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你引用的这篇文章基本上是自说自话,我就随便用 另外的未经证实的观点回应好了,老实说我不想挖他的历史,只想看Ivermectin 有效文章。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 有人说推广伊维菌素的医生、专家是江湖骗子,那这些骗子推销几毛钱一剂的伊维菌素能发财吗?不如推销3000美元一剂,FDA批准的瑞德西韦吧?既发了财,还跟主流打成一片,吃香的喝辣的不好吗? +9
    • 就和某些中医宣扬的中草药治疗癌症一样,中草药也不值几个钱,但是他们就变成德高望重的医生专家了 +4
      • 要跟主流保持一致才能成德高望重的专家,事实是,现在推广伊维菌素的专家被全网封杀,前途堪忧。 +7
    • 没有看到生产莲花清瘟胶囊的厂家赚到盆满钵满吗?你觉得那胶囊有用吗?为什么不推广一下? +2
      • 我要推广的话就推广瑞德西韦,3000美元一剂,效果跟莲花清瘟差不多,区别是前者是FDA批准的。 +7
    • 有的网友可能不明白(不是说楼主哈),他们搞了个组织FLCCC ,搞好了能在政府拿到不少funding 和donation。 +5
      • 真的吗?这就更好的解释了为啥一堆人来造谣某某药好用 +1
        • 小土豆那个丑闻你也略有所闻吧。反正这种组织可以弄不少好处。参与的人(11个医生),也可以增加自己医药界的影响力,比如说那位开违禁药的创世人,几年前 +1
          • 昨天那个治痛风药对新冠有效的新闻居然还没人提起 +1
            • 放心,有人会不断发的😅 +2
          • 败血病,改不了,凑活吧,不必太较真哈。 +1
            • 真巧啊,从今年开始,就一件一件的否定他多年前的成就,追究他几年前的过失,反正就是要把他批倒批臭,多么熟悉的老套路。 +1
              • 还不是你带的头吗,原来你才是是高级黑啊。我本来打算只讨论文章,你偏要挖背景。


                • 欢迎你挖他们的料,他们发明的MATH+疗法大大提高了新冠病人存活率,Dr. Joseph Varon治疗的新冠病人存活率95.6%,Dr. Paul Marik治疗的新冠病人存活率93.9%,而461家未采用MATH+疗法的医院,新冠病人存活率68% to 84.4% +1
                  • 你引用的这篇文章基本上是自说自话,我就随便用 另外的未经证实的观点回应好了,老实说我不想挖他的历史,只想看Ivermectin 有效文章。
                    • 说伊维菌素有效的文章,都被说成证据不足。如果要做到FDA能批准的标准,要花数千万美元来做试验,没有哪个公司会出这笔钱,所以伊维菌素永远不会得到FDA批准用于治疗新冠。
                      • 哪里那么复杂,FLACCC自己都不提Double Blind RCT
                        • 有很多double-blinded RCT
                          ed within clinical trials. Areas of Uncertainty: The majority of trialed agents have failed to provide reproducible, definitive proof of efficacy in reducing the mortality of COVID-19 with the exception of corticosteroids in moderate to severe disease. Recently, evidence has emerged that the oral antiparasitic agent ivermectin exhibits numerous antiviral and anti-inflammatory mechanisms with trial results reporting significant outcome benefits. Given some have not passed peer review, several expert groups including Unitaid/World Health Organization have undertaken a systematic global effort to contact all active trial investigators to rapidly gather the data needed to grade and perform meta-analyses. Data Sources: Data were sourced from published peer-reviewed studies, manuscripts posted to preprint servers, expert meta-analyses, and numerous epidemiological analyses of regions with ivermectin distribution campaigns. Therapeutic Advances: A large majority of randomized and observational controlled trials of ivermectin are reporting repeated, large magnitude improvements in clinical outcomes. Numerous prophylaxis trials demonstrate that regular ivermectin use leads to large reductions in transmission. Multiple, large “natural experiments” occurred in regions that initiated “ivermectin distribution” campaigns followed by tight, reproducible, temporally associated decreases in case counts and case fatality rates compared with nearby regions without such campaigns. Conclusions: Meta-analyses based on 18 randomized controlled treatment trials of ivermectin in COVID-19 have found large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance. Furthermore, results from numerous controlled prophylaxis trials report significantly reduced risks of contracting COVID-19 with the regular use of ivermectin. Finally, the many examples of ivermectin distribution campaigns leading to rapid population-wide decreases in morbidity and mortality indicate that an oral agent effective in all phases of COVID-19 has been identified....
                          • 充斥大量低水平造假论文,比如说 Elgazzar and colleagues 45 at Benha University in Egypt
          • 如果伊维菌素无效,这些人是在医药界自取其辱吧,还想增加在医药界的影响力?现在他们是政府的眼中钉,不被抓起来就不错了,还想拿政府的funding? +1
            • 他们可是人精,哪那么容易被入罪,你也看到了,违法开药也不过是个警告,何况还有共和党议员撑腰。
              • When Republican Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin (with whom Kory decidedly shares no political sympathies) called the hearing on early COVID-19 treatments,
                The New York Times ran an advance story eviscerating it as a panel of anti-science kooks promoting “fringe theories,” a “forum for amplifying dubious theories and questionable treatments pushed by President Trump,” including hydroxychloroquine. The hearing was boycotted by all seven Democrats (who have received a total of $1.3 million in big pharma bucks from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Gilead, and others), and four of the seven Republicans, including Utah’s Mitt Romney (more than $3 million received from big pharma), Ohio’s Rob Portman ($542,400), and Florida’s Rick Scott (more than $1 million in stock in Gilead Sciences, maker of Remdesivir).
                • 就是腐败。不分党派,政客都得了大药商的献金。
    • FLCCC的几位发起医生在COVID-19之前早已经是世界级的名医了。 +2
      • 一堆巴西阿根廷的医生,美国医生就没几个,怎么就成了世界级名医呢? 目前为止你们推崇的医生里算得上名医的好像就德州那个医生。 +4

