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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 阿根廷进行了伊维菌素Ivermectin 治疗早期Covid 19病人的500人大型双盲实验研究,结论是没啥用,请认为 Ivermectin有用的网友协助找出类似的大型双盲实验论文,我对此持开放态度。 +3
    Background Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) has changed our lives. The scientific community has been investigating re-purposed treatments to prevent disease progression in coronavirus disease (COVID-19) patients. Objective To determine whether ivermectin treatment can prevent hospitalization in individuals with early COVID-19. Design, setting and participants: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted in non-hospitalized individuals with COVID-19 in Corrientes, Argentina. Patients with SARS-CoV-2 positive nasal swabs were contacted within 48 h by telephone to invite them to participate. The trial randomized 501 patients between August 19th 2020 and February 22nd 2021. Intervention Patients were randomized to ivermectin (N = 250) or placebo (N = 251) arms in a staggered dose, according to the patient’s weight, for 2 days. Main outcomes and measures The efficacy of ivermectin to prevent hospitalizations was evaluated as primary outcome. We evaluated secondary outcomes in relationship to safety and other efficacy end points. Results The mean age was 42 years (SD ± 15.5) and the median time since symptom onset to the inclusion was 4 days [interquartile range 3–6]. The primary outcome of hospitalization was met in 14/250 (5.6%) individuals in ivermectin group and 21/251 (8.4%) in placebo group (odds ratio 0.65; 95% confidence interval, 0.32–1.31; p = 0.227). Time to hospitalization was not statistically different between groups. The mean time from study enrollment to invasive mechanical ventilatory support (MVS) was 5.25 days (SD ± 1.71) in ivermectin group and 10 days (SD ± 2) in placebo group, (p = 0.019). There were no statistically significant differences in the other secondary outcomes including polymerase chain reaction test negativity and safety outcomes. Limitations Low percentage of hospitalization events, dose of ivermectin and not including only high-risk population. Conclusion Ivermectin had no significant effect on preventing hospitalization of patients with COVID-19. Patients who received ivermectin required invasive MVS earlier in their treatment. No significant differences were observed in any of the other secondary outcomes. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04529525 .
    • 如果真有这样的论文,就不会在论坛上讨论,他们也就是说说而已。 +3
      • 这个研究中,伊维菌素给的量太少:80KG体重每天才12mg,而且一共才给两天的量;而按照泽连科医生公布的药方,80KG体重每天应该32-40mg,需要持续5-7天。(#13966913@0) +9
        • 印度住院的量是0.4-0.6Mg/kg +6
          • 对呀,这个研究中,每个试验者服用的总量还不到正常治疗每天用量的下限。如果他们是故意这样做的,我一点都不意外。 +6
          • 我们这些民科都看的出来,疫苗科学还看不出来。我是看出来了,现在有”科学“和”疫苗科学“! +5
          • Ivermectin被批准做过的防治寄生虫双盲实验中,安全剂量是150微克每公斤,75公斤成人的安全剂量是11.25毫克,而且只口服一次。牛马的安全剂量是每公斤200微克,你这剂量比牛马还高一倍以上。我的天!
            • 每公斤剂量比牛马高一倍,又不是总剂量比牛马高一倍,总剂量还是比牛马低得多。 +1
              • 安全剂量比牛马高一倍还不高,怎么算高?药物都是有安全剂量的,你看哪个药你敢高出一倍到2倍吃不出问题的。
                • 听医生的还是你的?印度广泛应用没听说过Overdose的,说明2倍问题不大。事实最说明问题! +2
                  • 你去过印度没有?印度人还喝牛尿治新冠呢!是真的,没有骗人! +1
                    • Well, this is not the right attitude for debate. BTW I've been to India many times. Totally my time in India was close to 8 months.
                • 药的安全剂量都是很保守的,比如每次吃一粒,300磅的人吃一粒,100磅的人也是吃一粒,他们的剂量差了3倍。多数药吃两倍的量不会有问题,跟何况这个有医生的处方。 +1
      • 也许还是有的,是我没找到。比较恶劣的做法是抛一堆低质量论文夹杂各种误导信息。 +2
        • 你看看,你自己找的论文不专业,是低质论文,快去找找支持你观点的“高质”论文吧。不要也许,也许,没有就是没有,我们谈科学,医学,很严谨的。呵呵。 +2
          • 质量高低很关键是参与人数,年龄,身体状况等,你要能找到高质量论文不要藏着掖着,赶快分享,乱喷不好。 +2
            • 既然这么严谨,你怎么会张口就来,什么死亡没打疫苗是打疫苗的11倍?怎么比?同年龄组吗?老的和小的比吗?小的和小的比也没这么高嘛。你这个数据怎么得出的? +1
    • 116 studies, 76 peer reviewed, 63 with results comparing treatment and control groups. +2
      Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time analysis of all 116 studies
      • 所谓“科学”研究是可以为了达到某种目的而玩花招的,比如当初抹黑羟氯喹的常见花招就有这几种:羟氯喹给正常量的许多倍,让试验者受不了;选择重症中濒临死亡的试验者;羟氯喹不与锌元素配合。 +4
      • 你能不能选一两个最靠谱的让大家看看? +2
        • 不能,自己的工作自己做。已经给了你Resources。 +1
          • 我能找到的都分享了, 你要能找出你自己认为最靠谱的一两个来就别藏着掖着,要不就是你也找不到呗。 +1
            • 我不打算说服你,只要让旁观者看清楚你最早说没用是Nonsense就行了。 +2
              • 对于 Ivermectin 的有效性我没啥结论, 结论都是人家的,我还要多看看。希望你如果找到质量高的论文能够大方分享。
        • 说得好,我选了一个人数最多的together trail。明年才结束,现在就说结果还太早。另外很多做法都不符合规程 +1
          Together Trial (News)
          Early Treatment of COVID-19 with Repurposed Therapies: The TOGETHER Adaptive Platform Trial
