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Current ‘progress’ in the vaccine field is largely based on new technologies such as those involved in novel manufacturing processes or in b

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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / Why ADE Hasn't Been a Problem With COVID Vaccines +2

    — Even with new variants, it's unlikely antibody-dependent enhancement will be an issue

    by Veronica Hackethal, MD, MSc, Enterprise & Investigative Writer, MedPage Today

    March 16, 2021

    email article

    A computer rendering of antibodies attacking the COVID-19 virus

    Early in the pandemic, scientists engaged in a flurry of discussions about the best way to construct COVID-19 vaccines to ensure their efficacy and safety. Some of these discussions centered around antibody-dependent enhancement of immunity (ADE), a potentially deadly immune phenomenon seen with other viral infections and vaccines.

    So far, there have been no reports of ADE with COVID-19 vaccines. But the concerns about ADE with COVID-19 vaccines have resurfaced with the emergency of virus variants. What exactly is ADE? What do we know from past experience with it? And why do experts say it's a non-issue with COVID-19 vaccines?

    Features of ADE

    While ADE can arise by different pathways, perhaps the best known is the so-called "Trojan Horse" pathway. This occurs when non-neutralizing antibodies generated by past infection or vaccination fail to shut down the pathogen upon re-exposure.

    Instead, they act as a gateway by allowing the virus to gain entry and replicate in cells that are usually off limits (typically immune cells, like macrophages). That, in turn, can lead to wider dissemination of illness, and over-reactive immune responses that cause more severe illness, Barry Bloom, MD, PhD, of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, told MedPage Today.

    "The cause of ADE is having antibodies to a virus that don't neutralize it. That enables the virus to be gobbled up by cells that have receptors for antibodies, but not the virus. That's the way of getting virus into cells that it ordinarily would not infect," Bloom said.

    ADE can also occur when neutralizing antibodies (which bind the virus and stop it from causing infection) are present at low enough levels that they don't protect against infection. Instead, they can form immune complexes with viral particles, which in turn leads to worse illness.

    What Does Past Experience Tell Us About ADE?

    The classic example of Trojan Horse-style ADE comes from dengue. This virus comes in four varieties. They are different enough from each other that past infection with one does not always generate antibodies that match well enough to protect against a different variety.

    ADE has also occurred after vaccination for dengue. For example, in 2016 a dengue vaccine was developed to protect against all four serotypes and given to 800,000 children in the Philippines. Among children who were vaccinated and later exposed to wild-type dengue, 14 died, presumably from more severe illness. Since then, the vaccine has been recommended only to children 9 years and older who have already been exposed to dengue.

    Another classic example comes from the U.S., when ADE occurred during a clinical trial for an inactivated vaccine against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). In 1967, children who participated in the trial and received the vaccine developed more severe RSV illness when they later encountered the virus in the community. Two toddlers died. The vaccine was associated with immune complex formation that caused lung obstruction and enhanced respiratory disease, pretty much stalling RSV vaccine development.

    Similarly, cases of ADE also occurred with an inactivated measles vaccine that was being developed in the U.S. in the 1960s. After vaccinated children developed more severe illness, the vaccine was withdrawn. The live, weakened measles vaccines that are currently in use in the U.S. have not been associated with ADE.

    ADE a Non-Issue With COVID Vaccines

    Scientists say that ADE is pretty much a non-issue with COVID-19 vaccines, but what are they basing this on?

    From the early stages of COVID-19 vaccine development, scientists sought to target a SARS-CoV-2 protein that was least likely to cause ADE. For example, when they found out that targeting the nucleoprotein of SARS-CoV-2 might cause ADE, they quickly abandoned that approach. The safest route seemed to be targeting the S2 subunit of the spike protein, and they ran with that, wrote Derek Lowe, PhD, in his Science Translational Medicine blog "In the Pipeline."

    Scientists designed animal studies to look for ADE. They looked for it in human trials, and they've been looking for it in the real-world data for COVID-19 vaccines with emergency use authorization. So far, they haven't seen signs of it. In fact, the opposite is happening, Lowe noted.

    "[W]hat seems to be beyond doubt is that the vaccinated subjects, over and over, show up with no severe coronavirus cases and no hospitalizations. That is the opposite of what you would expect if ADE were happening," he wrote.

    Furthermore, ADE is an acute problem, and it can be very dramatic. If it was an issue with these vaccines, we would have spotted it by now, said Brian Lichty, PhD, an associate professor in pathology and molecular medicine at McMaster University in Toronto.

    "It'll kill you quickly. In all the places I'm aware of ADE happening, it is an acute, mostly cytokine-driven event," he told MedPage Today.