        • 打疫苗跟用药治病不矛盾吧?打了疫苗的也可能进ICU上呼吸机生命垂危,医生两手一摊说我们已经无能为力,这个时候也可以试试伊维菌素,也许能捡条命。 +2
          • 你以为美国那些医药学家都不知道这种药的存在? ICU 里用药都是事关病人生死存亡的,哪个医生敢随便试一种药?
            • 很多时候是医生无能为力,只能让病人等死了,还事关病人生死存亡?很多医生都知道这个药,但是医院不让用。已经有不少有名有姓的案例,经法官判决用上了伊维菌素,捡回了命。 +1
              • 哪有多少案例, 除了 Ohio 的还有其他案例吗? Ohio 的判决是马后炮。
                • 68岁的女病人4月份就进ICU上呼吸机,病情一直没有好转。病人女儿要求用伊维菌素,经法官判决,终于用上了药,一剂下去,第二天呼吸机就从75%降到65%。
                • Ohio的病人,

                • 水牛城的80岁女病人 After judge orders hospital to use experimental Covid-19 treatment, woman recovers
                  Judith Smentkiewicz's children say that the drug Ivermectin – a pill sometimes used to treat children with head lice or to rid dogs and cats of worms – saved their
                • eighty-four-year-old Lou Gossett Jr., the Oscar-winning black star of An Officer and a Gentleman
                • State Supreme Court Justice Frank Caruso on Friday ordered a Rochester hospital to continue Ivermectin treatments to Glenna Dickinson, 65, of Albion.
                  State Supreme Court Justice Frank Caruso on Friday ordered a Rochester hospital to continue Ivermectin treatments to Glenna Dickinson, 65, of Albion.
                • Dr. Manny Espinoza was dying of COVID-19 in his Texas hospital when his wife,
                  Dr. Erica Espinoza, asked the doctors to try Ivermectin as a last resort, and was refused. Erica hired a life-flight helicopter to take Manny to the Houston hospital of FLCCC co-founder Joseph Varon for the cheap little pill that in four days had her husband sitting up smiling and telling their children about the “miracle” that saved his life. “We see this every day,” Dr. Varon says. “They say it’s a miracle, I say it’s the science, but it’s the truth.”
      • 能和钟南山比吗😂 +3
    • Ivermectin几分钱一剂,Remdesivir $3000/剂,三万剂Ivermectin的利润不及一剂Remdesivir! 但是,这个几万倍的价差是一个事,另一个事是,前者是普通药,任何一个药厂都能生产,不管是中国的还是印度的,没有专利(早过期了)。 +3



