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I have a dream, but I guess it is only a dream.😅



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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / I have a dream, but I guess it is only a dream.😅 +10


    • It is a dream and it is a beautiful dream and it is a real dream and your dream will come true soon! +2
    • 这就跟允不允许持枪上街一样,这不是人权的范畴。必须立法,大多数说了算。 +1
      • You don't understand what freedom stands for. You are given the freedom which you are entitled before is not real freedom. +4
      • 现在就是考验民主人权的时候。是不是真的民主,有没有真的人权,就走着瞧吧。 +4
      • 首先,立法不是一个大多数说了算的问题,立了这么多的法,你连知道的都很少,就不要谈什么大多数了。 +5
        • 有的人对民主、人权的所有理解就是“大多数人说了算”。 +4
          • 所以,伊斯兰国家体现的都是大多数的穆斯林意志,是最民主的国家?哈哈。 +3
            • 等他们在加美的人口基数再增加点,加美也都会体现穆斯林的意志了,如果真是大多数人说了算的话。那时候这些“民主”人士就开心了。 +4
              • 可惜你说了不算,拜登,土豆都是"51%"的多数。。。你的思维跟中共如出一辙。你的轴我不是第一次看到了。
                • 真是服了你了,他们两个都不能代表51%好不好。土豆获得了总投票数的32.6%(总投票数是总合资格投票人的62%),比保守党的33.7%少,只是利用了规则导致获取更多议员席位。充其量代表32.6%*62%=20.22%的合格投票人。无知真无奈。 +6
                  Sixty-two per cent of eligible voters cast ballots in last week's federal election -- about average turnout for recent Canadian elections despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Elections Canada says almost 17 million Canadians voted, out of 27.4 million eligible electors.
                  • 这就是你的轴劲,我完全领教。
                    • 是你轴还是我轴,大家都看的明白。 +1
                      • 你永远都是对的,都是规则错了。跟中共和老川的思维一模一样,自己永远没错,都是规则错了。
                        • 我上面说规则错了么?我只是指出你错了,你难道代替了规则?你继续轴吧
                • 很遗憾,首先,土豆支持率远少于51%,而且还是少数政府,第二,加拿大和美国是否允许持枪上街,枪械也是分类的,你搞清楚再来发言。无知不是你的错,千万别拿出来显摆,呵呵。 +6
                  • 你对51%的理解,就说明了你的楞不是一点点。
                    • 你无法反驳,只能嘴硬到底,告诉你,加拿大还真可以拿枪上街合法的,搞清楚再来吧。 +3
                      • 都要有枪证的,跟提议的疫苗证一回事。。。你懂就说,不懂不要说。
                        • 当然要枪证,还是可以持枪上街嘛,你不是说不允许吗?还立法啥的,你有枪证吗?哪些枪可以合法“上街”,那些非法持枪上街的,立法管住了吗? +3
                          • 要证的东西能叫人权吗?你可以去游行示威取消疫苗护照,有理走遍天下,不用在这跟我急。急也没用。
    • As I said, you have your choices but you have to bear the consequences which following.
      • That is what choice stands for. You can choose and deal with the consequences yourself,not someone else's,or forced by someone else. +6
        • But the reality is those people don't want to take the negative consequences of the unvaccinated. a lot of people in ICU are not vaccinated.
          • No idea of what are you talking about, +4
            people end up in ICU regardless of vaccine status. If they end up in ICU becoz of not vaccined, it is their choice too,they are suffering consequences, what do you mean by not taking consequences? Just like take vaccine, people might end up having severe adverse effect, so be it as long it's your own choice.
            • What I am saying is that those people who choose not to be vaccinated should not go to hospital if they catch Covid19 or at least they should pay for their treatment.
              • Well,sorry,you are in the wrong country then, +7
                it is public health, we all fund for it, even if you never paid tax you may still eligible due to humanity reason. Sorry that you cannot use thought police to police a democracy country if you think the unvaccined is the problem without solid proof you can only keep that to yourself.
                • Sorry, you are not live in Wandland.
                  • Well, so far I haven't heard of people being denied health service here yet. +3
                    • That's good news,isn't? but Alberta is in chaos now. +1
              • so what you're saying is, in Canada, if somebody doesn't obey government's order (even not law), then he/she cannot enjoy medical system which is supplied by all tax payers, right? So criminals cannot get any medical treatment, right? +6
                • do you think your question is related to what we're talking about? +1
                  • why not? Law allows not vaccinated, only government is forcing it by introducing rules. Maybe I skipped certain steps, but they're obvious. Let me know if you still have question, I can elaborate. +3
                    • unfortunately, people are living in society, have to take social rules. if you have a farm and live there forever, no one will force you. +1
                      • then at least those recovered from covid should be allowed to be exempted from vaxx mandatory, do you agree? then do you see this rule? illogical behaviors of government and medical systems are the main issues here. +3
                        • I personally don't agree with what government is doing now. I will give free vaccine as they are doing now, and charge unvaccinated people if they go to hospital because of covid.
                          • how about people died or disabled because of vaccination? BTW, vaccine is not free, it costs all tax payers money, including unvaccinated ones. +3
                            • way too many people died because of not vaccinated. why don't you mention about them? as for vaccine, not I don't give you, but you don't take it, I'm blaming free.
                              • I always suggested high risk group taking vaccine ASAP, others take the decision by themselves, but also was always against mandatory vaccination. You just blamed everybody unvaccinated and wanted to draw a line to split the society.
                                There are differences between you and me.
            • we're in pandemic,
              and the resources are not unlimited, vaccine is the best way so far human being can deal with the virus. so if you choose not to be vaccinated, your negative consequences are not only limited to catch virus and sick, but including others.
              • Vaccine is unproven, even you think you are doing the great to help for now , it might end up causing more harm, fuel the pandemic, as it is slowly showing evidence in Israel , so who is to say who is helping the situation? +6
                • Yes, that is one of the risks vaccinated people are talking. It might equals it might not, but that's what human being can do now. +1
                  • Just becoz everyone is doing it right now, it doesn't mean it is the right thing to do, as it is on going unproven science experiment so far. +4
                    • covid vaccines are not unproven science experiments, they are only needed to go through the last step, which are the massive amounts of application. +1
                      • Just tell me how many booster do you need after , do you know?If you don't know, it is unproven since it is ongoing study of the aftermath. +4
                        • tell me how many flu shots are we going to take in the future. +1
                          • Flu shot doesn't work, you just prove my point. +4
                            • are you saying eating doesn't work because you have to eat next time? +1
                • if you are saying vaccine doesn't work, please do more research.
                  • I did. As I said it is ongoing experiment, even doctors are not convinced, maybe politicians are, otherwise why need to look at data to make next move?why the booster? +3
                    • do you know that flu shots are different each and every year? +1
                      • Yes ,as it is a scam as far as I know, and by your neighbor not taking the flu shot ,does it ever bother you? +3
                        • OK, you can think so, but I don't. +1
                          • See? You just proved my the other point, thought has no weight, evidence is the key. +3
    • 對自己的身體如果都沒有決定權的話,那強姦就會成為普遍事件了。 +8
    • 现在媒体,甚至大公司的伎俩很明显,挑动群众斗群众。不管打没打疫苗,都要清楚这一点。 +6
      • 芥菜鬥來鬥去就是打和不打的。我相信有權利的人,這個根本就不是一個問題。 +2
    • Maybe it will take a little longer, let's keep fingers crossed! +2