喹列为危险药品。怎么全球疫情还没开始,就把特效药给先禁用了,细思极恐。 +1
    ER Editor: Buzyn started out as France’s health minister at the beginning of the ‘pandemic’, only to restrict public access to hydroxychloroquine around January 2020 while the political class and medical personnel were quietly using [...]
    • 请管理员把主帖移回“医药保健”。主帖的内容谈到对COVID19早期治疗的打压,这与人们的健康密切相关。
      • BUG? +1