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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

日本人做过实验,用delta基础上刺突蛋白4个变异的delta 4+伪病毒,和mRNA疫苗抗体,就会引起感染增强,这就是ADE。刺突蛋白3个变异的delta已经有了,4个突变可能也有了,还没流行开

mRNA-based vaccines provide effective protection against most common SARS-CoV-2 variants. However, identifying likely breakthrough variants is critical for future vaccine development. Here, we found that the Delta variant completely escaped from anti-N-terminal domain (NTD) neutralizing antibodies, while increasing responsiveness to anti-NTD infectivity-enhancing antibodies. Although Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2-immune sera neutralized the Delta variant, when four common mutations were introduced into the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the Delta variant (Delta 4+), some BNT162b2-immune sera lost neutralizing activity and enhanced the infectivity. Unique mutations in the Delta NTD were involved in the enhanced infectivity by the BNT162b2-immune sera. Sera of mice immunized by Delta spike, but not wild-type spike, consistently neutralized the Delta 4+ variant without enhancing infectivity. Given the fact that a Delta variant with three similar RBD mutations has already emerged according to the GISAID database, it is necessary to develop vaccines that protect against such complete breakthrough variants. ### Competing Interest Statement Osaka University has filed a patent application for the enhancing antibodies. HA and YL are listed as inventors. HA is a stockholder of HuLA immune Inc.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 为什么一定是疫苗产生ADE呢?各代变异病毒之间理论上也有极低的比率产生ADE,没完没了的变异机会更大一点?不是打架,就是想听听为什么谈论ADE都仅仅针对疫苗?
    • 都有,但是自然免疫抗体全面,不依赖某个单一蛋白靶点,病毒变异仍然逃不过,所以临床观察不到。灭活理论上应该好些,但灭活还是有ADE,人体太复杂了,所以我对打进身体的东西从来都报警惕态度。 +3
      • 概念错误。ADE的原因是仍有抗体和病毒结合但又结合得不够,所以抗体全面而且弱更容易产生ADE。如果按你说的mRNA是单独靶点,要么结合,要么不结合就不会有ADE +2
        • 人体免疫抗体只是一方面。抗体主要是阻止病毒进入细胞。另外还有一些机制及时发现感染细胞并清除,这一点是人康复重要一环。这些自然免疫都有,灭活不一定有,mRNA那更不用说。
          • 绝大多数年轻人自然免疫就可以清除病毒。你如果又年轻又健康,只从自身利益考虑确实不需要打疫苗 +1
            • 又来站道德制高点了。唉,你咋不谴责这些强迫打不安全疫苗的官员呢?! +8
              • 我没有谴责你不打疫苗。我支持你不打疫苗的自由,支持全面开放,反对疫苗护照,反对戴口罩,反对lockdown。我打疫苗了我怕谁。你有伊维菌素你怕谁。 +4
                • "只从自身利益考虑",嗯,打针都是为社会做贡献,不打都是只从自身考虑。行吧,你非要高大上我也拦不住,还有主酶政府每天拔高呢,多打几针!
    • 灭活疫苗最易引发ADE。业界普遍认为,能同时诱导产生高效细胞免疫和体液免疫抗体,如mRNA和减活疫苗,利于避免ADE。mRNA疫苗合成S蛋白是自然状态,这不像灭活疫苗里是变性蛋白,几乎不能激发细胞免疫。越接近自然的蛋白抗原越能有效刺激免疫系统 +3
      • 那就是说mRNA和减活疫苗(哪个疫苗是?)利于避免ADE,灭活和自然抗体更容易一点ADE?不管是啥ADE几率应该很低,目前已知的是登革热
        • 无论哪种疫苗,已注射了几十亿,都没有ADE问题,因此这不是现在主流关注的问题。 +3
          • 昨天还有英国数据显示八成死亡是打了疫苗的。这很可能是ADE表现。主流不承认但不能不留个心眼。 +3
            • 今天也有人在说疫苗致心肌炎发病率是千分之1,还都是需住院的重症
            • 安省公布的数据,感染的,住院的,ICU的,是否打过疫苗分得清清楚楚,而死亡的,就不肯分有没有打过疫苗。政府只公布想要你知道的数据,不想让你知道的就不公布。 +3
              • 最后一块阵地了,要守住 +1
              • 看看比安省情况严重多的艾尔伯塔 +1

                • 12+接种73%的地区,为何恶化到这样程度?疫苗的作用在哪里? +2
                  • 老花眼? +2
                • 失守,完败 +1
                • 这个图表明显的现实了疫苗的保护作用 +1
              • 不说就等于说了。。。
    • mRNA疫苗是leaky的,而且只作用Spike蛋白的RDB区域,促使病毒定向进化,病毒会发生针对疫苗的免疫逃逸,发生免疫逃逸之后就会有ADE。第三针会加速疫苗免疫逃逸,因为对病毒进化压力更大 +2
      • 莫德纳:大流行可望一年结束!新冠只会变流感 +1
        • 这是涉政商人的说法,没有任何科学依据。 +5
          • (#13999602@0)
            • 别跟麻疹病毒比。麻疹病毒不稳定,所以有效病毒低变异率(变异多了就自己玩完了),加上不是最严重的肺(或者包括肺感染)的类型,比较可以控制。 +1
      • rna病毒的唯一医学阻断方式就是鸡尾酒疗法。 +1
    • 日本人做过实验,用delta基础上刺突蛋白4个变异的delta 4+伪病毒,和mRNA疫苗抗体,就会引起感染增强,这就是ADE。刺突蛋白3个变异的delta已经有了,4个突变可能也有了,还没流行开 +3
      mRNA-based vaccines provide effective protection against most common SARS-CoV-2 variants. However, identifying likely breakthrough variants is critical for future vaccine development. Here, we found that the Delta variant completely escaped from anti-N-terminal domain (NTD) neutralizing antibodies, while increasing responsiveness to anti-NTD infectivity-enhancing antibodies. Although Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2-immune sera neutralized the Delta variant, when four common mutations were introduced into the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the Delta variant (Delta 4+), some BNT162b2-immune sera lost neutralizing activity and enhanced the infectivity. Unique mutations in the Delta NTD were involved in the enhanced infectivity by the BNT162b2-immune sera. Sera of mice immunized by Delta spike, but not wild-type spike, consistently neutralized the Delta 4+ variant without enhancing infectivity. Given the fact that a Delta variant with three similar RBD mutations has already emerged according to the GISAID database, it is necessary to develop vaccines that protect against such complete breakthrough variants. ### Competing Interest Statement Osaka University has filed a patent application for the enhancing antibodies. HA and YL are listed as inventors. HA is a stockholder of HuLA immune Inc.
    • 是可能,多大几率也不知道,就祥林嫂天天就那么一句,自己都不懂的再这里天天唠叨,比祥林嫂还祥林嫂,哈哈 +2
      • 你是祥林嫂