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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

怎么会这样呢 - Man who spent 21 days in quarantine, tested negative 9 times still brought COVID-19 to China

A man who completed 21 days of mandatory quarantine upon returning to China from overseas has been identified as the likely source of a new outbreak, raising questions over the sustainability of the country's stringent zero-COVID-19 strategy.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 怎么会这样呢 - Man who spent 21 days in quarantine, tested negative 9 times still brought COVID-19 to China +2
    A man who completed 21 days of mandatory quarantine upon returning to China from overseas has been identified as the likely source of a new outbreak, raising questions over the sustainability of the country's stringent zero-COVID-19 strategy.
    • 这个是有可能的。比如你放在行李箱的某件物品上沾染病毒了, +1
      • 这种说法违背了关于病毒的常识。新冠病毒和大多数病毒一样,在常温下很难存活。所以除非你的行李用品过去一个月里,一直保存在和疫苗存储条件相当的超低温环境下,被它们表面上残留的病毒感染的可能性几乎等于零。 +2
        • 如果新冠病毒常温下很难存活,就不会这个大的传染几率了。 讲科学的怎么现在不讲科学了?
          • 个人觉得99%是呼吸传染。 +1
            • 呼吸传染不是主要的,是气溶胶传染。就是打喷嚏或者咳嗽产生的可以长时间悬浮于空气中的细小颗粒。接触传染才是主要的。病毒黏附于各种物体上。所以戴口罩主要是防止感染别人。
              • 不同意。感觉接触传染会大面积溃烂皮肤,呼吸传染会伤及呼吸系统,实际的情况是吧。。。现在到别的室内都戴口罩,但手套再不用了。
          • 这里是哈佛医学院三个星期前公开发表的说法。我把原文链接附在下面了:How does coronavirus spread?

            The coronavirus spreads mainly from person to person. A person infected with coronavirus — even one with no symptoms — may emit aerosols when they talk or breathe. Aerosols are infectious viral particles that can float or drift around in the air for up to three hours. Another person can breathe in these aerosols and become infected with the coronavirus.

            This can happen between people who are in close contact with one another. Droplets that are produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes may land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby, or possibly be inhaled into their lungs.

            Transmission is less likely to happen outdoors, where air currents scatter and dilute the virus, than in a home, office, or other confined space with limited air circulation.

            The risk of spread from contact with contaminated surfaces or objects is considered to be extremely low. According to the CDC, each contact with a contaminated surface has less than a 1 in 10,000 chance of causing an infection.

            The virus may be shed in saliva, semen, and feces; whether it is shed in vaginal fluids isn't known. Kissing can transmit the virus. Transmission of the virus through feces, or during vaginal or anal intercourse or oral sex, appears to be extremely unlikely at this time.

        • 可能他带了只沾满病毒的烧鸡,隔离期间一直放冰箱
          • 你还没算上病毒潜伏期呢。病毒进入人体不是马上发作的。
    • 文中用的是likely. 换句话,21天隔离不够了,不愿意隔离28天的就不要万里传毒了。 +1
    • 只要从国外回来的, 就是源头。 +13
      • 估计连小粉红也不例外。
    • 打了C19疫苗的,身体产生病毒,成了C19传染源。很多讲述SPIKE PROTEIN SHEDDING的文章讲了这个。不过一般的人在接种疫苗一个月后SPIKE PROTEIN SHEDDING现象会明显减少。所以DEEP STATE要大家3,5个月就要打疫苗,不停地传播病毒 :-)
      • 感觉是和疫苗有关,但是文章中没提到他有没有打疫苗,他单独一个人的时候没问题,回家可能产生spike protein shedding造成周围人的问题,但是spike protein shedding怎么会造成test positive呢?
        • 所谓的C19检测就是骗人打针的忽悠 :-)看看这个视频和其他揭露PCR检测的视频,文章就知道了 +1
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