          Preliminary report from the Together Trial showing mortality RR 0.82 [0.44-1.52].The trial randomization chart suggests major problems and does not match the protocol. Trial week 43, the first week for 3 dose ivermectin, shows ~3x patients assigned to ivermectin vs. placebo [1]. Since overall treatment improves over time, and because the distribution of variants continually changes and shows significant differences in outcomes, this invalidates the randomization of the trial. (Confounding by time is common is COVID-19 studies and has often obscured efficacy because more treatment group patients were earlier when overall treatment protocols were significantly worse). Minas Gerais statistics show a period of declining CFR shortly after the time of excess assignment to ivermectin. The total numbers for the ivermectin and placebo groups also do not appear to match the totals in the presentation - reaching the number reported for ivermectin would require including some of the patients assigned to single dose ivermectin. Reaching the placebo number requires including placebo patients from the much earlier ivermectin single dose period, and from the early two week period when zero ivermectin patients were assigned.Treatment delay is currently unknown, however the protocol allows very late inclusion and a companion trial reported mostly late treatment. Overall mortality is high for 18+ outpatients. Results may be impacted by late treatment, poor SOC, and may be specific to local variants [2, 3]. Treatment was administered on an empty stomach, greatly reducing expected tissue concentration and making the effective dose about 1/5th of current clinical practice. The trial was conducted in Minas Gerais, Brazil which had substantial community use of ivermectin [4], and prior use of ivermectin is not listed in the excluson criteria.Time from symptom onset to randomization is specified as within 7 days. However the schedule of study activities specifies treatment administration only one day after randomization, suggesting that treatment was delayed an additional day for all patients.There is an unusual inclusion criteria: "patients with expected hospital stays of <= 5 days". This is similar to "patients less likely to need treatment beyond SOC to recover", and would make it very easy to reduce the effect seen. This is not in either of the published protocols.The trial took place in an area of Brazil where the Gamma variant was prominent. Brazilian clinicians report that this variant is much more virulent, and that significantly higher dosage is required.This trial uses a soft primary outcome, easily subject to bias and event inflation in both arms (e.g., observe >6 hours independent of indication).Trial design, analysis, and presentation, along with previous public and private statements suggest investigator bias. Design: including very late treatment, additional day before administration, including low-risk patients, operation in a region with high community use, specifying administration on an empty stomach, limiting treatment to 3 days, using soft inclusion criterion and a soft primary outcome, easily subject to bias. Analysis: authors perform analysis excluding events very shortly after randomization for fluvoxamine but not ivermectin, and report viral load results for fluvoxamine but not ivermectin. Presentation: falsely describing positive but not statistically significant effects as "no effect, what so ever" [5, 6]. Prior statements: [7].There are two published protocols, both are called "version 1", we refer to them as 1A (3/11/21 [8]) and 1B (8/5/21 [9]).1B deletes:- subgroup analysis by treatment delay.
          - "Amendments to the protocol, except when necessary to eliminate an immediate danger to participants, should be made only with the prior approval of the steering committee. Each applicable regulatory authority and EC must review and approve the amendments before they are implemented."1B adds: "we hypothesize that younger patients will benefit more than older patients"If you are a trial participant please contact us below. For other issues see: [10, 11].The trial is associated with:MMS Holdings - a company whose mission includes helping pharmaceutical companies get approval and designing scientific studies that help them get approval. One of their clients is Pfizer [12].Cytel Inc. - another statistical modelling company that helps pharmaceutical companies get approval - they work very closely with Pfizer [13].One of the senior investigators was Dr. Craig Rayner, President of Integrated Drug Development at Certara - another company with a similar mission to MMS Holdings. They state on their website that: "Since 2014, our customers have received over 90% of new drug and biologic approvals by the FDA." One of their clients is Pfizer [14].
          • 谢谢。
    • 当然没啥用,对于病毒,现在没有任何一钟药物有用。有用的药物是能抑制人体免疫过激反应。比如泰诺,是为了人体降温,不是杀病毒。得了感冒可以吃泰诺,现在得了新冠,不给任何药物,这是谋杀! +3
      • 现在连吃泰诺都不让了?
        • 得了流感吃泰诺降温有用。得了新冠,吃泰诺没什么用。现在传说的各种有用药物都被禁止了。
          • 新冠不就是大号流感吗,咋就没用呢?
            • 得了流感,我可以得到各种药物。新冠药物,各种禁止,这个正常吗?泰诺对降温有用,对新冠自然也有一部分有用,降温。但是不够。你抬杠呢? +2
              • 噢,新冠不是流感!“传说的各种有用药物”那也只是个传说呀!传说喝牛尿可解,川说喝消毒水可解。。。
                • 得了流感, +1
                  • 得了新冠,重症住院的,在医院里都干啥呢?
                    • 都忙着打官司让医院上IVM呢! 光看报导就有纽约水牛城一个,ohio一个,上了药都活下来了! +4
    • 不需要你的任何证明!你就是没事儿找事儿!你不考察紧急授权“疫苗”,你只是追着伊维菌素不放,你的态度不开放,你的态度就是偏激! +2