    The one exception may be an inactivated whole-cell, or "killed," vaccine developed by China. That vaccine uses alum, the same adjuvant that was used in the measles and RSV vaccines that caused ADE in the 1960s. The Chinese inactivated whole-cell vaccine could "conceivably" generate ADE like those older vaccines, according to Bloom.

    "I don't think that vaccine is ever going to see the light of day in the U.S., and it may not even be worth mentioning. There have been no actual cases of ADE with the Chinese whole-cell killed vaccine, or if so, it hasn't been reported," he said.

    What About Variants?

    Current COVID-19 vaccines were developed to protect against the original strain of SARS-CoV-2 that became dominant worldwide. As more variants arise, scientists have raised questions about whether one of these could become different enough to cause ADE. So far, that concern seems to be hypothetical, according to Lichty.

    "To date, there's really no evidence of ADE with the COVID-19 vaccines. It's all theoretical," he said. "I think all the evidence so far is that ADE is not turning out to be a problem with any existing vaccines or viral variants."

    One reason could be that SARS-CoV-2 just may not affect macrophages in a way that can produce ADE, although scientists are still working out the details. ADE has been reported after natural infection with other viruses, such as HIVEbola, and coxsackievirus, as well as other coronaviruses like SARS and MERS.

    Throughout the pandemic, scientists have been looking for ADE associated with SARS-CoV-2, but so far they haven't found any cases of it, noted Lichty.

    "This coronavirus may already be sufficiently adapted to humans, so that if it does get into macrophages via a non-neutralizing antibody interaction, it may not allow the macrophage to produce enough cytokine to cause an obvious pathology," he said.

    Newer Vaccines Are Safer

    Despite hesitancy about the relative newness of mRNA and adenoviral vector vaccines, these vaccines, in fact, have better safety profiles in terms of ADE than older types of vaccines, according to Bloom.

    "The bottom line is that not only is the new technology faster to respond to a new viral pandemic, but so much safer and much more clearly scientifically designed," he said. "The S protein vaccines are so much cleaner, so much more carefully defined, and so much lower risk. All you're seeing is one protein from that virus. So the chances for ADE are much slimmer than with any of the older ways for making virus vaccines."

    Last Updated March 18, 2021

    • 等着被打脸吧。新冠体外早就证明有ADE了,体内是没这个技术去证明,只能搞统计。ADE迹象早就存在了,不过没人承认。等统计发现明显ADE,已经无药可救了。 +7
    • 半年前的好文。自从那时起,全世界的业界再也没有提起ADE,所有疫苗都通过了考验。重要的是,该文提到:最容易引起ADE的是灭火疫苗,其次是减活疫苗,而mRNA疫苗最好。 +3
      • 不过是打了疫苗吹口哨壮胆,新冠引起ADE的文章,最近都有不少。 +1
        • “新冠引起ADE的文章,最近都有不少”,请拿出证据。
          • Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Is Mediated by the IgG Receptors FcγRIIA and FcγRIIIA
            • 哈哈,这是一个在实验室里故意做激发ADE的试验,与现实无关。
              • 知道你会这么说。地球上没有人能做人体体内ADE实验,这样可以一直不承认ADE存在
                • 否。与实验无关,ADE在过去的灭活疫苗出现过,而且一旦出现,非常明显清晰。这次没有。
                  • 你连萨斯灭活ADE是体外实验的都不知道?
                    • SARS 算有ADE?我是来学习的
                      • 当然,冠状病毒一个家族都是有ADE的,新冠的亲戚全有ADE
                    • 你理解错了。与实验无关/不谈试验,ADE在过去的灭活疫苗出现过,而且一旦出现,非常明显清晰。这次没有。
                      • 你啥也不懂就乱说
                        • 是你啥也不懂就乱说 ,把这次疫情没有ADE说成有,招摇惑众。
                          • 学政府容易,体内ADE反正只能靠统计,体外的都不算,最后死不承认
                            • 这里不是中国, 政府能控制一切话语权。西方业界一致:疫情以来没有发生ADE。
                              • 是啊,99%住院都是不打疫苗的。以色列在FDA会议上还问美国,你们数据比以色列好30倍,有啥诀窍,为啥还要打booster? +2
    • 好文章,主流科学界对ade的看法。灭活疫苗确有可能,到mRNA就安全多了
      • 灭活反而不容易有ADE。mRNA这样促使病毒定向进化的,抗疫苗变种出来就是严重ADE。灭活没有指向性,反正不容易有抗疫苗变种
        • 你是在平行宇宙吗,说的和现实相反
          • 你是不懂生物?还被政府洗脑了?
            Current ‘progress’ in the vaccine field is largely based on new technologies such as those involved in novel manufacturing processes or in b
            • 两者皆非,属于有一定知识和逻辑能力,能看懂科普文章和一些论文,对政府提供的指引一定要自己找证据不盲从的,你可以允许这样的人存在并且和你意见不一致吗? +1