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Breaking: Lights at Bagram Airbase Turned On - Chinese Military Planes Reportedly Seen Landing at Abandoned US Airbase in Afghanistan #BidenEffect

China military planes reportedly landed at Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan.  This is after Biden abandoned the base in its hasty surrender of the country.   For the first time since Joe Biden and General Milley withdrew all US forces from Bagram Air Base and left the Taliban with billions in US military weapons, the lights…

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  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / Breaking: Lights at Bagram Airbase Turned On - Chinese Military Planes Reportedly Seen Landing at Abandoned US Airbase in Afghanistan #BidenEffect
    China military planes reportedly landed at Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan.  This is after Biden abandoned the base in its hasty surrender of the country.   For the first time since Joe Biden and General Milley withdrew all US forces from Bagram Air Base and left the Taliban with billions in US military weapons, the lights…
    • 习近平死之前就让他玩儿吧
    • 大惊小怪,加拿大军机不是刚从中国接回了2马? +1
      • 您的意思是,一位阿富汗企业高管因为违反中国法律被中国逮捕,然后阿富汗非法扣留了两名中国人当人质,然后中国和阿富汗妥协,派军机接回人质?
        • 想象空间很大 +1